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Dress the candle with oil; oil fitting to your need should be used here, if you are not sure about the oils. Use regular olive oil, or even vegetable oil, but NOT any animal oil!! If you are wanting to banish something, you would start at the center of the candle with the oil, and rub out to the ends...stating that "this candle is now consecrated in the name of the Lord and Lady, and any negativity is released" or something similar, (you would do this regardless of banishing or drawing...If drawing, however, you would rub from the ends IN to the center). Then you would carve in any symbols you care to use, runes are popular with a lot of people. You should then take a moment to focus on what it is you want, picturing the OUTCOME as clearly as you can. Light the candle, and let it burn down all the way, or as far as possible, relighting it again as soon as you can, till it is consumed. As the flame dies out, state your need firmly, even if its to yourself, state it, and then let it go, know that it is done. Beauty you will need: A dish full of earth (good soil, not dry, dusty dirt). A yellow candle a full-sized mirror Olive, patchouli, jasmine, or cinnamon essential oil a small flower pot a flower or plant seed Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen. Place it in the center of the dish of earth. Light it and sit down with it between you and a mirror. Look deeply into the mirror, concentrate on your reflection. Without being vain, consider the things you consider most beautiful about yourself- not just physically but mentally. What is your inner beauty, what is your outer beauty? It's important that you never think of what you feel must be "changed", be as positive about the beauty that you have already. Perform this ritual several nights in a row. Once the entire candle has burnt down, remove the wax from the dish. Place the earth from the dish inside a small flowerpot and plant a seed inside it. Water it and care for it so that it grows properly. You will soon find that your beauty will grow, flourish, and shine brighter than ever before. Reflection spell Components required - 1 candle Dark window Light a candle and on Samhain look at your reflection in a dark window. Close your eyes, ask your question about love or marriage. Open your eyes and look quickly over your shoulder. There, His or her reflection will appear over you left shoulder. ************************************************************ Dream Spell Components Required - Lock of hair Amethyst stone 1 Rose pedal You can do a lot with someone's hair, like using it as a way to channel energy to the person (like a courier) This spell will make yourself dream of that person whose hair you have. Place an amethyst next to your bed. Place a rose pedal and a lock of hair (the lock of hair must be the person you wish to dream of) on top of the amethyst. Say aloud: I wish (name of person) is in my dreams tonight." If you wish for this person to dream of you, place a lock of your hair on the amethyst as well and say: I wish (persons name) dreams of me tonight." ************************************************************ Attract the opposite sex Components Required - Only one is required from the list: Gentian, Marigold, Passionflower, Rue, Sumbul root or Violets. Brew a tea from one of the above components. Strain and add some to your bath water for seven nights in a row. Then wait and see just what you may attract..... ************************************************************ To reunite parted lovers Components Required - Sterilized pin or needle this spell is best done when the moon is in the waxing phase. Prick the tip of your left index finger with a sterilized pin or needle. Squeeze out a bit of blood. Visualize being back together with your lover while using your blood to write your initials on a smooth white stone. Write you lover initials next to yours. Draw three circles (still with your blood) around both initials. Wrap the stone in a pink or red cloth tied with a pink ribbon. Bury it in the ground or a spot where a Venus-ruled herb or flower is growing. If this spell is done correctly you should be reunited with your lover in 3 days. ************************************************************ Love Wine 3 tsp. cinnamon 3 tsp. ginger 1 one-inch piece vanilla bean 2 cups red wine 2 tsp. rhubarb juice (optional) Score the vanilla bean along its length. Add herbs to the wine with the vanilla bean. Let stand for three or four days, then serve. Levitation Components required- you need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors) you need a quiet place to begin you need a down feather (the smaller the better) First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direction. Perform a cleansing ritual and center yourself. Hold the feather in your non-dominate hand (left if you are right, right if you are left handed). Feel its life force, its gift of lightness. Light the candle. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise). Enter the circle and sit in a comfortable position facing the North. Now, you must chant the following 9 times: In the light I see, in the dark I am blind. In the world I walk, in the circle I fly. Next call to your spirit guide or God to aide you. Then clear your mind, feel the feather float in your open hand and lift with it AND NOW YOU LEVITATE. Helpers to the Spell - Performed at dawn, performed outside and add your own components and touch to the spell (its just a guideline) ************************************************************ Levitation Comports required- You need a rod or staff you need a place YOU can best focus in you need a Crystal (white or obsidian) First perform a cleansing ritual. Place the crystal on the ground in front of you. Hold the staff or rod out in front of you horizontally. Recite the following spell: As stone is to earth so staff is to stone. Death and rebirth Heart and Bone. May light fly, I call away stone. I summon you sky. Call me on. Visualize as you see fit the pushing and pulling. AND NOW YOU LEVITATE. Helpers to the spell - Performed at dusk, performed outside; use a staff and stone special to you. Add your own touches to the spell (its just a guideline) ************************************************************ Flying Spell this one is sooo cool, and it REALLY works!!! Ingredients: 1/2 cup shortening 3 tbsp. mugwort (powdered) 3 drops dragons blood oil Preparation: Melt the shortening over low heat. This will be your base. Add the mugwort and the dragons blood oil to the base. Steep for 9 minutes or until the herb is "fried". Strain into glass jar. Allow the ointment to cool before use. Note: The dragons blood oil will not only strengthen the spell, it will also make the ointment smell good. You can put this ointment over your body, but I would recommend that you just anoint the chakras. ************************************************************ Eye Color change Spell I LOVE this spell!!!! Components Required - 1 candle (use a candle whose color is the same as the color that you want to change your eyes to). Pentacle you can use more candles, the more candles the better the spell will