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My Role Play Characters

Scorchies Characters

These are my role play characters. Just click on the link (or the piccy) to go to the discription of the character you are interacting with or are just curious about

NOTE: Ok, since I've had people ask, Yes, I do commissioned pictures of your characters. The cost is 10,000 nps (expensive, yes, but alot of work and time goes into drawing the char. I also don't mean those dolls down there, I mean a full-fledged picture.) But on my terms, I have the right to accept or regect any offer. *Smiles* Okay, thats my spill I'm done.

Species: Drarelfian

Age: Unknown, but she as the appearance of a 17 or 18 yr. old girl (human years)

Occupation: Freelancer, she goes and comes as she pleases and doesn't always take orders from those she doesn't like or respect. (But is very loyal to the ones she does)

Background: She was born in a strange land in the south by the name of Drarelelfia. When she came of age, she left home and began life as a freelancer, selling her skills to those who would pay. Along the line of her travels she came across a hidden valley of dragons and their partners. It was there that she became connected to her dracling, Embyr.

Weapon of Choice: A long polished cherry-wood staff, it is embedded on each end with an unbreakable purple crystal. You can only guess that these are magic, but perhaps they have only been added for more balance and destructivity.

Powers: Capability to morph into any animal she has come in contact with. She can also perform Very simple spells with the aid of her staff. i.e. lighting fires ect.

Description: Her appearance reveals to you a teenage girl with flowing golden hair and striking sapphire blue eyes. She appears almost human in stature but on a second look you find she has large, long, pointy ears, different than what you would find on one of Elfen decent. Her skin is has a light peach cast to it but its is often covered in a layer of dust from her time spent traveling. She has a very keen sense of smell and hearing. Despite her looks she is very light and very agile, and is often seen leaping from tree limb to tree limb like a squirrel.
--- Shirt: Emerald green with shhort sleeves
--- Pants: A strange durable matterial, light blue in color, they change color as light hits them.
--- Cloak: Dark Purple in colorr, she only wears this when the weather calls for it.
--- Boots: Black leather, very ddurable, they go up about 6 or 7 inches above the ankle.
--- Jewelry: A silver dragon pendant with a light blue stone, she has mentioned that it binds her to her dracling although we don't know why or how. Sometimes she also wears a small.

Personality: She is very friendly but does not often show her outward emotions. She is quite serious on most occasions. She seems to have a free going sprit. She is very slow to anger and is normally able to hold her temperament. She is very calm but will often surprise you by doing something foolish. She will often run off or disregard orders to take care of a job that needs to be done especially if she gets frustrated with the others around her. She hates war and prefers to take the defensive, blocking her enemies blows with the swift movement of her staff. Her wood staff may not look like much, but she can inflict a lot of damage when need be.

Embyr: A small dracling (baby dragon) and Scorch's most loved companion. He is purple in color but when sunlight hits his scales they will shine blue or green depending on the angle.
Species: Jewel Dragon, a very rare breed, only found in remote places


Species: Raptavin*

Age: 18 (Raptavin years are the same as human)

Occupation: Wanderer, she drifts from place to place making friends and enemies but never staying. She sells her services as a linguist to bookshops, mapmakers and merchants to pay her way.

Background: Most of the Raptavian race is happy staying in their jungle city, but StarFlash was different, she wanted to travel and see the world. She left when she was 16 and has been traveling ever since.

Weapon of Choice: StarFlash does not need to carry a weapon, her teeth, and claws are enough to kill anybeast.

Description: It doesn't take genius to realize that she is not humanoid. She is like any other Raptavin, able to walk upright. Her coloring is as follows: Tan from head to toe with a cream colored "underbelly". Brown tiger stripes run the length of her back to the tip of her strong, thick tail. She is exceptionally intelligent, and incredibly strong. Like the others she has inherited the traits of her ancestors, she is capable of running up to 60 miles an hour, has an incredible sense of smell, and can jump 12 feet straight up into the air.
--- Tunic: A Plain purple tunic with silver embroidery around the edges.
--- Cloak: Green in color, but she only wears it when the weather calls for it or when entering a crowded place such as a tavern to hide her appearances from narrow minded humans.
--- Jewelry: Two hematite bracelets. And a silver star medallion she wears on a silver chain.

