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,Subject: Extreme Priority – Before the sleep Objet: Priorité Extrême – avant que sommeil URL: (ENCODED - different - THE BEST WAY TO UNDERSTAND IF I CHANGE THE FILES WITHIN THE ZIP FILE OR ADD NEW ONES IS TO DOWNLOAD IT EVERY TIME AND COMPARE IT WITH THE PREVIOUS ZIP’S SIZE) Story telling can be a work of art, but it depends on what kind of stories you wish to make people listen. If you give people what they want to hear, you may still be a good story teller but it may not necessarily make you an honest person. My captors love to dictate stories to me on how little there is left and how soon I will be as free as a bird or to put it in another way, how the burden over me will be minimized, but I pay no heed to them because their style often gives the impression of an adult’s way of telling things to send a little one to bed and make him sleep. These are the words, the stories before the sleep we had been accustomed to hearing back in the days we were kids, but we must all admit that they were not very much accurate, such as waking up to a day you would imagine of having breakfast on just the candies or such childish things, whether you would get toys you were fond of thinking of having but have never been had, such things. But reality is something that keeps you vigil, whilst diverting lies whether white, gray or dark would make you get asleep. It’s such a story but not true, especially if there are several contrary developments planned in the background against you and if the idea of letting go by far seems too easy to suggest they have surrendered such easily to my demands. We must take very earnest measures if we, the sensitive people fond of our liberties and the truth want to give the impression that we are really vigil. My case may sooner or later end but if it will be a triumphant ending declaring my liberty in the end, inspiring many others that liberty is worth fighting for. But such incidents may repeat themselves and specifically regarding those that regard some sort of a deity attached to my personality, which to me is not different than those Greek myths or stories of Homer or the saga of Ulysses, which is just a myth kind of a thing as I do and mind my own business and claim my family name of my former life and claim the fallen flag of my family and erect it over a staff to be hoisted in pride again. That’s what I am fighting for, my world for me to be a happy man and with my family and having things and people worth fighting for, because I do not have that igniting power to launch me from zero as I highly seem to be in the path I wish to be. So while they can lose someone in the end, who they will have not lost but will have seen the positive shift of his status, all I will have won is a chance to reunite my family and discover real love and the indispensable, ultimate joy of being a family father, with the warmth of being a figure that could indeed create lives, small heads, small limbs, tiny fingers and all the affection they need, which I think is a mission that has a divine side, and disabling which must be stopped if you really see something higher that I don’t regard in me, because I do not wish to annoy the actual Father, the Creator of us all. In this parallel, it’s right that I hear some words that it may be soon over but these are not very realistic terms, not quite sincere or seriously than a father promising his son who’ll soon drop asleep that he will make it snow tomorrow and he could play with the snowman in the middle of a summer season. Words may consist of terms like sweet or lovely but lies are not and if the so-called compassionate image of the former land is growing to conceal a major strike’s impact against me very soon, I will neither believe them nor sleep resting till the other day. THE FORMER LAND IS AFTER A PLAN OF REAL CRUELTY, SOME SORT OF A VILLAIN ACT NOT QUITE HUMANLY, OR AS HUMANLY AS ANY OF THEIR MISSION DECLARATIONS FOR JUSTIFYING WHY I AM TO BE