work. Light the candle(s) and sit in front of the candle(s) and chant 3 or more times: 1 2 3 change for me, 1 2 3 (present color) to (color you want it to change to) Then chant 3 or more times: By the powers of three let it be seen Then visualize your eyes changing color then check in the mirror. Note: This spell may last a day or so if only using one candle ************************************************************ Weight-loss Spell When the moon shows cold and slender, Stand beneath her starved light, Wearing only white and silver- say to whet her appetite; "I make my vow to fast until This crescent Moon shines round and full; While she waxes, let me wane; I must lose, that she may gain." While she grows, take silver wine, Silver water, silver milk, And bread like snow or linen fine, And fish as clear as ice or silk - But only these, and less of all Than you would wish, to feed her well. ************************************************************ To Find An Answer To A Question Components Required -Bowl of water (bowl should be metal or very dark glass) 1 candle (white or black) during a full or new moon, take a bowl of water, light your candle in your scared space. Close your eyes and relax. Ask your question and when you open your eyes look into the water. Relax and let images or words come into your mind. Try to screen out the talk that usually happens in everyone's mind. Just listen to what is trying to be said to you. ************************************************************ To Catch The Eye of Another you can't keep your eyes off him, so why doesn't he glance back at you? You are royal and deserving! He should at least have the decency to return the look--and then some! This'll turn his head. Your Will Need a real crystal, preferably on an earring The Spell At the full moon, go outside somewhere quiet and wild. Hold the crystal to the full-moon light. Then Say: Mater Luna, burning bright, Fill this gem with thy might. As you catch the hidden light, May I shine and catch his sight! Luna Lux! Wear the crystal when you are around him, and don't forget to smile when you slide up to him and say, "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" ************************************************************ Wiccan Love Spells Any spell you do must be followed through by mundane actions if the spell is to be successful. Whatever is needed on the mundane plan to find love, go do it after you cast the love spell! Give thought to the fact that, since every love spell is different, each might need different mundane follow through. Wiccan Love Spell #1: THE MOST IMPORTANT LOVE SPELL: If you are not open to love, no love spell can work. You may want to do this spell as preparation for any other love spell you do. In fact, this spell to make yourself open to love might be the only love spell you will ever need. Look inside yourself: is there something in you that blocks love? For instance, do you feel you dont deserve love? Or perhaps you think that no one could ever love YOU? Or maybe you think you are too fat, or too thin? Maybe you are afraid to ask someone out on a date? Whatever the negative belief, fear or other internal block is, get in touch with it, then use soap and water to wash it away. Actually put your hands in water and wash them as a way to get rid of your block to love! Wiccan Love Spell #2: THE PATH OF LOVE. If you feel the need to do more than the above spell, get five red roses. Go about a block from your house and drop one rose. Drop three more on the way back home. Drip the fifth at your door. While you do all this chant out loud or silently, This is a path of love. My true love will find me. you have given your true love a path by which to find you! Wiccan Love Spell #3: PROUD AS A PEACOCK. Maybe this is more your style. Wear a peacock feather or some emblem of the peacock. For instance, cut off the decorative end of a peacock feather and pin it to your lapel instead of a rose, or wear earrings shaped like peacocks. Look in the mirror and repeat as many times as you want, I am spreading my tail feathers. Leave the house and see what happens. This is NOT a spell to make anyone see you the way you want him or her to see you. This is like a peacock spreading his tail to court, but on a psychic level. Wiccan Love Spell #4: YOUR TRUE LOVE. Many people want to have a relationship with the person who is just right for them. I was once asked How can I make my mate the ideal mate for me? ARGH!!!!!! Why do people feel that once they have mated, their job is to change the beloved? However, if you are not sure whether you and your mate are meant for each other, and you are willing to forfeit the relationship should this not be the case, do this love spell. Take two silver dollars. Two pennies will also do. Toss them into the air reciting, May we each go to our own true love. I repeat, do not do this spell unless you only want to be with a true love and so are willing to forfeit your present relationship should it not represent your true love. Sometimes a relationship isnt THE ONE but it is sacred for its own sake and worth keeping. Also, a true love isn't necessarily a mate for love while the person you are with now just might be. Should the coins land far apart, do not take this as a sign that you will separate. This is not meant as a divination spell. This chant causes a snow day. It will not work if your only intensions are to just get out and go sledding. You think to Gods/Goddesses will allow that? Nope. This is for if you need to study for a test or something. Materials: 1 Black Candle the night before school, light a black candle and let it burns for a few moments. Now recite this poem three times: "Goddess Hecate, I call upon thee, Make tomorrow a snow day, so mote it be." Blow out the candle. ************************************************** This chant will call upon the wind. This works great if it's a very hot day and you want to be cooled off by wind, do this chant. Whistle thrice (3 times) in the direction of east. Stand after whistling and intone in a strong voice chant: "Wind, power of Air! Come forth to this day! Blow out the old and whisk into the new. Let me call the winds, the winds of change!" ************************************************** This will make it rain. This chant calls upon the rain. This chant is especially useful to farmers who are in a drought period and need water. Materials: Lava Rock (Pumice) Stand out side and hold the rock. Start to chant: "Rain Rain com this way, do not wait another day!" Chant louder and louder until you see a sign that it worked. Ex: The wind picking up! ************************************************** Charging Elements Charging an element means to infuse an object with Personal Power. Personal Power is the energy that sustains our bodies. We first develop it in our mothers wombs and then rely on food, water, and air... to keep it going. We use it during movement, exercise, sex, thought, emotion, childbirth, conception, and Magick. To charge and element, you need the element and yourself (Personal Power). Well start with a basic one. This is one element you will always need to charge often, The Lodestone. Also known as Magnemite, siderite all naturally occurring magnets are Lodestones. Charging Lodestones Materials: Lodestone, Personal Power Take the Lodestones in one hand. Visualize your need, what you want to do with it, how it will help you. Visualize your Personal Power seeping into the stone. You have now charge it. All you need to do is the example of the Lodestone Charging and youre done.