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Wiccan Rituals

<A NAME="wiccanrituals.html"><H3>Wiccan Rituals</H3></A>


Basic Rituals

Basic Ritual Outline Basic Ritual Preparation Ritual Tools Circlecasting Consecrations Invocations Cakes and Ale


Basic Esbat Ritual New Moon Esbats Full Moon Esbats


Basic Solitary Sabbat Ritual Formula Samhain Yule Imbolic Ostara Beltane Midsummer Lammas Mabon

Rites of Passage Rituals

Wiccaning Self Dedication Ceremony Handfasting Crossing Over

Basic Rituals

Basic Ritual Outline

Basic Ritual Preperation

Ritual Tools

Altar Athame Bell Book of Shadows Broom Candles Cauldron Poppets Staff Wand Witches Bottle


Design Set Up CBE Ritual

Altar Design


Triple Circlecasting Quarter Calls

Triple Circlecasting

"©From Silver RavenWolf's book The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch."

Walking deosil, using index finger of your right hand or either your athame or wand, arms outstretched before you with your finger or tool pointed down. Visualize a bright blue or pure white light emanating from above, the source of all sacred energy, entering the top of your head and circulating throughout your body then going down your arms and out of your tool or finger, creating the circle as you go. The circle is not only around you but also encompasses you like a balloon or egg shell, allowing only light and love from the God and Goddess to enter.

(recite as you walk the first time around the circle)

In this place, this circle round,
I concencrate the sacred ground,
With golden light this space surround,
All power here contained and bound.

(recite on the second pass)
From earth, the things that manifest,
From air, the things of mind,
From fire, the things that motivate,
From water, the souls refined.

(recite on the third pass)
And yet no place or time there be,
Between the worlds, my word and me,
Welcome, Ancient Ones, and see,
This place is sealed, so mote it be!

Continue with the Quarters Call

Quarter Calls

"©From Silver RavenWolf's book The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch."

Note:Some start the Quarters Calls in the East, while some start in the North. This Quarters Call Ritual starts in the North. If you want to start in the East just start with that Quarter Call.

Start each call in the God position (arms crossed with hands near your collarbones, head bowed), visualizing as you say the call a portal opening allowing the energy of each quarter to enter into the quarter. As you finish each quarter call move into the Goddess position (arms extended upward, head facing up).

North Quarter Call

Hail guardians of the North, element of Earth,
And all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name),
Do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.
So mote it be!

East Quarter Call

Hail guardians of the East, element of Air,
And all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name),
Do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.
So mote it be!

South Quarter Call

Hail guardians of the South, element of Fire,
And all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name),
Do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.
So mote it be!

West Quarter Call

Hail guardians of the West, element of Water,
And all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (state your name),
Do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.
So mote it be!




Charge of the Gods and Goddesses

Charge of the God Charge of the Goddess Charge of the Star Goddess

Charges of Specific Gods and Goddesses

Charge of Aradia Charge of Aurora

Planetary Charges

The Sun The Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Invocation of the Planets

The Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

Charge of the God

I am the radiant King of the Heavens, flooding the Earth with warmth and encouraging the hidden seed of creation to burst forth into manifestation.

I lift my shining spear to light the lives of all beings and daily pour forth my golden rays upon the Earth, putting flight to the powers of darkness.

I am the spirit of all the beasts wild and free. I run with the stag and soar as a sacred falcon against the shimmering sky.

The ancient woods and wild places emanate my powers, the birds of the air sing of my sanctity.

I am the harvest, offering up grain and fruit beneath the sickle of time so that all may be nourished. For without planting there can be no harvest, without winter there can be no spring.

I am the thousand named Son of Creation. Know that by all names I am the same.

I am the spirit of the horned stag in the wild, the endless harvest. See in the yearly cycle of festivals my birth, death and rebirth and know that such is the destiny of all creation.

I am the spark of life, the Radiant Sun, the giver of peace and rest. I send my rays of blessings to warm the hearts and strengthen the minds of all.

Back to Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

Charge of the Goddess

From the Grimoire of Lady Sheba

The Charge (Part 1)

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old, called amongst men, Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionhood, Bride, and by many other names.

At mine altar, the youths of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the Moon is Full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the Spirit of Me, who am Queen of all the Witcheries. There shall ye assemble, who are feign to learn all sorceries who have not as yet won my deepest secrets. To these will I teach that which is as yet unknown. And ye shall be free from all slavery and as a sign that ye really free, ye shall sing, feast, and make music, all in my presence. For mine is the ecstacy of the Spirit and mine is also joy on earth. For my Law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideals, strive ever towards them. Let none stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret that opens the door of youth and mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. I am the Gracious Goddess who gives the gift of joy unto the hearts of man upon earth. I give you the knowledge of the Spirit Eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone beforte. Nor do I demand aught or sacrifice, for behold I am the Mother of all things, and my love is poured out upon the earth.

