For whoever happened to screw up and stumble upon this site, I'm writing a book. Don't laugh.

Hope Richardson stared lazily out of the wide window that adorned her bedroom wall. She was unusually bored, forlorn. Every other child her age was at school, but she was different. A genious and had already graduated college. With a bored sigh she fiddled with her wavy blonde hair before tearing her blue-eyed gaze from the lake that was setted next to her backyard and trotted downstairs where she found her mother making an artery-clogging fried breakfast. "Good morning sweetie!" exclaimed the chipper woman as she fipped over sizzling saucages. Hope sighed. "I really need something new to do," she replied, grabbing some bacon that was sitting on a plate, "An adventure." Her mother, a short blonde-haired woman, sighed. It was hard raising someone of such high intelligence. Her other daughter, Maura, was a regular snobbish second grader. "I know how you feel," she replied, trying to relate. "I'm cooped up in this house too. Hope found this responce unfulfilling. She was wondering about what to do. Suddenly an idea popped into her busy brain. "The lake," she told her mother, "Shadow Island! I could travel there!" Shadow Island was a lonely island in the lake in Hope's yard. It was a mysterious landform; brave people who dared to adventure there would never return, at least that was what was said. Some people thought that there was a lake monster that was protecting the island for some unknown reason. Others thought that the island had a curse layed on it that made humanoid beings unable to leave it. And the psychotic few thought that the island was really a portal to a firey underworld riddled with demons and other creatures of exteme evil. Most people just didn't care. Hope's mother thought for a second. Her cherished baby going out alone? She had to raise her and Maura alone; her husband had died in a car crash two years ago, and the family hadn't recovered. Losing Hope would be like losing her best friend. But she hated to see her daughter sulking around the house all day. "All right, you can go. But bring a cell phone and other things and promise me you'll return!" her soft green eyes gazed to Hope as she accepted her daughter's adventure. Hope blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected her mother's consent. "Okay," she replied, nodding and walking out of the kitchen, heading for the stairs. Hope grabbed a suitcase and started to stuff random clothing items and other required whatnot into it, her heart beating fast. An adventure! This would be fun! She ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed one of the two solar-charged cell phones on the table. It was her father's. She quickly hugged her mother, assuring her that she would be alright, and walked out the door. With one last glimpse of her mother she found that crystal tears were leaking from her eyes. Hope made her way to the back door to the lapping waters of the sapphire blue lake. Behind an ancient maple tree lay a makeshift wooden canoe and two cheap plasic oars. Hope and her father had made it before the accident. Since then she hadn't touched it or even thought about it. Now she dragged it to the water's surface, threw her case in, and jumped in herself, graspint the oars. Wood hit water, and so did plastic as Hope started to powerfully stroke the liquid's surface. It was hard work, but Hope had free time to excersize in the past. As a misty figure appeared jutting out of the water Hope's heaart jumped. The island! It was surrounded with a mysterious but beautifully powerful aura, and Hope was approaching with speed. Finally she could see the shore, created of dirt and fine pebbles. Hope's unstable canoe hit the shore, and Hope looked around with splendid awe. She stepped out of the boat with her small amount of luggage and hauled her canoe on shore before she observed her surroundings. Through a thin gray layer of film she could barely make out the lanky figures of ancient trees. Automatically she reached into her pocket and took out her cell phone and called her worried mother. "I'm here," she confired, a smug smirk settling upon her delicate facial features. "Okay honey, be careful!" responded her mother. Hope chatted a bit more before hanging up the phone and continuing in the direction of the grouping of trees, yet a strange wondering of what had happened to the others that had travelled her plauged her brlliant mind. After a brief moment of brisky pacing Hope entered the tree cluster, which seemed inside to be bigger than the island itself. Hope gazed up to the thick canopy, which was glittering like emeralds with dew that the mist had brought. She continued walking on the plush moss that carpeted the floor along with scrub and ancient ferns that set scene as almost prehistoric in look and feel. As Hope continued through the forest, it seemed like she was walking twice the length of what the