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:. Adoptables

Don't forget to collect your commemorative 'Eyrie Kao Adoptable' on the way out!

Blue Eyrie

Adopt an Eyrie Kao today!

Green Eyrie

Adopt an Eyrie Kao today!

Red Eyrie

Adopt an Eyrie Kao today!

Yellow Eyrie

Adopt an Eyrie Kao today!

Invisible Eyrie
Adopt an Eyrie Kao today!

:. Links

Sapphire sits poking marshmallows with a piece of wooden ham...


:. Introduction

A fierce looking Eyrie opens a bleary eye, awakening from its slumber. It stares right at you, glazed orb flickering in the dense candlelight. As it rises from its resting place, the Eyrie shakes out her fur, ears folded back against a streamlined skull. You notice her eyes are mismatched, one a delicate grey, the other a misty white.
The Eyrie introduces itself as #NAME, resting on its haunches as it scans it's eerily glazed eyes over you.

"And what's your name, may I ask?" A canopy of feathers tumbling over her back as she unfolds her wings to stretch.

"#VISITOR? Pleased to meet you."

Sapphire glances towards the entrance that leads deeper into her domain. You follow her gaze, almost entranced by her mesmerising eyes. The Eyrie blinks, querying your stare.

"My eyes? Oh..." Sapphire turns away, dropping her head somewhat solemnly before quickly darting her eyes towards you again.

"If you go through that door, it's all explained over there..."

Taking the Eyrie's advice, you proceed further through the candlelit hallway.

:. Story

The walls of this room are lined with books, but there is only one that grabs your attention. The story of #NAME...

Once a homeless young individual, SapphireHeavens was taken under the wing of #OWNER, to be cared for as she grew up. But, there was one difference to set Sapphrie apart from the other Eyries, the misty white glaze of her right eye...
Orphaned as a child, Sapphire grew up in the wilderness of Neopia, lurking in the forests and scavenging from strangers. However, she did not fare well in defense. As an untrained Neopet, Sapphire avoided battles, frightened of the proud Neopets, encased in glittering armour, wielding awesome weapons.
Yet, somehow, she wanted to challenge these Pets, wanted to strip them of their pride. She hated their attitude, believing themselves to be the best, everyone of them. So she challenged them.
Awaiting in the Battledome, Sapphire cast her eyes over the rich finery of Neopia's best. It never occured to her to pull out before the battle started.
Arching her back against a faceless opponent, features hidden beneath layers of steel, Sapphire drew a shaking breath. She struck out, claws tearing at the armour, making her best attempts to defy her enemy, but to no avail.
Dodging back, Sapphire, exhausted, watched as the metal Neopet advanced towards her. She leapt up, narrowly avoiding the razor sharp staff thrust out towards her. But she did not escape fully.
Catching her face, the weapon drew across her eye, blinding her vision. Flailing hopelessly, Sapphire collapsed in the battledome. She watched as her opponent raised his weapon once again, desperately hoping against hope.
Suddenly, fighting back against the jeering crowd, an individual clad in nothing but a simple dress darted across the battledome stage. She threw herself infront of the injured Neopet, shouting out causation for the Neopet to stop it's attack. That individual was #OWNER...

:. Owner

You stop reading as a cold hand lands on your shoulder, spinning around and dropping the book in surprise. Standing in front of you is a short, grinning girl, clutching a handful of Ghost Marshmallows in her arms. Placing the marshmallows down carefully, you watch as the sweets squeak and hop off of their own accord, grinning almost as manically as the girl herself.

"Hi there, I'm #OWNER! Eternal, for short..."

The girl bows for a second, before turning her attention back on the marshmallows, who happen to be pounding a hole through a table.

"Where did they get a hammer from?" Eternal thinks aloud, before grabbing the heavy tool from the dangerous sweets and tossing it back in an open box.

"I see you were reading Sapphire's story... It's a little dramatised, I know..."

The marshmallows are now burning a few candles set out upon the same damaged table, throwing unlucky sweets through the flame as a joke. Several marshmallows are nursing scorchmarks along their torsos.
Feeling slightly hungry as you realise you've been here for a lot longer than you wanted to be, you notice a banana lying unguarded next to the marshmallows. Picking it up and beginning to unpeel it, you hear it squeal in terror and leap from your grasp. This place is weirder that you thought. The distant cry of 'Attack!' echoes to yuor ears, as an army of bananas leap on you, engulfing your body in a sea of yellow.
A sleepy looking monkey hops along, noticing the bananas and immediately diving upon them in a frenzy of eating and retreating bananas.

"Oh! Munky!" Eternal rushes back to you, shooing the rest of the bananas form the room. "Sorry about that... I suggest you... don't touch anything... Okay?"

:. Quotes

Eternal leads you through to another room, plastered with post-it notes. The little yellow pieces of paper each have a different quote written on them.

"If you refresh the page, you can see a different quote each time...Well... at least you would, except I haven't gotten around to coding that part yet..." Eternal smiles warmly, nodding to herself before running back out to deal with more marshmallows throwing themselves off tall chairs to see if they can fly.

:. Link

Eternal rushed back into the room, clutching a few squishy marshmallows between her fingers.

"Sapphire can show you around now, I'm sure... Where is she?"

The Eyrie crawls into the room underneath Eternal's feet, raising back up to meet your gaze once again. You wonder how she remains sane amongst such an odd owner.

Sapphire speaks once again: "Well... I tell you what, you can link back to my page if you like... There's a button around here somewhere..."

The Eyrie ducks underneath a pile of boxes, fumbling around and muttering to herself. You realise that her owner has taken a toll on the Eyrie after all, only she makes a much better job of hiding it. Sapphire raises her paw, clutching a dusty button in it triumphantly.
She pastes it on the wall.

"Like it?" Sapphire enquires, before scrawling a few tags underneath it.

Sapphire's Domain

"You can copy that code and link back to my domain if you like" Sapphrie smiles, the first time you've seen her do so. For such a fierce looking creature, you realise she can be very warming and kind.

:. Farewell

Sapphire bids you farewell, before pointing out her Eyrie adoptables on the left hand side as you leave.

"Take care now... Goodbye"

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