************************************************** The ability to meditate is very helpful in Magick. This is because your mind must be a peace. When you have a clear mind, you will be able to perform your magickal acts much better and clearer. This is to help you succeed in all your spells, rituals, etc. A Way to Meditate Meditation is very hard to master. Here is a simple way of helping you to master this. Sit down in a very comfortable position in your Magickal space. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Not absurdly like sarcastically till you are light headed. But easily and carefully. Now, Picture a ball. Not just any ball but a beautiful, lit up ball maybe in gold or yellow, likes a sun. Picture it rolling up to your legs, and up your body. Any tension you have, send the ball there. When you are at peace with your self, you are ready to practice your Magick. The best way to meditate (from a hypnosis site...This wont hypnotize you) I use this a lot before spells, rituals, when I can't get to sleep, etc. It works really good to clear the mind and put you in a deep relaxation. Try it. It works best with someone else doing it to you but it works pretty good with yourself. Light a candle and put it somewhere you can see it. Now, sit or lay down in the most comfortable way you can. Get VERY comfortable. Now, look at the candle. Take DEEP breathes thru the nose for a count of 8 seconds then release out the mouth. Keep staring at the candle. After about 5-10 breathing methods, tense up your muscles (I usually start at the calves and work up the legs till I get to my head) for a count of 10 seconds. Keep doing the breathing methods. (EX: Tense up the calves. Breathe thru the nose. Count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(Exhale thru mouth), 9, 10(release muscles) Tense up the Legs. Breathe thru the nose. Count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(Exhale thru mouth), 9, 10(release muscles) and so on. Keep doing this. You may close your eyes but don't get too relaxed because you may end up falling asleep (unless this is your intension). After you tense up all your muscles in the pattern, tense up your whole body. Release after 10 seconds and then just continue the breathing with out any tensing at all. When you're done, you will be in a deep state of relaxation with a clear mind. While doing this form of meditation, think of no other sounds. This may be hard at first but once you get into this you will be thinking of nothing else except your breathing, relaxation, tensing up the body, counting, and releasing. Performing this with a partner Do the same as above except have them tell you what to do. You count yourself. Also only listen to their voice and not any other distraction such as someone screaming or an airplane that happens to be flying by. After doing all the above (breathing, relaxing, tensing up the body, releasing) they must count from 100-0. At each interval (10) they must say something like..."Your eyes are getting heavier" or "You are beginning to become relaxed more free and open" or something like that. (EX: They count down from 100...100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, and 90. Now they say "Your eyes are beginning to get heavy". And so on.) When they get to 50 and the partner's eyes are not closed, they will say "You may close your eyes at anytime. Reminder: Make sure they keep their eyes on the candles flame until they close them. Also thru the process, tell them something like "It feels good to relax and let yourself go." and "Keep doing the breathing methods". Make sure they do not fall asleep unless this is their intension. Start this part of the method when you have either counted down from 100 down to 1 or when they are in a trans like stage (Deeply relaxed); begin to create an imagination for them. Start out like this "Imagine that you are on a cloud. The cloud is nice and comfortable. Sturdy enough to hold your body weight yet soft enough to keep you comfortable." Later you will want them in a hallway. Begin it like this: "Imagine now that you are in a hallway, filled with magnificent flowers. They seem so real that you can almost smell them and touch them. As I count from 10-1, 10 being where you are now, and 1 being where you want to be, you will begin to walk. You will walk to your place of desire. (Count down- do this about 3 - 4 times counting down from 10 - 1). After this they will be very very relaxed, maybe even asleep. Other things Meditation may be good for * Before charging objects * Better mood * Boredom * Clearing the mind * Depression * Energy * Everything * Falling asleep * Feeling good * For no reason at all * Fulfilling the soul * Fun * Getting ready for a ritual such as Samhain (Feast of the Dead) * Help * Nervousness * Performing sexual activities more successfully * Performing spells successfully * Play * Rejuvenating the body * Rejuvenating the soul * Relaxing * Releasing negative energy * Releasing tension * Reliving stress * Resting the body * Resting the soul * Remembering * Something positive * Something to do * Stimulate the brain(before doing homework - clears the mind) * Work * Worshipping a God/Goddess************************************************** You will need many different Materials depending on what you like to practice whether its Stone Magick or Sex Magick. You will always need materials. Here is a list of some of the materials you may need. Material Uses Special requirements Knife For cutting herbs, sniping yarn, cutting symbols into candles White handle (traditional) Candles For candle Magick All colors: White, blue, black, red, pink, etc. Matches To light candles in candle Magick Lighters don't have same Magick ability Incense To Purify an object Buy the most used ones Incense Oils Many different uses such as meditation Same as incense Magnetite (Lodestone) Used in Magnet Magick None Small Bowls For holding herbs, water, earth, etc None Small scissors For cutting paper Make sure it easily cuts paper Stones Some spells call for stones Find some small pebbles for this Cloth Needed for many spells Keep a rainbow of colors (Not synthetics) Thread or yarn For tying & binding cloth & candles Use cotton Paper For drawing magickal symbols Get colors of paper Small Cauldron For burning things None Mirrors Needed a lot in Magick Acquire a round and square mirror Snow Needed in snow Magick None Alter Place of Magick Somewhere you feel comfortable Coins Used in Wishing Well Magick Use pennies being that they are the cheapest Ice Used in Ice Magick None Votive Candles Small candles about 1/2 inch high Used for many things Jar(s) Used for holding Moon Water None Pen/Pencil For writing down spells, Wiccan diaries, symbols None Herbs Herb Uses in Magick Cedar Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking Cherry Divination, love Cinnamon Lust, love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing, protection Clove Money, love, lust, exorcism, protection Clover Protection, money, love, fidelity, success, exorcism Coconut Used in protection rituals Ginger Success, power, money, love Grape For fertility and garden Magick Honeysuckle Money drawing, psychic awareness, memory, healing, power, honesty Lavender Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance, longevity, sleep, protection Lemon Longevity, purification, love friendship Lilac Protection, banishing Mistletoe Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism Musk Courage, fertility, lust Nutmeg Fidelity, luck, money, health Orange Divination, love, luck, money Pine Healing, protection, exorcism, fertility, money Rose Love, beauty, psychic powers, divination, healing, luck, protection Sage Wisdom, animal guides, wishes, immortality Strawberry Love, luck, beauty ************************************************** These are very easy and you will need them when you do a chant you need to chant like 20 times. How To Make materials: Sting beads (optional) Take the string and either put forty knots in it or forty beads on it. I think beads work best. How to Use When you are doing a chant: If you need to chant the same verse like 20 times, its gonna take a lot of mind control to chant and at the same time count the number of chants you have done so far so all you need to do is mark off a bead every time you complete a verse. Simple as that!************************************************** Moon Spells Info Full moon means you'll get the most strength so your spell will work better. Always do a little moon ritual or chant before you begin. Start New spells when the moon is Waning. Never start any Magick three days before a new moon. This is a time of rest, recuperation, meditation, and vision quests. Any Magick done Always remember: whenever you do a spell, the Three-fold law will be used. For more info on this go to Three fold on the left hand side. Never use Magick in spite of someone or something, for damage, for hatred, or for any other negative source. It will always come back three-folds.************************************************** If you love another and they don't seem to notice, then this can bring you to their attention. You need to find their footprints in the earth. You then dig up this footprint (more correctly, the earth in which it is impressed). Take the earth to the nearest willow tree and, making a hole in the ground at its base, put the footprint earth into the hole, filling it over with the original dirt. As you are burying the footprint this way, say: "Many earths on earth there be, I make my love know unto thee. For He is the flower and I the stem; He the cock and I the hen. Grow, grow willow tree! Sorrow not for the likes of me." From then on you will find that the person you yearn for will indeed start to notice you. Where it goes from there, of course, is up to you. ************************************************** Objective: To trade places (mentally) with a dog or cat, or other animal. Setting: Home, Zoo, Wilderness, etc. Instructions: 1. Relax your body as completely as you can. Calm your mind, eliminating all thoughts, which do not relate to your intent and purpose. Sit so that you are comfortable, and as nearly as possible on the same level with the animal you will be working with. Lie down if you like. The important thing is that you are able to comfortably make eye contact with your animal partner in this exercise. It is also important to satisfy yourself that the animal is likewise comfortable and secure with you. 2. Take a deep breath. As you slowly exhale, look into the animal's eyes, and imagine that a part of your awareness is being transmitted through your breath into the animal's mind. Watch the animal breathe, and imagine that a part of its awareness is being transmitted into your mind. 3. Continue looking directly into the animal's eyes until you feel your consciousness merge with the animal's consciousness. Benefits: As the boundaries between you and the animal dissolve, you may feel as if you've really traded places with a member of another species, as though a part of you has become the animal - this is the height of subjective merging. You may begin to feel compassion for another species. You'll also probably recognize some of the artificial differences between the human and animal worlds. You may be able to feel or sense the actual flow of the animals emotions and mental imagery. Should you accomplish this then it should be no trouble for you to contract with the animal to serve as your magical partner. Asking another to become such a partner also places upon you the responsibility of becoming its partner. I would not recommend contracting an animal to become your familiar and then treating the animal as a pet. A pet is something you possess, own. A Familiar, to my way of thinking, is an individual who has entered into a mutually beneficial relationship (partnership) with you, and therefore should be afforded the respect and consideration due a partner************************************************** Did someone put a spell on you? Would you like to know? Well now you can. I learned this from a friend. This is how to see if someone put a spell on you. Materials: Round Mirror water you bowl (large enough to fit the mirror) put Water in the bowl. Take the mirror and put it in the water. Wait a few seconds. Now, pull the mirror out of the water and look at the reflection part of it. If it is blurry, then you have spell on you. If not, then you don't have anything to worry about. *************************************************** After Grounding, Centering and Casting the Circle... Envision the person whom you wish to heal and imagine the energy surrounding you moving to encompass them. Focus on your positive emotions for the person and let them guide the flow of the spell; remember the trust that this person has given you in granting permission for this spell to be cast - this trust is also a strong link. Light the Goddess Candle, reciting her name and calling to her power. Light the God Candle, reciting His name and calling to His power. From both lit candles, light a single, red taper (red for power, light, warmth and healing) set in a green base (for nature and healing). Fill the Chalice with natural water (if possible) and wet a strip of cloth in it. Chew a small bit of fresh Ginger Root (for strength and the power of the spell) and then place it in the center of the cloth. Sprinkle this with Rosemary (for healing). Call out to the Goddess and God both, invoking them to heal the person in need with words that flow from your feelings. In simple and direct wording ask for nature's gift to heal the subject of their affliction. Light the wrapped Ginger Root and Rosemary with flame from the red taper and place it within your Cauldron or on a fire-safe place. Visualize the flames carrying the healing energy up and away to help the person in need. Thank the Goddess and God. Close the Circle. Ground any excess energy. *************************************************** These are going to