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Just Your Average Dragon!!


Good evening people!! Ok, I know, the chance of it being evening where you are at this specific moment in time is pretty damn small, but evening sounds...nice. There. So...warm welcome to my site!! This is basically the first real site I've ever created, with real people coming to it! Not that many people do...but excuse the HTML glitches!! This is basically a place to post my short and not so short stories...hehe...I'm adding a fanfic if you're into fanfic go check it out. Anyway I guess I better sign out for the have fun looking around and be sure to check out the chat, forum (which is being updated by the way...long time in coming, I know. ) and the guestbook! Oh and it would be really nice if you could vote for my site if you happen to chance along it - I'm part of two, yes count them, two web comps now, so I'd appreciate it if you could. Thankee kindly! (Vote buttons down the bottom of the page) Now I will stop gassbagging and let you get on with it!


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