island was. As she proceeded new, strange foliage. The chirping of birds that were unknown to humandkind suddenly became distinct. As the adventurer gradually got tired she settled down upon a nearby lichen-covered boulder. She found beside her a low-hanging branch covered in a peculiar green fruit. Feeling brave, she picked one off and nibbled at it. She delighted in the succulent sweet taste and pungent spicy odor. But her joy was inturrupted when a twig broke nearby. Accutomed to the silence of a deserted forest, Hope's heart jumped, and she rotated her head to see what was there. Suddenly twigs were snapping in the same direction. Hope uttered a terrified moan and arose. She turned her attetion to where the noise was coming from and could make out a figure coming right towards her at a brisk pace. Hope was terrified, her gut emitting a terrible feel. She backed up against a tree. Then suddenly she thought about how foolish she was acting. Why would she be so terrified over something she didn't even recongnize? Yet the same terrible feeling continued. The figure emerged from the shadows to appear to Hope. As it showed itself Hope was not as terrified but more curious. It was a bird a bit larger than hope, it's feathers shinging beauiful glossy hues of red, orange, ang gold that danced like powerful flames every time the creature moved. It gazed at Hope with brilliant star-hued orbs intelligently. Hope was taken aback, but nothing would prepare her for what it would do next. The bird touched her mind. -Greetings,- it communticated by telepathy in a young tenor voice, sending the words into Hopes mind. "Uh..." Hope was startled. Maybe the fruit had caused a sort of hallutionation. "Is this happening?" The feathered animal sqacked in the form of a chuckle, throwing back his massive head. -Oh yes, this is. Welcome Outsider. You have entered what the Outsiders call Shadow Island and what is to the Insiders call Nuravia, one of the five hidden countries. May I ask of you dubbing?- Hope cocked her head despite of herself. A hidden country? This was strange. She tried to reach the bird's mind. She succeeded. -I am Hope Richardson, and I live outside of this island. I am hoping to explore How can it be so big?- The bird whisked his magnificent tail plume much like a dog would do. -Oh, we use a force to make it look like an island. But I'm sure you wouldn't understand. By the way, I'm Flame Dance, it's a pleasure. There have been many Outsiders before you, you know. Hope nodded and spoke with her mouth. "I indeed don't understand. And what had happened to the other Outsiders?" she used -They weren't allowed to leave; if your world knew they would settle here and destroy our world, just as you have done to your own.- Hope considered this. The planet was failing; polution and other things were soon to destroy the planet. "You have a point, but I have and need my family." she had a cell phone to call, but she would actually like to return home. -Tough,- replied Flame Dance -You can't leave. Just mindspeak to them.- he smirked. -Without proof they won't believe that there's something more than an island here. It'll be fine. You can come with me, and I'll show you around. You can join the human Insiders' village or another intelligent being's home.- Hope raised a brow. -But what will keep me here when I have a canoe on the shore?- -The same force that keeps the republic hidden.- his smirk faded. -Look, I'm really sorry. You are taking it well. If you want I'll show you around, and you can join an human Insiders' village or live with another group of intelligent beings.- Hope sighed, but she was unusually surprised. Intelligent beings? More humans? "Okay, show me around, and I'll join." Flame Dance nodded. -Follow me.- he started to waddle at a quick pace deeper into the woodland. Hope followed, hoping that this wouldn't take long. She was already exhausted and surprised from the events past. Flame led her for a while, pausing in sunlight-laden clearings to rest. Finally Hope heard signs of humans, talking amoungst themselves. Closer and closer got the bird and human spotted a village, enshrouded by forest, filled with humans. Hope felt like she had walked into a time warp. Wooden carts, goods, straw, and chicken-like scaled creatures scattered the ground on the side of an ancient stone pathway. A large open gate of iron marked the enterance way into the village, rows of stone houses and shops. Near the outskirts were farms. Traders of a different species or village had set up roadside stands, and neighbors were gossiping in their lawns or on the streets. An occasional cart being pulled by a team of horses or one giant armadillo-like creature passed through the weaving of streets. Hope took a closer look at the people and found that they had pure white hair, usually with blue or red tips. At many times a bird of some sort was perched upon their shoulder or hovering near or above them. As Hope and Flame Dance trotted through the gate Hope could feel everyone's eyes on her. Some of the observers raised a hand in greeting to Flame Dance, but nothing was offered to the nervous Outsider. -You should rest tonight, it's going to be a long day tomorrow!