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Assignment 3

Search Engines

My Search Engine Web Sites

Assignment 3 Home Page
Zoom Free Search Engine
SiteXpert Low-cost Search Engine
Searchmakerpro High-cost Search Engine

Assignment 3 ISYS 300 Assignment 3. Amaechi Jude Odafi The three intranet search engines in my free, moderate, and expensive category are listed here accordingly. Free: Zoom URL: Zoom comes in a free user version, a standard, and a professional version that retails for $49 and $99 respectively. Moderate: Extreem Sitexpert URL: Sitexpert costs $69 for the standard version and $169 for the Profesional version. Expensive: Search Maker Pro URL: This is the most expensive search engine program I could find.It ranges in price from $1200 to $3000 for corporate licenses. Write a Summary or Abstract (about one page long) for each search engine you find. Be sure to include information like functionality, features, and prices of the search engine. You should also provide the URL where you get your information, as well as the URL where the client can download or buy the search engine. ZOOM Free: Zoom URL: Zoom comes in a free user version, a standard, and a professional version that retails for $49 and $99 respectively. The software can be downloaded from the following link. Download Zoom Search engine Index your site using the Zoom Indexer from any desktop Windows computer. Just enter the URL of your site or point it to a local folder to start scanning. Zoom will scan through all the pages of your site, and create a set of index data files for your search engine. Once the data files are generated, you can upload them to your website using Zoom. Alternatively, you can copy them over to a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or local Intranet server. Open up your online search page in your favorite web browser and you will find your new website search engine. Features · You can customize everything from the colors, fonts, and layout of the search page, to the messages that appears for certain searches and results. · You can also fine-tune the indexer to suit your site via a user friendly configuration GUI. No script hacking required. · You can record the searches made on your website into a log file with Zoom. You can then use Zoom to create pie-chart and bar graphs. · All reports generated are comprised of HTML and GIF images, so you can easily put them online, use them in your presentations, or file them away for your own records. Multi-threaded downloading: Dramatically improve the speed of spider mode indexing, by allowing multiple downloads and indexing to occur simultaneously. Reduced memory usage: Allows users to index much larger sites than before, with around 30% less memory used. Sort by date or relevance: Option to sort search results by date and show file dates. Spelling suggestions: Provide users with spelling suggestions or a similar word which is more popular, when few results are found. Built-in FTP uploading: Zoom can now upload the search files after indexing, directly to your web server. No need for an external FTP client, and can be configured to automatically upload after every index. Zoom is also available as a Dreamweaver Extension, to provide better integration for Macromedia Dreamweaver users. Zoom also works well with FrontPage, NetObjects Fusion, and any other web authoring applications. SITEXPERT Moderate: Extreem Sitexpert URL: Sitexpert costs $69 for the standard version and $169 for the Professional version. Sitexpert professional edition can be downloaded from the following link. Download sitexpert With SiteXpert, without any HTML / JavaScript knowledge, you can quickly create a variety of cross-browser navigation systems without having to worry about compatibility between browsers. You can also create a search engine (hosted by your own web server or for CDROM distribution). The program will automatically crawl through your web site or local disk in search for documents. SiteXpert comes with 10 navigation system types and over 90 graphical schemes. SiteXpert will build a static or dynamic site map which you can use in a frame-based or frameless configuration. It has 11 built-in site map / site index types and over 90 schemes. Sitemaps created with this software can have tens of thousands of elements thanks to a unique 'huge sitemap structure optimization' feature. The site map can automatically synchronize itself with the currently displayed document. The crawler will automatically import the structure from an existing web site (XML and directory/file scan is also available) so no manual data entry is required. Cross-browser compatibility. Features Portal Interface - creates a Yahoo-like portal interface. Highly customizable search engine generator which will automatically index your web site and create a search engine for your web server, intranet or offline search (e.g. CD-ROM distributions) ensuring security, flexibility and superb transfer and execution time. Search engine can index PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents as well as all other web pages (including dynamic pages such as ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, etc.) Fully customizable layout and graphical appearance Link validation - invalid links (as well as the referring URLs) are reported at the end of scanning process. Scheme files allow building reusable cool designs with one click Highly optimized and compressed JavaScript code ensures fast download times for your DHTML menus or site maps. Only the features actually used by the DHTML menu / site map are included in the JavaScript code. Automatic and customizable building of sitemap layout based on file/directory structure or navigational structure Automatic uploading of output site map files to an FTP server Automatic generation - you can set up SiteXpert to scan a web site, create an output object (e.g. site map, menu or search engine) and upload output files automatically, without any user input. This can be done every night or even every 5 minutes to reflect the changes in your website SEARCH MAKER PRO Expensive: Search Maker Pro URL: This is the most expensive search engine program I could find. It ranges in price from $1200 to $3000 for corporate licenses. The software can be downloaded from this link. Download searchmaker pro Search Maker Pro will create a single html file that is a fully functional search engine for your website or CD/DVD. Simply place this file on your site to provide full search facilities for your visitors. Features and Benefits: Here are some of the features of the search maker Pro. Easy to Setup and Use · Can create a working search engine in under a minute! · No server software, server installation or server cgi access required. · No programming required. · User friendly wizard based interface. · The easiest-to-use search engine software for creating a site search script! Easy to Customize · Huge choice of options to make the search engine fit your website. · Search result page formatting is fully configurable. · Stylesheet and template support. · Boolean and wildcard search provisions. · Build the search engine that you want! Browser Compatibility · Indexes many file types including Acrobat (pdf), Word (doc, rtf), Excel (xls) and PowerPoint (ppt), all HTML and Text. · Generated search engine will work on ANY website, webserver or platform (Microsoft, Unix, Macintosh, Linux, IIS, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Apache). · Indexes sites on the Internet or on local storage (CD\DVD) · Generated search engine is compatible with all common browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla). · No Java or ActiveX required, only browser standard JavaScript. · Make a search engine that fully integrates with your site! Powerful · Create a local offline search engine for CD and DVD publishing, with no distribution fees. · Save and load search configurations for easy maintenance of search pages. · Full control over manipulation of indexes including stop and duplicate word support · Automate the update of indexes using command line options. · Generated search engine is fully translatable. · Indexes tags and Dublin Core metadata! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!