Personality: She is very mild mannered for one of her species. Still, when she becomes aggravated or angry she will quickly return to her violent primordial nature. Her intelligence, makes it easy to pick up on other languages beside her native tongue (Raprin*). Although she is also fluent in English. Her study of ancient languages also helps her read maps written in long dead texts. Her strength, intelligence and knowledge of her home city often makes her very cocky and arrogant in front of, ignorant beings. She is loyal to her friends and incredibly dangerous to her enemies.

* Raptavin-- (Rap-Tay-Ve-In) An evolution of the ancients. Their ancestors were Velociraptors. Their kind lives in the high jungle mountains of Vaga. Their kind has evolved to walk upright like man, enabling them to wear clothes. They also evolved opposable thumbs along the way. However, they have kept many traits of the ancient raptor. They can run at cheetah speed and jump up to 12 feet straight up. Their claws are extremely sharp and dangerous. The bite pressure of their jaws is fifteen thousand pounds per square inch (that's enough to bite through steel bars within minutes). Incredibly intelligent, their brain power evolved with their species. They have inventions in their cities that no one in middle earth has ever seen. Their technological advantages allow them to easily grow and produce their own livestock and farms, stomping out the instinct to hunt. Most Raptavians have no need to travel outside their cities, the outside world offering them nothing to gain.
--Note-- You may notice that in battle, she can take a lot of hits and not be brought down. That is because raptors have a distributed nervous system and are very slow bleeders. They can take a hit to the head and still live and are difficult to cripple. Slow to bleed, slow to die. Not immortal, just hard to kill.

* Raprin: (Rap-rin) The native language of the Raptavians. It consists of series of screeches, barks, and clicks. It is very complicated and only Raptavians have ever been known to be able to speak it, a few have tried but their vocal chords are unable to pronounce it correctly, although some have been able to understand it just not speak it.


Name: Dak Hamee

Nickname: Dak

Age: 18

Species: Centaur

Gender: Female

Description: A cloven-hoofed Centaur with piercing lavender eyes and large horselike- ears stands in front of you, bow notched, calked and ready to fire. Her horse-half has blue-green almost teal fur all over, except for a purple marking resembling two upside-down crescent moons (the birth-marking of her tribe) on her left, back haunch. Her tail is a dark sapphire blue and bound partly in dark brown leather and eagle feathers. Three of her legs are bound from the top of her hoof to about mid-calf in brown leather, matching the leather on her tail, and the other leg, the left foreleg, has a manacle made of goldish metal clasped around it. Her “human” half is covered in peachish skin, tanned from the sun. She wears a faded red bandanna that pushes up her bushy mat of blue hair (matching her tail), keeping it out of her eyes. Her “clothing”consist of a short (belly length), tan colored, sleeveless shirt that appears to be made of finely woven grasses, and two, smaller manacles clasped about her wrists that are the same goldish color as the one clasped about her left foreleg.

Background: She grew up within the Turtak-si-itu Tribe. While other girls learned to weave clothing and make pots she snuck off with her twin brother to learn to shoot arrows. Her father was (and still is) a tribal warrior and now has worked his way to a high rank. Her mother died when she was very young, leaving her and her twin brother in the care of her father. However, gradually with time he distanced himself with his children. The higher in rank he got the less he paid attention to them. He now ignores her except to constantly scold and punish her for breaking tribal rules. Even now as she comes of age, Dak’s brother, Jagil, more centered on learning the ways of a warrior, tends to ignore her.

Personality: Uh. . . *points at the bow she still has calked at you*, She’s bow-happy. She’ll shoot at anything that looks threatening. She’s pretty good at not missing too, not perfect but pretty good. *moves out of the way* uh. . . yeah, *coughs* What else??. . . . Oh yeah, . . .She’s rebellious to her tribe in the fact that she wants to become a warrior. Only males are allowed to become warriors. She also tends to get sidetracked, wandering off to follow interesting tracks and such. Big No-no. It’s not that she’s not skilled or old enough to take care of herself, its just that females aren’t allowed to leave the main area of tribal grouping. (Yes people, her society is very biased.) She often thinks of running away, but and one wonders why she hasn’t done it yet. Well she has, but always comes back within a few days. Its probably because of her slight paranoia of being without a tribe. *shrugs* But knowing her I wouldn’t be surprised if something finally pushes her past that and she runs away for good.