HELD HERE AND WHAT ALL THESE ARE FOR: VERY SOON, WITHIN COMING DAYS I WILL BE REALLY SENT TO A PRISON CELL AND THIS TIME THEY WILL SHUT ME UP AND I WILL KISS NEIGHBOR’S BEAUTIFUL OLDER GIRL GOODBYE, THE CHANCE TO TASTE OR FEEL LOVE A FAREWELL AND AN HONEST WORKING LIFE AS WELL AS MY DEGREE A SO-LONG, BECAUSE THE FORMER LAND THIS TIME IS AFTER SOMETHING REALLY BIG TO KEEP ME HERE WHICH IS MILITARY SERVICE (WHICH THEY HAVEN’T COMPLETELY ERASED, THEY THOUGHT THEY HAVE BUT NO) AND THERE IS NOTHING BETTER FOR SOMEBODY SUPPOSED TO DENY ALL AND CONSENT ALL THESE THAT THEY WANT AND DEFIANCE WILL CONSIST OF PROOF OF FIDELITY AND THEY WILL MAKE ME BE IN UNIFORM AGAIN, WHERE THERE IS NO LOVE INSIDE THE BARRACKS, NO GIRLS, NO WOMEN OR THE CHANCE TO BE ME WITH THE NAME I WISH TO BE KNOWN AS. THE ENEMY THIS TIME DEPENDS ON SOME ALLEGATIONS THAT SOME GROUPS REGARDED ILLEGAL HAVE HIRED ME AND/OR IF I DO ALL FOR SYMPATHIZING WITH THEM AND DISTRIBUTE ALL THE INFORMATION THAT THEY WANT TO MAKE REACH OUT OF HERE AND THEY WILL PLACE ME UNDER CUSTODY AND WILL OFFER ME A DEAL; TO EITHER SURRENDER TO THE MILITARY OR TO BE IN A PRISON OF A COUNTRY, WHERE PEOPLE CAN BE EASILY SENT TO PRISON FOR HAVING DEBTS TO COMPANIES THAT AREN’T PRIVATIZED, I MEAN WHICH IS A TOTALITARIAN REGIME; WHICH IS SADLY “THE APPENDIX OF A SO-CALLED DEMOCRACY” THAT WE THINK WE WELL KNOW AND WILL THUS CUT OFF THE LINE OF GOOD AND THERE WILL BE AN IMPRESSION OF SOMEBODY THAT SEEMS TO POSE AS IF I AM FREE AND AM MOVING OUT TO SOME DEVELOPED NATION WILL BE THE STORY GIVEN AND A FAKE STORY OF RESCUE WILL BE AIRED TO YOUR INTEREST, THEN WE WILL UNDERSTAND THAT THOSE THAT RECEIVED THESE MESSAGES ARE ACTUALLY SLEEPING , NOT VIGIL WHILE I WILL SUFFER AND THE EVIL THAT THREATENS MY FAMILY WILL CATCH UP WITH ME. THEY ALWAYS WANT TO CLAIM AUTHORITY BASED ON HOW PEOPLE PERCEIVE ME AS IF I AM A LATTER DAY PROPHET PROMISED TO RETURN OR WHAT AND SINCE THEY WANT TO SAY “GOD IS THE NATIONAL OF …” THEN WHY SHOULDN’T GOD HAVE A RIGHT TO DEMAND SOME POWERS ON EARTH SHOULD BE FORCED TO PERISH AND PAVE WAY FOR NEW POLITICAL POWERS? I JUST WANT TO BE ME AND JUST WANT TO LIVE AS WHO I ONCE WAS WITHOUT ANY KINGDOM OFFERS OR SIMILAR, BECAUSE MY CROWN IS MY LIBERTY AND WHO I WISH TO BE AND THE JEWELS OF IT WILL BE MY FAMILY, MY WIFE AND THE POWER TO AFFORD THEM WITHOUT BEING IN FINANCIAL CRISES OR DEBT, WHICH IS WHAT I WANT AND FIGHT FOR WITHOUT THE BABY KILLER ON MY WAY. THIS IS SUCH A STORY FOR TODAY AND IT’S NOT TO GIVE YOU THE COMFORT OF GOING TO SLEEP BUT TO MAKE YOU BE VIGIL BECAUSE I DO NOT WISH TO SUFFER WITHOUT GETTING HEARD. AS THERE ARE DEVELOPED TECHNOLOGIES IN CYBER CAFÉS WHERE EVEN PASSWORD PROTECTED MEANS CAN BE BROKEN INTO AND MAY BE USED AS EVIDENCE TO DECLARE ME AS A TRAITOR, WHICH SHOWS HOW MUCH THEY ARE DISTURBED OF ME AND MY WORDS; AND ACCORDING TO SOME OF YOUR OPINION I WISH TO ASK, ARE THEY ATHEISTS (BTW IT’S NOT MY OPINION BUT THEIRS I MAKE MY DEDUCTION AND ANALOGY AROUND)? The tape for today starts. This was recorded in the last 24 hours with duration of approximately about 4 minutes and one the lines belongs to an office not far from the new courthouse and the other is a foreign company working on minerals: 1: In fact, this seems to fail as long as we introduce it as a one man operation. Each band may have gifted singers that can be a single-man band but if we stress that it’s the job of a whole band of players, then this will be to our advantage? 2: What do you mean? 1: I mean, we need to associate the little mole with other small ballasts that will drown it dead. Such as some marginal groups that can benefit from his views there and if we can reveal that he is funded or supported by them, then the whole thing may be over at a single go. 2: Sure, this may be a great workout. 1: We need to leave some trails to indicate he has links with separatists there so that the revenge of her separation will be taken. 2: This is not something that sounds bad. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!