Back to Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

The Charge of the Goddess (Part 2)

The Charge of the Star Goddess

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess. She, in the dust of whose feet are the Hosts of Heaven, whose body encircleth the universe.

I, who am the beauty of the Green Earth and White Moon amongst the stars and the mysteries of the Waters, and the desire of the heart of man; I call unto thy Soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the Soul of Nature who giveth life to the Universe; from Me all things proceed an unto Me all things must return. You, beloved of the Gods and men, whose innermost divine self shall be enfolded in the raptures of the Infinite, let my worship be in the heart. Rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals; therefore, let there be beauty and strength-power and compassion-honor and humility, mirth and reverence-within you. And thou thinkest to seek me, know that thy seeking and yearning avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery-that if that which thou seekest thou findeth not within thyself, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold! I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Back to Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

Charges of Specific Gods and Goddesses

Charge of Aradia

When I shall have departed from this world, whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month when the moon is full, Ye shall assemble in some desert place, or in a forest all together join, to adore the potent Spirit of your Queen, my mother, great Diana. She who fain would learn all sorcery yet has not won it's deepest secrets, then my Mother will teach her, in truth all things as yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and so ye shall be free in everything. And as a sign that ye are truely free, ye shall be naked in your rites, both men and women also.

Back to Specific Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

Charge of Aurora

(It is appropriate to pour a libation [of coffee] for Aurora. Close your eyes and visualize Her actions at Dawn. Then reach out your hand in salutation to the Dawn and say)

I greet Thee, Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn
who brings the newbornday; the stars are gone
and fled before Thy face; both Sleep and Night
are routed by Thy torch, and put to flight.

The flowers are awakened by Thy dew
and turn toward the light, for You renew
their life; so also may Thy dew revive
my soul today with thanks to be alive
You care for all that's fresh and young,
so care for me, to whom Thy dew has clung.
for You remind us that the darkest night
must yield to day and flee before the light.

I pray Thee, shining Dawn, to bring me
abundant wisdom, love and energy
I ask Thee, gracious Goddess, for a wealth
of hope, of time to do, of strength and health.
Especially, this day I ask of Thee:
(fill in request).
So mot it be!

I give my thanks for all this day may bring,
all things embraced by Dawn and Evening

Back to Specific Charges of the Gods and Goddesses

Planetary Invocations

These Planetary Invocations come from Silver Ravenwolf's book The Ultimate Book of Shadows For The New Generation Solitary Witch.

The Invocation of the Sun

The Sun's Attributes: Day: Sunday Basic Energy: Will. Basic Magick: Success. Element: Fire. Color: Yellow or Gold. Rules: Leo. Energy Keywords: Aggressive, authority, confidence, courage, determination, dignity, egocentric, faith, fortitude, individualism, leadership, loyality, optimism, overbearing, poise, power, reliance, stubborn, vitality, willful.

Planetary Incense: Mix equal parts of Cinnamon, angelica, rosemary, sandalwood, and frankincense. Oil: Cinnamon oil.

(State the purpose of your working then say)

O glourious Sun, who lies at the center of our solar system, father of the skies who travels across the vaults of Earth's starry heavens bringing golden light and love, infuse this working with power, generosity, and joy. Ruler of Leo, Exalted in Aries, element of fire, bring to me my desire!

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

The Invocation of the Moon

The Moon's Attributes: Day: Monday Basic Energy: Emotion. Basic Magick: Protection, psychism. Element: Water. Color: White or Blue. Rules: Cancer. Energy Keywords: Creativity, domestic, feeling, flexible, growth, imagination, impressionable, intuition, kindness, magnetism, masculine, maternal, matter, mother, peace, plasticity, protective, psychism, receptive, sensitive, sympathy, visionary.

Planetary Incense: Mix equal parts of Lemon Balm, myrrh, and eucalyptus. Oil: Myrrh Oil.

(state purpose of your working then say)

Moon's bright enchantment, Mother of the Universe, she who rules the tides of the seas of life, who grows from bright to dark, and bright again, yet ever remains the silvery queen of the night, bring to me the powers of Witchery! Great Mother, whose throne glitters in Cancer, who is exalted in Taurus, and ruler of the mighty subconscious waters, give life and love to this working.

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

The Invocation of Mars

Mars Attributes: Day:Tuesday Basic Energy: Action. Basic Magick: War, change. Element: Fire. Color: Red. Rules: Aries, Scorpio. Energy Keywords: Assertive, combative, constructive, courage, defiant, destruction, dynamic, energy, expressive, fearless, force, frank, heroics, impulsive, leadership, passion, self-reliant, spontaneity, violent.

Planetary incense: Mix equal parts of Allspice, basil, hops, and High John the Conqueror. Oil: Allspice oil.