Weapon of Choice: A strong oak bow bound with red-dyed leather and strung with heart-string and a quiver of arrows with red and blue feather flights.


Name: Kira Nightswift

Species: Halfling

Age: 21

Occupation: Mercenary

Weapon of Choice: A glittery longsword, with a blade made of polished steel. It has a silver half-moon hilt bound in black lether with a single red garnet studded in the middle.

Powers: Very small healing magic, not much else.

Description: Muscular and limber, Kira is cat-type halfling. She has tanned skin, raven black hair, and intense emerald eyes. She has catlike ears, a slitted cat-type nose and a long jet-black tail with a lion-type tuft on the tip. She has a keen sence of smell and hearing, as well as exelent night vision, all complements of her cat half.
--- Shirt: Dark Purple short sleeaved, cotton shirt
--- Vest: A Black, well worn leeather vest
--- Pants: Simple black pants --- Cloak: Long, Black wool cloaak, very usefull in foul weather.
--- Boots: Black leather, very ddurable, they go reach up to the top of the calf, just below the knee.

Personality: Very skilled with a blade and an expert in stelth, she works as a skilled mercenary. Making her wanted by many nobles. This makes her weary of others and slow to trust. She trys to advoid crowded areas, paranoid of bounty hunters, but her keen sences, make it hard to take by surprise. No price is ever too high, she can usually be bought over with enough gold, taking any job with a good price or a good motive.


Name: Flay

Species: Yagmeoi, a species of fire elementals

Age: He looks about 13 or 14, but don't ask him, he doesn't really know.

Background: Not much of a background. He's just a cherry little fire elemental that has lived in the forest most of his life.

Weapon of Choice: Um, he sometimes likes to carry around a short wooden staff.

Powers: He can conjure up fire in various ways and forms.

Description: He's a goat, cat thingy. He has stubby goat-like horns, pawed feet and a bushy orange tail. His hair is long bushy and a firey red-orange, and he has flashing green eyes. and His skin is light brown with white ruin like markings under his eyes, on his shoulders and across his chest. He doesn't usally wear a shirt, but wears baggy red half-pants, and matching, studded fingerless gloves, occasionaly he wears a matching red vest. He also wears a thick lether belt and a gold hoop earing in each ear.

Personality: He's very cheerful and awfully annoying. He likes to talk, alot. -.- But sometimes he knows when to keep his mouth shut. Sometimes. He's very energetic and optimistic. However, he tends to get angry easily and has a temper.


As you enter the small Apothercary, you notice a girl about 18 or 19 behind the counter, fiddling with something in her hands. Sunlight from the windows glisten off her silver hair as she looks up and notices you. She pushes a strand of hair out of her eyes and says, "Welcome to the Aldeon Apothecary, feel free to look around and let me know if you need anything", before going back to what she was working on.

Full Name: Silmeraana Aldeon

Nickname: Rana

Specie/Type: Halfling -- Elf / Fey ((For discript. of the Fey go to:

Gender: Female

Age: 64, but about 18 or 19 in appearances and maturity

Occupation: Works in her fathers Apothecary

Physical Description: A mid-sized elvish looking girl with soft peachy skin and pale sapphire eyes, she would look like a pure bred elf, if it weren't for her silver hair and distinctive blue birth marks, which are often mistaken for decorative tatoos. Blue crescent triangles adorn her cheeks, while double blue bands run around her wrists, ankles and tips of her ears and blue markings resembling two half spirals and dots adorn her shoulders.

Clothing: She usually wears, a lightweight, elvish woven tunic over a smaller, tightfitting shirt. Along with tightfitting pants, preferring the mobility they give over dresses. She also wears knee length, brown or earth toned leggings that are embroidered along the top in elvish-style patterns. Over which she wears, soft leather boots or shoes.

