Yume and C.K.'s "WAV Archive"
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Yume and C.K.'s WAV Archive

Image courtesy of Hanho.com

~November 24, 2004 ****NEW WEEKLY DIGIMON MP3 REQUEST ADDITION!!!**** Exciting, isn't it? ^^ Each week, I'll post as many Digimon ".cda"s from my collection as I can but only for a week. You decide what goes up, so if you're looking for something, then please e-mail me. I don't have a list of all of my songs yet, but I have most of the japanese digimon songs. ~TEST~

~Sept 2, 2004~ It's been a long time since an update, but here are four new sounds!

Welcome to our new site!! This is our WAV Archive of hilarious sounds brought to you by a microphone similar to that shown above! If we do not have enough space for everything (highly likely) we will have weekly/monthly posts. That is all for now. Thank you. Oh, yeah. This is also a Digimon site.

5.6.4 "1800 Obi" posted!!!

01.31.04 "Retard Song" posted!!!

01.27.04 I, C.K., added my comment on our first sound.

Title Date Posted Expiration Date
Let's Gotsumon, Pumpmon~Gotsumon to Pumpmon no Theme~ November 24, 2004 December 1, 2004
Title Filename Size (kb) Speed Orientation Description/Dialougue Featured Characters Yume's Comment C.K.'s Comment
"Kill Me" killme.wav 818 kb High Backwards If you listen closely, it sounds like Yume is saying "Kiiiil me!" Yume That's creepy. ?_? Strange...
"Retard Song" retard_song.wav 334 kb Low Normal A song that sounds like somebody braindead sang, with a growl at the end. We can't remember. It reminds me of SpongeBob and his "Walking on the beach doo!doo!doo!doo!" song. The growl at the end is funny!
"1800 Kenobi" 1800_kenobi.wav 641 kb Low Normal "Do you or anyone you know have an ooooobi wan kenobi?...If so, then call 1-800-ooooobi wan kenobiiiii!!....kenobi." Rogue Sounds like a hyper child with a low voice!
"cats" cats.wav 45581 bytes Low and High Normal "MEOOOOOWWW!!!(Rogue) growwww!(Yume)" Yume/Rogue I was the Chewbacca sound. Rogue was impersonating Collin Mochrie.
"hi daddy" hi_daddy.wav 88797 bytes Low Normal "Hiiiiii, Daddyyyyyyyy!" Yume Inspired by an old horror movie. :)
"Wasn't Me!" wasn_t_me.wav 202576 bytes Low Normal Eeeee!!! Wasn't me wasn't me wasn't me!!!(Yume) Wasn't me wasn't me wasn't me!...wasn't me!!!."(Rogue) Yume/Rogue Sounds like Bill Cosby!
"Flaydramon EVO" flaydramon.wav 530226 bytes Normal Normal "Buimon amaa shinka!!...Moeagaru yuuki: Fureidoramon!!" V-mon/Flaydramon I made this. It's Flaydramon's evolution Digimon Tamers style.

Questions? Comments? Submissions? E-MAIL US!!!

Yume: yume_silver_lugia@hotmail.com

C.K.: x_shojo_trickster_x@hotmail.com

people have stumbled upon this natural wonder as of January 19, 2004

© 2004 Yume and C.K