be spells that are quick and short...You can use these for great things but remember...You must believe in the spells powers in order for it to work. ***************************************************To Bind Your Anger in your right hand, hold some sandy dirt. Poor all your anger into it and then say: Anger I bind within my hand, now I toss it to the land with harm to none, and for the good of all, so shall it be! Now throw the dirt over your shoulder and walk away without looking back. *************************************************** An Apple Spell (to rid yourself of a problem) if you have a physical problem or an anger that you would like to rid of. Find a rather large apple and say, "(Your problem) into apple" Then, cut the apple in to four pieces and bury them. As the apple rots away so should your problem. ***************************************************Lending Strength (Note: This is not intended if the user is weak in strength...This will only make you weaker then you are.)Weaker then you are.) Touch the person you want to lend strength to and say, By the power of the stars, Channel my strength to (Person's Name), Give(Person's Name) the strength they need, If I am weak the let(Person's Name) be strong Give(Person's Name) my energy. NOTE: Be careful that you don't stop chanting until you are at a safe place where you can collapse; this drains the power out of you! ***************************************************Three times three spell (used on people who are corrupt in their ways) this has no negative effect on the person unless you think ill of them while casting this spell. Say this: Wind in the North, run through the trees, Three times three, let them see, let them see Sands of the East, rich in soils beneath, Three times three, set them free, set them free Fires in the South, awaken from sleep, Three times three, let them see, let them see Water of the West, flow to the seas, Three times three, set them free, set them free This works best if you have something to represent the person such as hair, a picture, a fingernail, etc... You may have to do this spell over for the person to see error in their ways. Be sure you're not being hypocritical, because this may cause negative feedback. ***************************************************To Protect an object Trace a pentagram over the object that you wish to protect while saying: "With this Pentagram, Protection I lay, To guard this object, Both night and day, And for him who should touch, May their body shiver and quake, I now invoke the law of three, This is my will, So mote it be!" *************************************************** Wish Spell On the night of the new moon, write your wish on a clean piece of paper. Light a white candle and turn off all lights. Think of the fulfillment your wish will bring for several minutes. Now say: "As I sleep tonight May, the divine power of spiritual, love and light grant my wish!" Then think about our wish as you burn the paper in the votive candle. Repeat this ritual at the same time on 12 consecutive nights. If you miss a night begin spell from day one. ***************************************************To Be Seen more attractively Materials: Fresh rose pedals bath tube water vanilla candles and/or vanilla incense matches Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose pedals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: "Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me!" ***************************************************Good Luck Spell Write a letter to a friend. Wish them well, wish them wise, wish them luck through all their ties. Chant: "I wish thee well, good luck will consume you soon, and Luck will follow thee through thick and thin." Write (name) on any flower petal. Earth: dirt, sand, or any kind of herb. Sprinkle a little on the petal and chat the chant above. Air: Wave the flower in the air, still, saying the chant. Fire: Light a white candle and hold the flower above the flame. (Be sure not to burn it) saying the chant. Water: sprinkle, spring, tap, fresh, etc. water on the flower saying the chant. Send the head of the flower, (only the petals) to the person to whom you wish good luck. ***************************************************To have dreams of the Deceased Materials: 1 white candle picture [of the deceased] a pentagram Light the white candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes. Then put the picture eye level and say: "You are gone forever, But through this spell, my dreams to which, you will come." Place the picture under your pillow. Let the candle burn to a stub, blow it out, and place it under your pillow too. Sleep with them under your pillow for three nights to receive the dream you want. (Note: You may not even remember the dream you had with the person. A lot of times this will happen) *************************************************** Spell Binder Speak these words with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spells energy. This works best if you are wearing a Pentagram. Say this at the end of a spell to give it that extra energy: "By the Pentagram I wear, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, Ruled by Spirit as all should be, as I speak, SO MOTE IT BE!" *************************************************** Materials: Jar or bottle with lid water full moon Procedure: Make sure it is a full moon. Take the Jar or bottle and add water. Take the jar or bottle of water and set it outside into the full moon. Leave it out there as long as the moon is out. Ask the Goddess to bless the water with her light and love. Now take the jar or bottle and close it tightly. When the next Full Moon comes, pour the remaining water in the grass or garden (not down the drain!), and repeat this. Uses: Use this in every ritual or spell that calls for water. *************************************************** Remove all animals & small children from the area & any furniture that you do not want to be inside your circle. Set up your altar before you cast your circle. Locate magnetic North with a compass & holding the wand out from your body, go into alpha & see the wand's aura extending out from it, especially at the tip. Visualize the tip of the wand creating a circle of light & energy, like a laser, as you walk clockwise three times around the area. The circumference drawn by the wand's tip will be the edge of your circle. Project white light out from the wand to create the circle as geometrically perfect & say to yourself that it is. Walk the circle the second time around & say out loud: "I cast this circle to protect me/us from all negative & positive energies & forces on any level that may come to do me harm. I draw into this circle only the energies & forces that are right for me & the most correct for my work." Walk the circle the third time & say: "I create sacred space. So mote it be." Invoke the four directions & energies of the elements, angels & powers that reside in them by using the athame, wand, sword or index finger to draw an invoking pentagram as you face each direction. Use a ritual spell of invocation or one you write for yourself. To open a circle hold the wand out over the circumference of the circle & beginning at magnetic North, walk once around the circle counterclockwise as you say, "I send this circle into the cosmos to do my bidding. The circle is undone but not broken." ************************************************* You usually have more than 1 spirit guide. The usually number is 5. Some stay till you die while others come and go. Sometimes these spirit guides are your Soul partners and this is why you may never find a true love in your physical form. Spirit guides can be contacted a numerous of ways. Such ways are thru dreams, art, music, ouija boards, meditation, dance, etc... Sometimes your spirit guide may do something like drop a book on your head to tell you to "Pay Attention". In this page you will learn how to channel your energy to contact your guide. Also keep in mind that spirits are pure energy. I believe that they become a star in the sky after death to help people and this is exactly what they do. Day One: Are You There? For the first few days you should be asking them 'yes' and 'no' questions. All questions can only be asked ONCE and only ONCE! Telepathic communication with spirit is called clairaudience. These are the thoughts you get when you make the connection. They may be accompanied by physical sensations such as: 1. A pressure on top of your head. This is the opening of the crown chakra. 2. A sensation on the left side of the body or face. This is the right side of the brain - the intuitive side - opening. How to Contact Sit down in a quiet place. Do Not close your eyes and listen to your thoughts only. Ask a question such as: "Are you there?" As these in your thoughts only. Now relax and allow the answers to come naturally. You should hear a thought message with an affirmative answer. Now, we are going to ask only 'yes' and 'no' questions. These may not be personal either. Do Not ask personal questions. Ask: "Is it sunny today?" You will hear something like: "Is it Sunday?" Continue a line of simple questions. You may stop and prepare them along the way. Spirits are there all the time to guide. Get used to getting simple answers.   Day 2: Getting to know your Spirit Guide Again use only 'yes / no' questions - with one exception - today we find out the name of your main spirit guide. You can prepare. Ask your question . . . then pause . . . listen to your thoughts . . . connect with the answer. Greet your guide with whatever greeting you choose. See your frequency connecting with his / hers. Allow your thoughts to connect. Ask, "Are you ready to answer questions?" Wait for an affirmative answer. It should be immediate. Ask, "Are you male?" (You may have already determined that by the tonal frequency of the messages). "Are you female?" After you get their answer ask this: "I would like to know your name. Can you tell it to me please?" If you have trouble getting the name - listen hard - then come as close to what you 'hear' as you can. Spirit will accept whatever name you give. "Do you like the name __________?" Continue by asking more general questions. You can write down questions and answers.   Day 3: Past Lives with your Guide Prepare questions. Get comfortable. Greet your spirit guide. More 'yes / no' questions. Start to ask questions like: "Did we have a past life together?" and "Were we family?" Ask the about the nature of the relationship? Wife- husband? Mother - child? "Have we been together more than once? More than 5 times?" Etc... Ask questions about the times spent together. "Have I ever been your spirit guide while you lived on the Earth plane?" "Have you always been in my life - in this incarnation?"   Day 4: Talking to them about the Universe Prepare a set of 'yes - no' questions pertaining to the Universe. Do not ask personal questions at this time. Sample questions: Did Earth ever exist in another dimension? Is there life on other planets? Do entities watch us from UFO's? Were you ever an alien? Are there angels? Do they have a hierarchy? Do they help souls move to the next realms?   Day 5: Talking to them about the reality of Dimensions Are there many dimensions? Are there entities in those dimensions? Can a soul exist in more than one dimension? Does the future co-exist with the past and present? Is this reality a holographic projection? Do we have free will?   Day 6: Getting Personal By now you should feel comfortable with your guide. Today we will begin some personal spiritual questions. Do not ask about your romantic life or job! We will basically ask 'yes - no' questions. Some easy questions may be asked that require explanation. "Are you my only spirit guide?" "How many do I have?" "I would like to meet another guide today. Please have another guide come to talk with me." "What is your name?" "Do you work with _____ (name the first guide)?" "What is your function in my life?" This can be asked of both guides. "Am I on the right spiritual path?" "Will you guide me to the next part of my spirit journey?" "Should I be working as a healer?" "Do I meditate enough?" "Do I need to take classes to guide me?" "Will you lead me to a book or home page to further learn what I have to?" "Is my current teacher - if you have one - OK? - Or is it time to move on?" "Do I need to move to a new location to find my destiny?" If yes - name places - still ask only 'yes - no' answers. Continue questions. Take notes. DO NOT ask for long detailed explanations. It might be fun to ask a question of each guide to see if you can tell the difference in their frequency thus getting more familiar with them. Address your guides by name. This takes practice for some people. For those who have been listen to their guides for years - without realizing that they were connecting to spirit - this will be easy. They will say, "Ah! That is the one who has been telling me all of those jokes in my mind all of those years. You will remember back to spirit guiding you through various decisions, boring situations, saving your life, other. Take time with this. There is no hurry! Spirit has no time table.   Day 7: Chatting with your Guide about your biological or adopted family relationships Today we will focus on the subject of your biological or adopted family relationships. This is NOT to reference your love life, marriage, family you have created as an adult. We will ask only 'yes - no' questions. "Tune in' to your guide mentally. Open the third eye. (This is a physical eye - pineal gland. It actually looks up. It is not on your forehead as is written. It is at the base of the brain). You may greet your guide in any way you wish. Sample questions: Are members of my biological family from my past lives? Give names? If you are adopted - use this for biological and adopted family members. Ask various questions about the members of your family in relationship to you and to each other. It is fine to discuss members of the family who have passed over. Ex. - Is the soul of ______ (Person is deceased) - the same soul as ______ (person is living)? Do I have my strongest karma in this lifetime with _______ (names given). Did ______ (name) and I have a bad relationship in another lifetime? Do I own him / her something karmically? Is that karmic debt over? If yes - Can I release that family member