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Welcome to D_Structive_Influence's Home Page.. You seen it, now get out bitches!


Contact Me

LOL i've never made a web site before... so for fun i guess i'd give it a try LOL... dunno what i'd make my site about though.... LOL guess i'll leave it blank for now.

Pwahaha.. where did those words come from.. didn't know i could be so charming ;-)

Me: who's this, i forgot
SomeOne: hmm
SomeOne: katt
Me: katt...
SomeOne: whos this?
Me: this is don
SomeOne: oh i kno u
Me: yer one of them cuties from alaska arent' u
SomeOne: im from alaska yeah
Me: ya i think i remember your eyes
Me: lol
SomeOne: haha
Me: wha, i'm a sucker for a girl wit pretty brown eyes
SomeOne: oohhh
SomeOne: i dot htink my eyes are that great
Me: LOL they have a sertain charm :-P gotta really know how to look to catch it
SomeOne: aww how sweet

BWAHAHAHA ADIDAS PRODUCTION! ^_~ for the boys.. need AVI codecs..