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Those of you who have entered will be forever touched by the Dragon...

My Minions are Everywhere...

Beware My Horde!!!
Within this site you will learn much of our heritage that was never before revealed. Our ways, beliefs, powers and loves so that there will be an understanding between us. It is in this way that you will not step the wrong way.

We have been around for aeons longer than you could possibly imagine. Our first and foremost love is that of our territories and our freedom therein. We will move to protect it at all costs.

While our views differ to a broad degree our sensory perceptions are much the same. Therefore, we will be attached to the same things. Just know that our bounty comes first. After that, anything that remains will be abandoned for you to piddle over amongst your kind. Our treasures are secured by way of the markings we leave on them.

If you so dare, there are a series of tests you can avail yourself to. If you endure you will gain much respect and may even be the fortunate recipient of our kindness one day.

The 9 Types Of Chinese Dragons

Other Realms...