- The giant feathered creature led her to a large stone building with a sign hanging on a post that held runes unreadable to Hope. Flame Dance bekoned for Hope to open the door. She let the bird and herself in and recognized that it was a tavern. Flame dance walked over to a desk settled near the wall, a middle-aged white-haired man seated in it. The man nodded at something Flame must have mindspoken and averted his gaze to Hope. He placed a key on the desk which the bird took in his beak. He bekoned Hope to follow him. He walked up the stairs, Hope following, and walked a bit before entering an open room. It was empety except for a bed and a drawer. Flame clapped his beak in somewhat of a yawn. -Goodbye, I'll be back in the morning with some female Insider clothes.- with a wave of a wing he left. Hope closed the door and walked over to the bed, seating herself upon it. It was comfortable, and the day was turning to night. Hope yawned, and with a sigh she settled down upon the bed and fell asleep. Hope woke up to find that someone was pounding at her door. -Let me in!- demanded the voice that was obviously Flame Dance's. Hope grogally got out of bed and stumbled to the door, opening it. Flame was outside, a pile of clothes and a hair brush in his outstreatched wings. -Now you will almost fit in,- informed the giant bird as he shut the door to give Hope privacy. Hope quickly got dressed and brushed her hair. The apparel she was wearing was a lot different than what she had on before; a flowing light blue dress adorned with beads of white. Hope sighed. Who would wear this? Obviously the ones who lived here. Hope walked over to where the bag she had carried was and took out the cell phone. She dialed for her mother, who was probably worried. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna stay here for a while. There's a lot of interesting flora around here." "Okay, honey, be careful, and call me every day! What did you find, anyway?" "Oh, just some plants that I've never seen before, and some strange birds. I'm going to study them, but I'll be back eventually." Hope felt bad lying, but who could believe that she was in a secret world? "Okay, honey, I'm going to work now, so I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Hope's mom hung up and got ready to go to the hospital that she worked in. Hope smiled to herself and placed the phone back into the bag and slung it around her shoulder before proceeding to the door and opening it. Flame Dance was there, a grin appearing on where his beak met flesh. -Now you're ready to go on your tour, and I have a human that'll take you around.- A human? Hope was barely ready to face one. What would he or she think of her? Flame Dance nodded to himself as if understanding Hope's troubling thoughts. -Don't worry, the Insiders are more curious than upset about you.- he walked out into the hallway, Hope tagging along. Together they walked out of the tavern, and Flame pointed northward. -His home is over here.- he started wobbling as fast as he coul, impatient to get there. Hope started running, too, and soon they were locked in a race. Being a bird meant for flying, Flame Dance was losing, so he took flight and sped through the air, leaving Hope in the dust. Then he halted at a large stone house that looked indifferent from the others. -Cheater!- Hope screamed with humor through the creature's head as she reached the ancient building. Flame pounded on the door with a large wing. In responce a pudgy middle-aged woman answered. "You want Rya?" she asked glaring at Hope through light pink eyes. -Yes, we are,- replied Flame Dance, glaring at the woman. As she glared at the poor Outsider. -Get him.- "Rya!" called the woman. The pounding of feet down a set of stairs could be heard. Next to the woman in the doorway appeared a boy about the age of Hope, maybe fifteen or sixteen. His hair was tipped with a ghostly blue, and his eyes were deep pools of the same color. He gazed to Hope, a wonderous expression upon his face. Blonde hair, what a strage looking human! He tore his expression and bowed deeply. "Greetings, Outsider, I'm Rya. I'll be guiding you." Flame nodded. -I'm leaving, you need to become aquainted with those of your own species.