Short History: Rana was born in the small village of Marran to her elvish father and feyan mother. When she was the age of ten, her mother ran off and left Rana's father alone to care for her. Heartbroken, her father moved Rana to the distant tree-city of Ungarra. Where Rana could be raised in a proper elvish society. Rana has spent most of her life in Ungarra, working in her fathers small, but successful Apothecary, selling herbs, as well as potion and spell ingredients and living in the apartments above the shop.

Birth Info: Father: Silindro Aldeon (Elf), Mother: Nathrin Northbrook (Fey)

Parents (short histories of): Her father, Silindro Aldeon, in his younger days was a traveling merchant. He would go from town to town selling herbs and spell ingredients from his small cart. While staying in a small Feyan village of Marran, Rana's Father met and fell in love with a beautiful young Feyan Woman by the name of Nathrin Northbrook. Silindro and Nathrin were wed in and Silindro gave up traveling to settle in Marran and start a life with his new wife. Within a couple of years Nathrin gave birth and Silindro was overjoyed to have a baby daughter. However, Nathrin seemed unimpressed and almost bored with her new life. Despite Silindro's efforts, Nathrin strayed further and further away from him, both romantically, and mentally, preferring late nights at the local tavern rather than her responsibilities to her husband and growing daughter. Changing drastically from the humble and caring girl that Silindro had fallen in love with. One morning, Silindro woke only to find Nathrin missing, and their house empty of her possessions. He later learned from some of the townsfolk that she ran off with a burly and handsome human, named Marshal Scernak, she had been seeing him secretly behind Silindro's back for two years. Heartbroken and shamed, Silindro packed up his shop, belongings, and his daughter and headed out in search of a place where he could raise his daughter properly.

Element Type: Forrest, Light

Favorite Food: Honey Balls (marzipan balls coated in honey and rolled in sesame seeds) and Raspberry Cordial.

Hobbies: Relaxing in the tree branches, reading, playing her reed flute, making jewelry, and tending her fathers shop

Dream Guy/Girl: Someone with a great sense of humor, handsome, kind, and a personality close to her own.

View on 'Relationships': They're great, but hates the "mushy stuff" that always seems to go along with them. "A relationship is not all hugging and kissing."


* Oath bound/Code
* Neat Freak


* Attractive
* Light Hearted
* Quick Reflexes
* Educated


Name:Tylic Scotsby

Nickname: Ty

Species: Darquillian. From the planet Eylar.

Age: 17 Rotations

Background: His parents are part of the deligation for interstelar space exploration and travle all over the universe. Naturally they drag him along. He's been living in space and traveling with them since he was 5.

Description: A green leathery-skinned dude with large vestigial wings. Not to mention a long green tail. Typical of Darquillians. He has large brown eyes as well as a double peircings on his notched ear, and he always seems to have a smirk on his face.
--- Shirt: Tight White Tank top
--- Pants: Baggy, low-ride blue jjeans. (He also wears white boxers in case you wanted to know, hehehe)
--- Jewelry & Accories.: Two Hemiitite Earings. Black Knee Pads. He also has a black beanie he sometimes wears. AND. . . Don't forget his pride and joy. . . His Hover Foil!!

Personality: Well, the view that skaters will never change is definatly true. . . Ty, is a your typical skater. He loves his hoverfoil and rides it whenever possible. He has that skater attidude as well as mentality. But he also has a few quirks. He's smarter than he acts. He also likes to take things to the extreme (Plasma Wakeboarding and Atmospheric Skydiving are some of his favorite things do do). Not to mention his short attention span.



Age: 12

Background: She was born and grew up in Tokyo and is currently in the 6th grade. One day she discovered a wonderful thing about herself. She was digi-destined. She became linked with her partner Katomon and has been living adventures ever since.

Description: Her appearance reveals to you a young girl with lone dirty blond hair kept back in a ponytail and dusty blue eyes. .
--- Shirt: Grey, with purple shoort sleeves and a purple neckline.
--- Pants: Dark colored blue jeaans with flares.
--- Shoes: White Vans with red ssoles. ankle.
--- Accesories: Green "ponytail-holders" Two leather "wristbands" and a brown leather belt. As well as a purple Digivice.

