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Scathach's Sanitarium

I am scathach, prince to a kingdom long dead,

Heir to the indifference of the conquered,

My crown stained with the blood of ignorance,

Alone on my throne of regrets I sit,

Where have all my courtiers gone?

I am scathach, warrior of a people forgotten,

Marshalling armies of fear, and hate,

Sword of justice,shield of righteousness,

Riding a steed of faith to victory,

When will I know the peace promised?

I am scathach,priest of gods since departed,

Messiah for a people no longer listening,

Symbol of a faith lost to this world,

Staff of oak withered by misunderstanding,

Why have the gods forsaken me?

I am scathach,fool alone in the twilight,

Who will hear me cry in the night?

Copyright ©2003 Kenneth William Moody

Well,it needs a lot more work,as I am rather new to this website building.So,bear with me,take a valium,or maybe some thorazine for you real wackoes,and enjoy the view.

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