- Hope nodded and watched as Flame Dance seemed to speak something to Rya. Rya nodded too, and with a grin Flame took off, leaving Rya, Hope, and the woman who answered the door, Rya's mother, alone. Rya's mother closed the door, subtraction one person from the group of three. "Okay then..." started Rya without finishing. This was akward, talking to someone from a whole different world. "Where will you take me?" asked Hope, rocking back and forth on her heels. She felt the same, tis was embarrassing." "Today to the neighboring wolf pack," he replied, "I don't know if you know what a wolf is..." "Of course I do," replied Hope, a smirk twisting her features. "Okay," replied Rya simply in an adolescent's tenor, "follow me." he started to walk onto the street, Hope tagging along once again. Along they walked. Hope became aware once again of all those eyes pressing upon her. She shivered but looked forward, sometimes glancing to Rya, who was walking beside her. "Does your world have nariakis?" Rya asked, gazing up to a pidgeon flying overhead. "No, what's a nariaki?" asked Hope, head cocking to once side as a dogs did. "One day each year each intelligent species bonds with another intelligent species-the bird. You protect each other, for evil things lurk in the shadows around here. Actually, the bonding day is coming soon. In about four days or so. Maybe you should go and find your bond." Rya offered a charming smile to Hope, and Hope gave one back of her own. A bond? Hope wondered if Flame Dance was bonded to a creature of some sort. At last Hope and Rya approached the Eastern Gate, the largest one in the village city. Wagons and people were travling in and out through the gate, and a few menacing-looking guards stood, watching the gate. As Hope and Rya walked through they said nothing but stared as many others did. Hope ignored them as she passed through and fell behind, as she didn't know where to go. Rya bekoned to the road, and he started walking on the side, waving occasionally to some of the stream of wagons that poured down the road. "It's not a long walk," informed Rya, "and I think you'll like this species. They're more open to change." By change Hope assumed that they were more accepting of the occasional Outsider that managed to find the hidden republic. Finally, as Hope had heard human voices before, she heard barking, growling, and other beasts' noises. Hope figured that the creatures would use telepathy to communicate as did Flame Dance. As they walked, though Hope's legs were sore, a jolt of excitement entered her. This would be interesting! Rya, as if he was invincible to tiredness, kept at a brik pace that Hope found hard to follow. Yet, finally, they reached a big stone wall that they could pass through from an ancient stone gate. Standing guard were two huge black wolves, each with cold eyes that seemed to follow you everywhere. -Password- One of them, obviously female, mindspoke to no one in particular. -Festive,- replied Rya, his ghostly blue orbs rolling. -Correct,- replied the other wolf in a male voice cooler than winter night air. They stepped aside so that Rya and Hope could contnue to the other side. Rya opened the gate, and they walked through. Hope's eyes popped in amazement at what she saw. A lush medow filled with wolves was the sight. In the middle was a huge boulder, and around that were ten collosal caves, each with a few wolves basking and chatting in their native tounge around it. On top of the boulder was one wolfess, her large head held high with dominence. Her fur was of the purest ebon' hue, and golden earring heavily adorned Rya approached the boulder. -Hello,- he greeted in mindspeak, -I am taking an outsider around.- a ghost of a smile flickered upon his face. -Her name is Hope.- A wolfen grin appeared upon the female's face. -Ah, welcome, Hope, I am Dragonclaw, alphena of the Red River pack.- -Thank you, Dragonclaw.- Hope bowed deeply to her with respect. She didn't know what else to do; she felt nervous to be in the presence of what seemed to be a very powerul being, judging by her dominant aura and stance. -I will give you a tour, if you want, but, unfortuantely, with the weak speed and endurance a human has, I won't be able to show you the whole terrain today.- a smirk appeared upon the vixen's sleder muzzle as she jumped down from the rock and landed in front of the two humans. -As you can tell, wolves are boastful creatures,- mindspoke Rya with somewhat of a humor. Hope giggled, and Dragonclaw swiviveled over her massive crown to glare at them with deep pools of orange. -Lets go,- she demanded in a cold tone, then started to walk around the boulder. Saying nothing, Hope and Rya started to follow her. Soon enough a large, fierce-looking owl of dark tawny hue circled overhead before landing upon Dragonclaw's shoulder. It waaasn't any species Hope could recognize with a flat head and unusualy long tail feathers. It was larger than the largest know owl, too. It bowed quickly before holding its head up high snubly. Hope had figured before that all the intelligent species had a nariaki; Rya had told her that. It seemed strange that a wolf would get one though, in a pack they seemed to have enough protection. Hope shrugged off the thought and continued, walking at a slower pace than Rya. After all, she exhausted from the walk to the pack.
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