Personality: She is very friendly but does not often show her outward emotions. Very reserved toward others. She doesn't like Kotomon to fight and often stops him.


Gender: Female

Appearance: Rabbit-like in appearance. She has yellowish, almost goldenrod fur with purple marking on her shoulders and a white underbelly. She has strong hind legs and long forearms. Her two long ears go to the back of her legs. She has not yet digivolved.

  • High-Jump-Kick
  • Cresent Swipes
  • Purple Energorb


    Name - Ruku

    Generation - Freeborn

    Species - Riachu Morph

    Personality - A spunky teenage pokemorph with a positive outlook on life. She doesn't like to be held back. Having grown up on pokemorph Island she doesn't fully understand the predjudice between Pokemorphs and humans but is aware of the danger of team rocket.

    Background - Ruku is freeborn. She was born in the year right after the war. Her parents were second generations that had escaped to the island. She still lives with them and her little brother Pipkin. She has this twisted dream of being a Pokemon trainer, but we'll not get into that.

    Description - A spunky looking Richu Morph with stunning emerald eyes and blond hair looks at you and smiles. "Hiya!" She wears a red shirt and blue jeans. She has Tanish fur with dark brown hands and paws, & yellow electric sacks. Her two sets hemitite earings twinkle in the sunlight. She swooshes her long slender tail behind her as she walks.

    Profile information:

    Age: 17
    Fur color: Tanish fur with dark brown hands and paws, & yellow electric sacks. Basicly the colors of a Raichu
    Hair color: Blond
    Eye color:Green
    Weight:130 lbs
    Attacks: Thundershock, Thunderpunch, Tailwhip, Mega Kick


    Name - Trinity

    Generation - Second

    Species - Espeon Morph

    Personality - A strong-minded pokemorph with a definite sense of reality. She's not as solemn as one might think, but has a reputation to take things too seriously. She's not predjudiced towards humans but HATES Team Rocket with a Dangerous Passion.

    Background - Born before the war. She started her life as a small, Young Evee growing up in Saffron in the home of one of Sabrina’s Children. Even early on she seemed to have a definite psychic ability. She was taken to Sabrina for training and evolved early. When the Pokemorph war broke out Team Rocket Ravaged the countryside in search of candidates for "2nd Generation Experiments" In order to reclaim their losses during the war. Trinity was stolen and forced through the anthromorphic process and then trained as an agent, further increasing her psychic powers. A short time after being released into combat she escaped to the island and began fighting with the free pokemorphs, helping with the war effort. After the war was over she returned to Sabrina for guidance. Sabrina told her that she required no more training and advised Trinity to return to the island and start a life. So she did & has lived on the island ever since.

    Description - An Espeon With Amethyst eyes peers at you coolly from behind black sunglasses. "Whattya want?" Her fur is lavender with the exception of the dark purple, shoulder length hair on her head and a deep crimson garnet dots the center of her head. She wears a black tank top and long black, flare type pants. Both of which are covered by a long black trench coat. (think Matrix since that’s what she's based off of) She looks at you once again. "Whatever", and pulls on some black leather gloves and strides away.

    Profile information:

    Age: 23
    Fur color: Lavender fur and a red garnet on her forehead.
    Hair color: Dark Purple
    Eye color:Amethyst
    Weight:110 lbs
    Attacks: Psybeam, Psychic, Shadow ball, Teleport
    -She also know some karate due to combatt training (not that she ever has to use it). Her Phychic powers usually gets her by just fine. One of her favorite things to to is to throw balls of Psychic energy and enimies. ;)


    Real Name: Excel Rogers

    Codename: Swift

    Affiliation: Currently Xaviers, but I'd like to get her into the X-men

    Age: 16/Junior

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 102 lbs

    Eyes: Crimson Red with slitted pupils

    Hair: A Dark purple, it runs down to about the middle of her back.

