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Description of Wolfhelm

On the continent of Anaria, there was a land with no King. Dukes and duchess have shared the continent of Wolfhelm and each rule upon their little piece of land. Since the King Ulrich passed away, the people of Wolfhelm did not yet chosen the next ruler. The priests are waiting and hoping that the prophecy will soon come to be. A chosen one is to arrive through a mystical myst. Lanidril from Parandar's land of immortal has been chosen to protect this soon to be king.

Upon learning that the Dark Shadow was beginning to awake , the people of Wolfhelm hoped for that savior, a king that would rule over the land of Wolfhelm. Chosen for his special gifts, endowed with mystical powers and his bond to the light, the chosen one, Rodreck of Avalon, would become the new King of Wolfhelm.

The goddess of light, an immortal, is the protector of the land and is bound to the king of Wolfhelm. Lanidril is one of the immortals that watches over the land and lives in the pantheon of Parandar. Other immortals like her, help, protect and guide the people of Anaria.

Since then, Lord ArKaine Stormdragon and his wife Delphine have set chaos on the land and they took over wolfhelm. Throwing the king in exile or death,no one really knows, and sending Lanidril back to the cold world of Parandar. But a savior was standing in the shadow and giving his heart and soul to Wolfhelm he succeded in liberating it from ArKaine's claws. The people accalmed his courage and the trone is now his. Lanidril has a new king to watch over. One that not only has saved the land but took Lanidril's heart.
The people of Wolfhelm hopes that a safer futur stands ahead. About the land

Anaria is a northen continent where you would find inhabitants whose ancestors were explorers, travelers or barbarians. Wolfhelm is the Kingdome upon that continent. Those who prefer to stay, will find great lands to build on where its near the sea, in the mountains, forest or on a French island.

Wolfhelm is city with great quantities of wild cattle, horses and swine, wild animals, fish, black-market, arms and thieving equipment, collecting services, crewman, finished products, honey ale and crystals. Where open trade, free spirits, unwanted, hiding, merchant, privateer, barbarians, amazon, commonwealth, both men and women of questionable character and pirates reside and pouring out all over Wolfhelm. But the prophecy mentioned a new king and he will bring back order in Wolfhelm and share with loyal and fair rulers the lands of Anaria.

Until then the shadow world will rise in the land of Wolfhelm.

The Word of the Queen and King are Law.
Law is subject to change at the Whim of the Queen and King.
You will check the Laws and Rules at the Following Link before coming to Roleplay.
You will check the Message Boards before coming to Roleplay.

Main characters of Wolfhelm

  1. Emperor ArKaine Stormdragon
  2. King : Lord Andrew Ford
  3. Protector of the King: Lanidril, immortal of light
  4. Commanding General : openning
  5. Royal Scribe : openning
  6. Royal Healer:
  7. Royal Advisor/Lady in Waiting:
  8. Ambassadors:
  9. Land of the Rohan (masters of the horses)' Duchess Arwen Greenleaf
  10. Warlock mines (dwarf territories)
  11. Vilandry Island (French):Duke David de Bergerac and Caroline Neveu
  12. Vargach (land of amazons):Mista
  13. North Land: War and Gaëlle

    The Room Controllers for this Room are:
    King Andrew Ford:
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