Sister Mary Scary's Tales

Once long ago there was a very powerful man who hated to read. Whenever he was forced to read, he would throw a tantrum. It was durring one such tantrum that he cried "Distroy the literature". And so that is what Sister Mary proceded to do.

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**NOTICE** If you would like to be emailed when new sister mary stories are ready email me at But any complants about stories should be directed to Sister Mary Scary herslef... They are not My fault..

NEW STORY!! 1/17/06 BRAND NEW STORY!! See the List!

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Tekkies of Justice Part 1
Tekkies of Justice Part 2
Tekkies of Justice Part 3
Insert into Tekkies Part 3
Nadine and the Chirstmas Tree Babies
one hobbitish bedtime tale
How Maianne Got Some Minnions
Some Random Story
Slimy Sheepies from Outer Space
Sleeing Beauty
The Pied Piper of Hamlin
Eric the Fish
Response to Eric's Critisim
Princess Doms
Paulo and Jeffelry trifft die Drachenfrau
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Prince Kyle or The grandest tale of the Dragonlady’s collection.
Princess Elise and her Fairy Greek Man
The Twelve Praying Mantis'
Poems, from the early years...