from my life now? Is my main karma in this lifetime to be the Caretaker of ______ (name person - usually the parent)? Does my soul have other biological families other than the one I know in 3D? Is this another aspect of my soul experiencing on 3D now? Is this in another realm? If you believe you are a walk- in, ask about all family members - theirs and yours. I have dreamed of parents on another planet - is this a reality? Past life? Parallel life? _______ (name) - abused me as a child. Can I forgive (name) and balance the energies now? Adoption questions: Is my biological mother alive? Ask further about her - your father - siblings. Do I need to find them for karmic reasons? Will I find them? Does my biological mother want to know me? You can include questions about foster parents if you feel connected. Don't forget grandparents - and other relatives you knew while growing up. Ask your guide if a deceased member of the family is available to speak with you. Ex. Can you bring my mother to speak with me? You may have to pause to wait for another spirit to arrive. You may smell flowers, or have other sensory experiences. If you need to ask forgiveness about something - this is the time to do so.   Day 8: Your Career/Job Today we will be continuing with 'yes-no' questions. I know that many readers want to address their love life - but after we worked with family issues yesterday I would prefer to move to a subject that is not as emotionally based today. Though the work place can have many emotional issues attached to it. Begin with a greeting to your guide and perhaps prepare a list of questions for today. I am psyching that some of your answers are not a clear cut 'yes or no'. In that case - the information has yet to be determined based on other factors. We will move past 'yes or no' questions next week. We still want to keep things easy and direct. Begin with a greeting to your guide. You may choose the same guide each day or ask for another guide. This does not mean that you can ask them each the same question. There is generally one main guide who is a partner to you and would be the one who you would address. You can tell your guide that you are here today to discuss your job / career - but in all probability - he / she already knows that. Sample questions: *Is the career I have chosen a lifetime career? *Will I have various changes in careers in this lifetime? *Will I have jobs or should I go to school and train for a career? *Women: Would I truly be happier at home raising a family and changing diapers? Would I be happier working part time? *To find my career - do I need formal education? Training? *Am I best suited to be a - create a list of desired job choices. *(I know that most people would like to own their business - but you have to be realistic when asking that question.) *Businesses: Would I do better alone? With one partner? Two partners? Can I trust - - - ?? *Will my business merge? Evolve into something else? Fail? *Is my job a 'dead-end' job? *Does my boss appreciate my work? Do I have personal conflict in the office? *Will my race / ethnic background, etc. impede my chances for finding my suited career? -to move upward in my career? *Am I settling for less than I could be because I am lazy? *Am I smarter than I realize? *Could I return to school after years of absence? *Can I find a career that I am 'passionate' with? *I want to work in Metaphysics. Can I earn a living working in that field? Can I work part time in metaphysics? *Will I get a promotion in 1999? 2000? Other? *Will I stay at this job until I retire? *Will there be a 'buy-out'? *Can I work from home? With my computer? -You will think of dozens of questions.   Day 9: My Love Life You are finally ready to ask 'yes - no' questions about your love life. Now this is where things get tricky as the ego always 'kicks in' here. Remember first answers count! You are ready to begin. Sample questions if you have a partner now . . . Is - - - (name partner) my soul mate? Are we together because we have karma to work out? Do I owe - - - a karmic debt? Does - - - - owe me a debt? Do we both owe each other? Is - - - my lifetime partner or will I have another? Is my partner growing spiritual as I am? Is this important to keeping us together? Have we grown apart? Am I holding on to a relationship that is over? Does - - - - really love me? Can - - - - love in a spiritual way? Does my low self esteem enter the picture? Why do I stay with - - - ? Name choices - money - children - scared to live alone - other. If you are gay you can ask . . . Is there a reason I came in gay? Genetic? Karmic? Was I prejudiced in a past life? Are there learning lesson here? Does my soul prefer a male - (or female) role? Is this the first time I came in gay? Am I a gay male to hold female frequency, which I would not be able to do if I was straight? Am I afraid to admit that I am gay? If you are single you could ask . . . Will I find a soul mate? Does my soul mate exist on the Earth plane now - in a physical body? Is my soul mate my spirit guide? Will I marry? - Live with someone - ? Do I need therapy to maintain a relationship? Do I sabotage relationships? Will I ever have a child (if childless)? Is the life time commitment partner what I really want - or would I prefer to change partners as my needs and theirs change? Would my soul's needs best be met - by living alone? With a mate? I have searched for a partner all of my life. I am now 40 and have never met the perfect partner. Is this because - I am too picky? I really don't have a partner here? I will not marry? Is my destiny on Earth other than marriage and children? Is my karma - parental caretaker?   Day 10: My Goals In Life Time for 'yes-no' questions about your goals in life. Next week we go for questions other than 'yes-no'. Had to fix up my Sprit Guide file yesterday. Fixed up automatic writing as well. By now you should sense that your guide is near you and ready to answer your questions. Greet him / her in whatever way you chose. Sample questions: "Are my goals in life realistic?" "Should I see the 'sky the limit' when creating my goals?" "Do I need to change my goals pertaining to - love life? Marriage? Work? Other?" "Will I ever realize my goals?" -Think of other questions.   Day 11: Your Love Life...Let's get to It... Today we will talk to spirit but seek detailed answers. Only the first answer is the correct answer. I am sure that many readers have already moved into conversations with their guides - but for those who have no - let us begin today. Decide on the guide you wish to work with. Prepare a few questions or subjects to discuss. Greet your guide. Take notes. Sample questions if single . . . Do I have a soul mate out there? Describe him / her to me . . . physical description - age - career - astrological sign - where the person lives. How will we meet? Internet? Introduction? Social occasion? Chance meeting? Other? Will that person be ready for a full time commitment? If not - why? Tell me about past lives with that person? I have just met - - - - - ? Is this my true soul mate? Ask detailed questions. If married . . . ask why you and - - - - are together - karma? Love? Soul mates? Money? Afraid to be alone? Discuss with your guide.   