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My Assorted Literary Works

The Rants are being archived! I don't know where the first one is, but at any rate:
The Second Rant
The Third Rant

In November of 2003, because I'm crazy, I wrote a novel via NaNoWriMo. (short for National Novel Writing Month). It turned out to be 50,025 words, which I did in 26 days. Click here to see it in its entirety. I apologize if it looks funky or summat, but I simply saved it as an HTML file and copied it into here. The old (mercifully shorter) posting is still available if you click here.
In 2003, as a result of my efforts, I won. The Winner's Icon should be staring you in the face right about now. 2004's attempt was ill-fated, due to the motherboard of my laptop frying partway through the novel. That novel is right here. Like I did in 2003, I'm too busy to go try to make it look pretty, so you'll understand the funky formatting Word does when it saves stuff to HTML. Have fun!

In 2005, I did it again. You can find the novel in .doc form over here. I'd save it in HTML, but my laptop at that time only had WordPerfect, and as such I lacked a program with that functionality. Download away.

NaNo '06 went down in flames, in part because visiting my relatives during Thanksgiving tends to inflict major crimpage upon being able to type ~1700 words a day. If you want to behold its imcompleteness, drop me a line. I mean, you probably know how to contact me if you got here in the first place, right?
Thankfully, NaNo '07 worked out. I got the necessary word count, but the novel itself still isn't finished; you can see the results here.

Want some poetry? I'd post it, but I fear copyright infringement. Instead, have some haiku!
A few of my poems are also posted at my deviantART gallery, along with some of my attempts at art.

The Caldwellian Dictionary lives here now! Feast your eyes and minds!

On LiveJournal, I've been making a series of Meditations on topics spiritual and practical. You can check it out here.

I've got an FAQ on the Interweb! Take a gander at GameFAQs. Just click on the link that says FAQ/Walkthrough and lists the author as "AxemRangerBlue." It might not be done yet. But it's coming along nicely, and hey, someone else is hosting *my* work! How good does it get?