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Triskele's Dream

Dedicated to those in the process of awakening to who they are



This site is also in the process of awakening to who and what it will be.  As Spirit unfolds the design, it will continue to grow and expand.  You are invited to expand along with us as we seek to raise the vibration of the planet through tolerance, love, peace and acceptance...
one person at a time.


"We are the ones we have been waiting for." ~ Hopi teaching

Meditation for Peace

I belong to a group of spiritually minded women who have decided that the way to bring peace to the world is to begin by being peaceful within ourselves.  We start each weekly meeting with a meditation.  This is one that I adapted for the group...

Make sure your feet are firmly touching the ground…you may wish to remove your shoes if that feels comfortable.  Now begin with a deep breath, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth.  Do this twice more, letting your body relax with each breath.  Take a moment to check for any tension in your body and release it.  Your feet should be relaxed…your ankles…your knees…your thighs…your pelvis…your stomach….your throat….your jaw…your eyes…your scalp.


Now from your feet, send roots deep into the earth to connect with the energy of Gaia.  Feel the energy coming up through your roots and into your feet.  Feel it glide up your calves, into your knees and thighs…through your root chakra, your sexual chakra, your solar plexus chakra and finally into your heart center.  Feel it pulsing gently at your heart and leave the energy there for a moment.


Now go to your crown and imagine the top of your head opening up.  Imagine the energy, love and presence of the divine streaming down into your crown.  Bring it further down into your third eye, letting the energy open your awareness.  Let this energy move into your throat chakra, giving you permission to speak your truth.  And finally, bring the energy into your heart center to mix and mingle with the earth energy.  Feel the wonderful presence from both the earth and sky merge and swirl and combine in your heart center, bringing you a sense of love, compassion, serenity and peace.  Feel it glow and pulse gently, healing anything that needs to be healed in this moment.


During this last week as we focused on peace, think of a time when you weren’t as peaceful as you wish you had been.  Take a moment to replay the incident in your mind but imagine yourself being proactive in that instant…choosing peace instead of being reactive to the situation.  Now replace any negative emotions felt with the peaceful feeling that is pulsing from the earth and sky energy merged in your heart center.  Say to yourself, “for my benefit and for the benefit of all sentient beings, I am at peace.  I know the joy of my own true nature which is love and compassion”. 


As this feeling of serenity and peace vibrates in your heart center, consciously extend this energy out to someone in your life who you either care for or who you need to release your anger towards..  In your heart say to them, “may you be happy and at peace just as I am happy and at peace.  May you know the joy of your own true nature which is love and compassion”.  Reach out to anyone else you know who needs peace at this moment and extend the energy pulsing in your heart center out to them, with this same wish….may you be happy and at peace, just as I am happy and at peace….(repeat)


Now let the feelings of peace, love and compassion emanating from your heart envelope you and expand even further outward.  Feel it merge with the energy of each person gathered here and watch it grow in strength and vibrancy.  Can you feel it pulsing gently …like the gentle waves on a peaceful pond when a rock is dropped onto the service.  It goes out in rings from our center until it reaches to the world around us…and all beings everywhere.  Say, “May all beings be at peace just as I am at peace.  May all beings everywhere know happiness just as I am happy.  And may they know the joy of their own true nature which is love and compassion.” 


Quietly, gently, pull your awareness back in to the center of your own being.  Take one more moment to feel the peace and love vibrating there.  This will stay with you throughout the week and you will be able to call upon this energy whenever you need it. 


Become aware of your breathing…gently move your fingers and toes….open your eyes….welcome back…Namaste.



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