    Other Distinguishing Physical Features: Her skin is a light lavender and is covered in Greyish-Lavender, short, fine, fuzzy fur. She has a long prehensile tail that is tipped with a bush of curly-wavy hair/fur that is thicker and longer than the fur covering the rest of her body. She walks on animalistic legs, her feet are pawed, much like a cat or dogs. Her ears are large, and pointed, but they take on a closer likeness to that of some sort of animal. They are double pierced with two silver, looped earrings.
    Clothes: She is usually found wearing long, flared blue jeans and a pink three-quarter sleeved shirt. Along with jewelry and a black leather belt

    Image induced: Tanish colored skin. Her hair is still down to the middle of her back but is dirty blond with the exeption of 2 forelocks/bangs that remain purple. Her ears are still double peirced in the inducer, but now look human, and her eye color is now a saphire blue. Her tail is no longer visable. Relationships: Adopted Parents Mark and Sara Rogers

    Powers/Mutations: Excel has the ability to "air walk", she can walk (or run) in the air above the ground and walk on water (technically she's not walking on the water itself, but walking along the air just above the surface of the water). Simply walking off objects into the air is the easiest way to get airborne, but she can also jump or hop into the air. She must stay moving while in the air or she will fall (for instance, if she were walking along, and were to stop walking completely she would fall to the ground).

    Excel's large ears give her excellent hearing, she also has an acute sense of smell and her night vision is better than a normal humans. Muscular and limber, Excel is a natural climber and jumper. She can jump about 4 or 5 feet strait into the air, 7-8 feet if she has a running start. Excel also knows some karate and tai-bo due to self-workout videos she ordered on the web.

    History: Excel was first found on the back-steps of a small, dilapidated orphanage in Colorado run by a few Nuns. She was only about a year old when they found her, she had no identification or note so they had no way of knowing who or what she was. She seemed human enough, dispite her startling appearance. So, they took her in, gave her a name and treated her like any other of Gods children. The nuns treated her well, however some of her earliest memories were from when she was about 2 or 3, the other children would taunt her, bully her and call her names like "Fuzz face" and "Purple Butt".

    The couple that are now her parents came across her during a ski trip to Colorado. They were unable to have children and decided it was best to adopt. So, having checked out many of the orphanages in their home state, they decided to check out a few of the local orphanages before returning home to Utah. They almost didn't go into the small orphanage, but decided to go in for the heck of it any ways. Most of the children were ordinary, nothing too special. Then they saw her. They had just rounded a bend in the play yard when they came across a large group of children, they had formed a ring around a small, awkward girl and were pushing and shoving her chanting "Purple face, Purple face"
    "Oh dear, not again." The nun that was showing them around scurried over to the group clapping her hands.
    "All right, that's enough. Break it up." The children quickly dispersed and ran off, lest hey get in trouble, leaving the small, furred girl cowering by herself.
    The couple were shocked at their first sight of her, but never afraid. They weren't sure what drew them to that small girl, she was not only purple and furry, but she had a tail! Maybe it was pity, maybe it was something else, but they felt that they should adopt her, take her home and show her the love that only a family could.

    Her new parents, couldn't explain why she looked the way she did, the idea of mutants wasn't that widely known at the time. Soon after they got her, they took her to several doctors, thinking that she might have some sort of rare disease, after all rare conditions such as werewolfism caused one's body to be covered in hair, surely this was similar. However, the doctors that would treat her couldn't truly find anything wrong with her physically besides her shocking appearance and refused to diagnose her. One even wanted a chance to study her, but the new parents didn't want their child to go through that kind of experience and declined. However, one doctor went as far as suggesting that she may have something called the x-gene, but he couldn't expand too much on it, not knowing much about it himself. He said he had heard of a few accounts of people that had amazing powers linked to the gene, but nothing about appearances. He suggested that the possibility be considered until a more reasonable answer could be found. However, since that was the only legitimate answer they had gotten regarding her "condition", they went home with that assumption, until some sort of evidence could prove them otherwise.

