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Welcome to Talanir Stormsky's Webpage

My Profile


My Guild


      Hi, I'm Talanir Stormsky. I'm awaiting my own creation on the newest Blizzard game: World of Warcraft! Hopefully, you will see me in the beta test coming up in a few weeks. I hope everyone enjoys my site, and If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to contact me, email me at

      If you're from my Guild (The Guardians of Stormwind) then please, peruse my screenshots page to see my recent adventures, and also check out my current events page for all news regarding me, my life, and my activity on World of Warcraft!

      If you're interested in joining my Guild (The Guardians of Stormwind) go to the "My Guild" page. There you can check out my clan, and join, I'd love to see you in it too!

      Lastly I hope everyone has a good time looking through my web site! Happy trails!

  To: Budladar