Day 12: Job Questions and detailed answers... Today we are going to ask job questions with more detailed answers. Let's begin . . . Am I working in the right career? If not, what would you suggest? Am I emotionally capable of going back to school to further my career? Ask for suggestions for courses? If someone is bothering you at work - ask what you can do to balance the situation - other than quitting. Is a co-worker 'back stabbing' me? Find out why. Continue a line of questions about career - job - relocation - your emotional aspects connected to your job et ************************************************* All holidays are part of Wicca. They are also celebrated worldwide. This includes the Seasons of the year, monthly holidays and some other holidays. All info here is for Full and New moons (sorry no half moons such as the waxing moon). Info from a Wicca almanac of some sort. Moon phases are for Eastern Time only. Sorry. Date Moon Phase Time Holiday February 19 Full Moon 11:27 A.M. None February 19 Full Moon 3:33 A.M. Sun enters Pisces March 6 New Moon 12:17 A.M. None March 19 Full Moon 11:44 P.M. None March 20 Full Moon Unknown Ostara(Spring Equinox) March 20 Full Moon 2:35 A.M. Sun enters Aries April 4 New Moon 1:12 P.M. None April 18 Full Moon 12:41 P.M. None April 19 Full Moon 1:39 P.M. None May 1 Unknown Unknown Beltane May 3 New Moon 11:12 P.M. None May 18 Full Moon 2:34 A.M. None June 2 New Moon 7:14 A.M. None June 16 Full Moon 5:27 P.M. None June 20 Full Moon Unknown Litha(Summer Solstice) June 20 Full Moon 8:48 P.M. Sun enters Cancer July 1 New Moon 2:20 P.M. None July 16 Full Moon 8:55 A.M. None July 22 Full Moon 7:43 A.M. Sun enters Leo July 31 New Moon 9:25 P.M. None August 1 New Moon Unknown Lughnasadh/Lammas August 15 Full Moon 12:13 A.M. None August 23 Unknown 2:48 P.M. Sun enters Virgo September 13 Full Moon 2:37 P.M. none September 22 Unknown Unknown Mabon(Autumnal Equinox) September 22 Unknown 12:28 P.M. Sun enters Libra September 27 New Moon 2:53 P.M. None October 13 Full Moon 2:37 P.M. None October 22 Unknown 9:47 P.M. Sun enters Scorpio October 27 New Moon 2:58 A.M. None October 31 New Moon Unknown Samhain November 11 Full Moon 4:15 P.M. None November 21 Unknown 7:19 P.M. Sun enters Sagittarius November 25 New Moon 6:11 P.M. None December 11 Full Moon 4:03 A.M. None December 21 Unknown Unknown Yule(Winter Solstice) December 21 Unknown 8:37 A.M. Sun enters Capricorn December 25 New Moon 12:22 P.M. Christian Holiday(Birth of Christ)  ************************************************** Uphold the rules of the Wiccan Rede. Be high in spirit ye shall succeed. Power of the Elements Five, Will help Mother Nature stay alive. From grains of Earth to moving Air. Past the burning Fire that magick flares. Flow with Water, lakes, and streams; Around the Spirit's aura and dreams. What the Wiccan Rede means 1st line: They want you to stay true to the Wiccan Rede 2nd line: A strong spirit will succeed in Magick 3rd line: The five elements are Spirit, Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. 4th line: The elements keep Mother Nature alive the rest of the lines: Explains the five elements and natural Magick. *************************************************** Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An' ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee so ever mind the law of three. Follow this with mind and heart, merry ye meet, and merry ye part. Blessed Be. *************************************************** /9::*<<==>>>>@ @~@@@@@@ A*AAAABRCcCEEHHL$LNNlSS\\=rHrssss|zzzY{{{ |}}6~F~~o*Ógƒִ5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph>*CJOJQJ^JaJ6CJOJQJ]^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJCJaJA/9091929398;<>>@@BBQB;VXfXgXpXXXXXXhThh$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ XXXXYYY%YKYPYQYaYtYhhh $K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ tYYYYYYYYY$Z%Z5ZZZhh(h$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ ZZeZfZmZZZZZZZZZZhhh$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ Z [[[+[0[1[8[I[h[i[p[[hhhH$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ [[[[[[[[ \"\#\+\H\h|h$h$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ H\M\N\Z\\\\\\\hhbYQ$If $$Ifa$$If$K$L$IfFXH!06    34ab  $$IfK$a$ \\\\\\\]]]]_]`]g]]} }h}8}v$K$L$If0!0634ab $$IfK$a$]]]]]]]]]^^^?^@^M^}}}}}}}}@} $$IfK$a$v$K$L$If0!0634abM^^^^^^^__ _6_7_B_p_q_}`}}x}}v$K$L$If0!0634ab $$IfK$a$q_w__________`````}}}},v$K$L$If0!0634ab $$IfK$a$``a`g```````}}}}w$If $$IfK$a$v$K$L$If0!0634ab```cc:ceeehhilqmqqsOyy$If$If7$$IfT< "634<a8SJӌN6S"וѢF#pjCJOJQJU^JaJj8CJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJ 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ6CJOJQJ]^JaJ>*CJOJQJ^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJ5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ,{{{{{{{{$Ifa$K$L$If 0634ab $$IfK$a$$If $$Ifa$Eծ֮׮خڮ`abce{Czk\MjCJOJQJU^JaJjPCJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJj|CJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJjDCJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJ 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJj CJOJQJU^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJjpCJOJQJU^JaJծ׮ٮ`bdCEGZ\^L$If$IfCDEFH[Z[\]_wL45[zkfXXXXX5CJOJQJ\^JaJCJaJj CJOJQJU^JaJj0 CJOJQJU^JaJj CJOJQJU^JaJj CJOJQJU^JaJj\ CJOJQJU^JaJj CJOJQJU^JaJ 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJj$ CJOJQJU^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJ"F$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ $$IfK$a$#SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ #/45?JV[\fSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ [\45VWyzLMop?@pq 12YZ>?fgCDHMlB* CJOJQJ^JaJphCJaJB*CJOJQJ^JaJph5CJOJQJ\^JaJCJOJQJ^JaJLfqzSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ S$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ $/45<EN^SSSS^SSS $$IfK$a$$K$L$If\  0634ab NVW^htyzSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ $/:LMU_joS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ opy^SSSS^SSS $$IfK$a$$K$L$If\  0634ab SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ #.:?@KSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ KT_pqSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ S$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$  !,12>IT^SSSS^SSS $$IfK$a$$K$L$If\  0634ab TYZfozSS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ '>?SS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ ?LVafgtS$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$ ^SSSS^SSS $$IfK$a$$K$L$If\  0634ab  CDESSK$IfK$$K$L$If\  0634ab $$IfK$a$EFGHIJQK$If$K$L$If,\  0634ab $$IfK$a$JK7$$IfT<X  634<a 1h/ =!"#$%Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P   3 3"((Dd* <P   3 3"(( Dd* <P   3 3"(( Dd* <P   3 3"(( Dd* <P   3 3"(( Dd* <P  3 3"(( Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"((Dd* <P  3 3"(( i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH 44 Heading 1 $@&>*P@"P Heading 2dd@&[$\$5B*CJ$\aJ$ph3fP@2P Heading 3dd@&[$\$5B*CJ\aJph3f<A@< Default Paragraph Font<B< Body Text5CJOJQJ\^J:P@: Body Text 2CJOJQJ^JF! 25o!@25o!͛5o!5o!5o!}5o!5o!7;25o! i5o! 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