    Remembering the incident they had witnessed at the orphanage and the outragious reactions of most of the doctors and the people on the street, as well as in the waiting rooms, they knew that society would probably never except her as she is. Excel's parents then made the decision to keep her home, teaching her themselves and sheltering her from the world. When questioned about their daughter by neighbors, the couple told them that she had a rare disease that permitted her from leaving the confines of the house and yard. They only allowed her out in public on rare occasions, and she was only allowed outside in the backyard. Which wasn't too much of a problem, it was large, and had a tall fence and large trees obstructing most of the view into the yard. When she was little, she spent a lot of time in the backyard, playing on the swing set and climbing in the trees. Her body shape made her a natural climber and jumper.

    As she got older, and more mature, she outgrew playing in the backyard. And became more content with staying indoors playing on her laptop, reading books and drawing. Her parents were willing to buy her anything, but she didn't take advantage of that, all she really wanted was cd's, videos, art supplies and books.

    Her powers first manifested when she was 12. She was coming down to breakfast and was still pretty drowsy. Not paying much attention, she didn't notice that she had kept walking strait out off the top of the stairs into the air instead of walking down them. Feeling weird, she stopped, looked down saw she was five feet in the air, screamed and fell. Her parents freaked. She hadn't been hurt save a few bruises, but it made her parents worried that something like this would happen again. Plus, it confirmed that what the doctor had told them was true. They had hoped that since she had never shown signs of powers, that she wasn't really what the doctor had called a "mutant." That night her parents set her down and told her what they knew. Excel wasn't sure what to think of it. On one hand she had these "special" powers . . . but on the other hand, it set her even further apart from humanity than she already was.

    Her parents wanted her to forget this new power and try to continue on with "normal" life as if nothing had ever happened. At first she tried to, but eventually boredom and curiosity set in and she found herself secretly practicing in her bedroom. As she got older, her powers got stronger and she found that she could control them easier. By the time she was 15 she had enough control as to be able to not only walk horizontally in the air but also at all sorts of inclines and she started using them to sneak out of the house late at night. After all, she only had to walk out of her window and then diagonally to the ground.

    Her parents found out that she had been using her "gift" to sneak out of the house and boy were they pissed. It broke the trust they thought they had with their daughter, made them worry about what could have happened to her while she was out and made them realize that simply ignoring her gifts wouldn't make them go away. They knew now that they wouldn't be able to shelter her forever and desperately searched for a solution to their problems. For months they couldn't find any helpful information, but they knew there had to be a solution out there somewhere. After all, hadn't that doctor mentioned that there were other cases of the x-gene?

    It wasn't until a year after Excel had been caught sneaking out that her mother came across as small-inconspicious website, describing a "school for the gifted," it was called the Xavier Institute. The site didn't give much information besides a phone number, e-mail address and a short, vague description. She figured it was probably some sort of prep-school and that it most likely didn't have anything to do with what she was searching for. However, still curious she decided to call there any ways, with a few inquiries from both ends, and a long phone conversation she found out what the school was really about, and decided to talk with her husband about what she had found out. After much discussion and a few more phone calls, they decided that this institute this probably was the best place for Excel to go. She would be able to interact with kids her own age who also had "special talents and needs," and where she wouldn't be judged, but most of all she would be safe. So, they arranged for a flight and a cab to take her to the institute. They would have taken her themselves, but their jobs made it too hard to do so.

    Personality: Excel is a weird, happy-go-lucky type of person. Her philosophy on life is: Whatever happens, happens, just shrug it off and go on with life. She is creative and has a great imagination. She can be immature and childish sometimes and her view of reality is based on t.v and movies. She has a weird sense of humor, and likes to be sarcastic. Her appearance doesn't bother her in private, but she becomes very self conscious of herself when anyone but her parents are around.

    Other Good Stuff: Excel loves movies (si-fi, comedy and fantasy are her favorite), cartoons, books (relaxing in a tree and reading a book is always good), playing on her computer (Which includes but is not limited to: Surfing the net, chatrooms, role playing, computer-generated art, hacking, and programming) and practically anything on t.v. She loves oriental food, (Japanese being her favorite) and Mexican and ice cream and . . . oh, oh, and Itallian and. . . oh heck, she just loves food. She likes listening to music and has a large collection of cd's. She will listen to just about anything that isn't hard rock or rap.

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