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About Jacquie

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Hi, I'm Jacqueline Scott... The creator of this website and the yet to be made movie Crouching Jacquie Hidden Homework. I am the director slash producer slash creator... of CJHH. To see how I came up with the idea... visit Explanation... I have started to make the book but I haven't really done anything filming-wise for the movie. I have come up with a few scenes but I have yet to make any sort of extensive plot... So... In the mean time I will be making this webpage... simply because I love to work on computers.
I wonder if I ever will make that movie???

To be updated...

.... that's how many days I have to wait for my birthday...


This was taken the day of my testing for my first set of stripes on my yellow belt. A few things have changed since this picture was taken. I am seventeen... I am a first degree purple belt (with one stripe)... I've let my hair grow out, and I cut it again.. It's a bit past my shoulders and it's choppy and layered... I moved the part in my hair over to the right... I use contact lenses sometimes... and I haven't had braces for... I don't even know how long now.

I take karate three times a week. I believe that I am pretty good at it. It appears that I will be staying in the area longer than I first expected.. I believe I will be going to Bay college for 1 or two years to make sure that I have chosen the right career path.. At this point in time I am going to go into the Digital Entertainment and Game Design.. I can see myself doing such a career.

Karate is the only sport related thing that I participate in. I do not participate in any clubs or oginizations at my school.. But I think, maybe I might go drama this year... it looks like fun. In my free time I love to do sports for fun such as swimming, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, and biking. Now-a-days I like to spend my time wallowing around on the computer and checking out Livejournal.. I rarely visit Angelfire anymore.. but I do still love HTML.. I hope to improve this website... I think I'll start to make some plans for it... another overhaul.. I really like the way that I'm skilled at working with computers and such. I love to work on the computer. If ever you need help on making a website of your own... I am always here and willing... Depending on who you are... MuHuHahahahaaaahhhhh.... yeah but anyway... I don't do much other than go on the computer.... LJ,... make this site....

I also really like to use messenger such as Yahoo or MSN. I use computers alot lately. Anyway, I have my problems. I suffer from Major Depression and I take 2 20 mg prozac pills a day. I have a lot of trouble trying to start homework. The actual work is not hard... It's just starting it. I mean... If I could just do it... I would be able to get it done.... But with depression I really have trouble focusing. Last year I had sleeping difficulties. By that I mean that I had trouble falling asleep and I didn't get enough sleep. I was always tired. Being tired all the time really screws with my concentration also cause when I want to try to start homework, I just end up falling asleep. Yeah.... I'll update this later...

Lego Session

I collect Legos... and so oftentimes on X-mas I get Legos... and, of course, I have to put them together right away... I have a collection of over 150 sets of Legos... I collect Star Wars sets... and in this picture that's the kind of set that I'm making... I also like to collect the Bionicle series... I really love those cool dudes... they really are awesome... or at least I think so... :)... so... yep... I collect lots of stuff... Other things I collect... pennies... the oldest penny that I have is from 1946 I believe... I'll have to check on that... but... yep... I collect stickers... I have alot of them... Mostly from New York... And since I tend to collect many things... They all tend to pile up in my room... Making it difficult, sometimes, to locate even the largest object. Things can get easily lost in my room :)... (which reminds me.. I should clean it again...) I should take a picture...
I would also have to say that I am a picture freak... I really like to take pictures... It's fun... I really love taking pictures of clouds... I dunno they just fascinate me... I will update this again when I get a good picture...

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