(state the purpose of your working, then say)

Mighty Mars of iron will, ferocious force of action and leader of passion, who empowers the Earth with vitality and courage, who brings change in movement, seed this working with your unending strength and shield my enchantments from prying eyes. Wolven howl of transformation, ruler of Aries, exalted in Capricorn, element of fire, energize this working.

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

The Invocation of Marcury

Mercury's Attributes: Day: Wednesday. Basic Energy: Speed. Basic Magick: Communication. Element: Air. Rulers: Gemini, Virgo. energy Keywords: Action, adaptable, agility, alert, analytical, articulate, aware, brilliant, changeable, critical, dexterous, diffusive, discriminatory, duality, efficent, expressive, indecisive, intelligent, irresponsible, precise, reason, restless, sensory, skeptical, verbose, versatile.

Planetary incense: Mix equal parts of Lavender, marjoram, mint, and clover. Oil Lavender oil.

(state the purpose of your working then say)

Mercury, quicksilver messenger of the gods, he who dances about the Earth carrying wisdom and perception, whose versatility brings positive change and creative thinking, I invoke thee and call upon thee in my hour of need. Permeate this work with celestial speed so that my desire may manifest. Ruler of Virgo and Gemini, exalted in Virgo, elements of air and earth, combine this night in sacred birth!

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

The Invocation of Jupiter

Jupiter's Attributes: Day: Thursday. Basic Energy: Expansion. Basic Magick: Money. Element: Fire. Color: Purple. Rules: Sagittarius, Pices. Energy Keywords: Aspiration, benevolent, charitable, confident, dignity, expansion, extravagant, faithful, generous, growth, gullible, human, humorous, indulgence, kindness, merciful, optimistic, orthodox, philanthropic, poise, pompous, radiance, religious, reverent, understanding.

Planetary incense Mix equal parts of Cinquefoil, clove, hyssop, nutmeg, and sage. Oil Nutmeg oil.

(state the purpose of your working then say)

Massive Jupiter, powerful ruler of gods and men, he who brings loyality, generosity, and faith from the celestial powers, fill this working with your generosity and good fortune and the freedom I need to create the necessary change. Hurl your thunderbolts in a positive way to create an opening so that my magicks may pass to the earthly world. Ruler of Pices and Sagittarius, exalted in Cancer, elements of water and fire, flow and force from the ultimate source!

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

The Invocation of Venus

Venus's Attributes: Day: Friday. Basic Energy: Socialization. Basic Magick: Love, friendships. Element: Air. Color: Green. Rules: Taurus, Libra. Energy Keywords: Affection, art, attractive, beauty, consideration, constructive, cooperation, courtesy, devotion, evasive, feminine, flirtatious, gentle, harmony, impressionable, indifferent, indolent, obstinate, original, refinement, responsive, sociable, vacillate.

Planetary Incense: Mix equal parts of Lilac, rose, valerian, and vetivert. Oil: Lilac Oil.

(state the purpose of your working then say)

Queen of dawn's first blush and evening twilight, she who orchestrates both love and war, whose temples grace the ancient world, whose kisses brought agreement and adoration, to you I now implore-synchronize my work that force and form work in harmony. Ruler of Taurus and Libra, of strength and beauty, exalted in Pices, creatures of earth and air, daughter of the moon and feminine embraces, fill my work with love and care.

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

Invocation of Saturn

Saturn's Attributes: Day: Saturday. Basic Energy: Restriction, authority, crossroads. Basic Magick: Banishing, rewards. Element: Earth. Color: Black or midnight blue. Rules: Capricorn. energy Keywords: Authority, caution, defensive, diplomatic, fearful, humility, justice, law, old, patience, pessimism, respect, responsible, restrain, serious, severe, sincere, stern, thrifty, time.

Planetary Incense: mix equal parts of Comfrey, mullen, patchouly, and Solomon's seal. Oil Patchouli oil.

(state the purpose of your working then say)

Ancient Saturn, of bones and honored dead, he who perseveres and guards the astral gates, who leads the Lords of Karma and crystallizes that which is needed and removes all negative blocks from my path, grant me the authority required over all legions to manifest my will. Ruler of Capricorn, exalted in Libra, element of earth, banish all evil energies that stand in the way of my perfection.

Continue with the Invocation of the Planets

Back to Planetary Charges

Invocation of the Planets

Repeat after each planetary invocation.

Seven planets light the heavens, Seven metals, rule the stars, Seven angels stir the magick, Seven spirits bring the charge, Seven beasts and seven birds, Seven drums beat out the word. Seven chakras, seven days, Seven pillars, seven rays. Blend together into one, Seven powers, force and form. Come to me, the change is born!

Seal by making an equal-armed cross over the spellworking.

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