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Everyday you learn a move, you will receive 5% of your intelligence as extra points.
Wooden Staff: Can only be used 1 time per battle, you must learn the following abilities to use these staffs more.
Metal Staff/Namekian Iron Staff: Can only be used 2 times per battle, you must learn the following abilities to use these staffs more. If used 2 times in a row, these weapons will break.
Three Section Staff/Staff of the Kais: Can only be used 3 times per battle, you must learn the following abilities to use these staffs more. If used 3 times in a row, these weapons will break.
Takes 3 days to learn beginner - 5% of Intelligence as points. Once you've learned this you can use your basic staff whack twice whatever the amount is for the staffs listed above.
Minimum intelligence of 2,500
3 day learning process
A Staff
1,500 Strength
To have learned beginner
Thrust: A thrust to the gut with a staff.
Damage:Staff+25% of user's strength
Tip jab: Jab the tip of the staff into your foe.
Damage:Staff+25% of user's strength
Leg sweep:Sweep out the legs of your opponent.
Damage:Staff+25% of user's strength
Whirl:You spin your staff so fast in front of you, you deflect one attack.
Will only work on Low level attacks.
Wack: Wack your opponent on the side of the head.
Damage:Staff+30% of user's strength.
Takes 5 days to learn intermediate - 10% of Intelligence as points
Minimum intelligence of 5,000
3 day learning process
6,000 Strength
Completion of Beginner Staff Training
To have learned intermediate
Jumping Smash (S): The user jumps into the air and comes down swinging the staff at the opponent.
Damage:Staff+50% of user's strength
Thunder Ball(E): Shoot out a ball of thunder from the top of your staff.
Damage:Staff+45% of user's energy
Fire Ball(E): Shoot out a ball of fire from the top of your staff.
Damage:Staff+45% of user's energy
Water Ball(E): Shoot out a ball of water from the top of your staff.
Damage:Sword+45% of user's energy.
Takes 7 days to learn expert - 15% of Intelligence as points
Minimum intelligence of 15,000
7 day learning process
20,000 Strength
Completion of Beginner-Expert Staff Training
Hellfire wall: Thaps opponet in a pillar of fire. Making him unable to attack/counter/doge/ or block untill hit.(can only be used once ever other battle)
No Damage
Poison spell:Poison your foe for the next 4 turns.
Damage:10% of remaining vit lost for the next 4 turns.
Hellfire Blast(E): You shoot your opponet with a giant blast of fire.(Only will work if they are traped in hellfire wall)
Damage:Staff+125% of user's energy
Demon summon(E): Summons a deamon to fight your foe. (Neutral /Negetive sprit)
Damage:Staff+150% user's energy
Angel Call (E): An angel comes down to smite your foe(Neutral /Positive sprit)
Damage:Staff+150% user's energy
Supreme Flash(E): The user releases a great amount of ki into his staff, giving the next blow an incredible impact.
Damage:Sword+150% of user's energy