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petes diary
Sunday, 1 August 2004
its 6:12 in da mornin n im ritin an entry on ma site,im realy bord.first of all i havnt got up ded early like sum freak iv bin awake all nite cos ma bro had a party til bout 3 wen evry1 left n me n ryan wachd bad boys 2 2 stay awake cos if we sleep (wich we cnt cos we'r not very tired) we wnt b abl 2 wake up in bout 15 mins cos ryan has his paper round 2 do. So we decided 2 stay awake.

party wasnt bad.ryan,nat n a bunch of ma bros m8s came round just 2 get drunk mum n dad hav gon sumwhere 4 da w/e,sum friend of ma dads or sumit,iuno.neway they al came round,we had a bbq,got drunk,nat decided 2 thro a fireliter in2 the field over the fence,gr8 idea ino,so we had 2 run round n put it out b4 it set fire 2 the hole bout half 12 sum random stoners that ma bro aparently nos turnd up,sat in the study 4 an hour playin guitar then left,kinda random.that was it basicaly.

wow,its taken me 15 mins 2 rite this,its now 6:27...

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 6:09 AM BST
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004
--->insert title<---
i just cudnt fink of a title.i 4t i shud put sumit plus im bord shitless.dun nufin 4 da past few days.blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

can u tel im bord?

ok,iv just decided on sumit 2 do...

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 9:57 PM BST
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Saturday, 24 July 2004
of a bunch of neighbours hu hav nufin betr 2 do,woo,tis gona be gud!(sarcasm in that sentence btw)not gona be that bad but aint gona be the best party ever!

I hav this add sayin i hav won a holiday,u hav blablahblah seconds left 2 claim im w8in 4 it 2 just finishd n it aint respondin,dam i was hopin 4 sumit gud 2 hapen!

neway,i only put sumit on this 2 kill sum time realy,im wuite bord at da mo.this party is spose 2 b a bbq but lukin at the wether it dnt luk like it.o wel,shud be funny 2 c wot parents m8s can be quite funny sumtimes so itl b sumit 2 do.dawel...

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 5:29 PM BST
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Thursday, 22 July 2004
2day not very up ded early cos we wer all meetin at 11,so i had 2 get up at 9:30,to early 4 me!lukily 2moz we're meetin at 12 so i get longer in bed,woo and yay!get ther n we do fuk all,just sit ther n burn stuff,we had our own lil bonfire in the park,n now thers loadsa burnt shit melted 2 da floor on a big burn mark,i feel iv left my mark!neway evry1 drifted off home n places by 1 so i did aswel n ryan came round.he left n as he was just bout 2 heva lou n estelle turn up on ma ryan went n we child 4 a bit,then decided 2 go maccy ds,but i cudnt b boverd goin.ur neighbours giv u weird luks wen u get carried out ur house struglin like they did 2 me,it was quite odd.wel aftr a wile i decided 2 go cos i was getin hungry so we walkd acros town in the pisin rain 2 gegt food wiv the lil amount of money we had.turnd out we had like 6 quid so we got sum food.aftrwuds we wer still hungry so we ask the woman how many chips can we get wiv da change we had.she was realy genorous n gave us a large fries wich was over flowin wich wasnt 1.19(the usual price) not 1 pound,not 79p (the price of a small fries) but 40P!YES THATS RITE,40P!we wer so happy,totaly worth the long walk in the rain getin piss wet thru!neway i came home after that,quite fun day but not the best.

I shud realy buy my mum a bday card.its her bday 2moz n i aint bought her 1 yet,lukily shes workin 2moz so i wnt c her til aftr she gets home so il buy1 in sainsburys or sumwhere (bit risky in sainsburys cos she works ther) so iuno.i stil ow sofi the tenner,crap.i realy wanted the spill canvas cd aswel!il probly be able 2 buy it if not il get ma mum or dad 2 buy it me or sumit....................

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 9:48 PM BST
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Tuesday, 20 July 2004
im hooked on a new band
the spill canvas,their so kool,but quite depressin,if ya dnt realy like that then u wont like em but im listenin 2 em non stop now,their (as a lame 40 year old tryin 2 be kool wud say) ace! thanx 2 ryan applegate 4 that (many ppl readin this will be wundrin hu the hell?!)but their kool

2day went town wiv elle,alex l,alex b,sarah n sofi.ryan came but only 2 scrounge money off me 4 a subway,(subway rox,best sandwiches EVAR) n i ended up talkin 2 this guy in a clothes shop (im in town wiv 5 girls so i hav 2 go in clothes shops).he was a dude,kinda pervy tho.but he worked there mon-sat, 9-5 n he has 2 travel 4 an hour 2 get there.he must be nakerd!he was kinda funny tho,he was givin me ways 2 get out the shop.neway we ended up at alexs (saw dickens on the way n he got dragged along)n we all ended up playin cranium,wot an odd game.

wel aftr that elle had 2 go so i went wiv her on alexs bros bike (she askd me 2 take it up 2 her mums 4 her) n went 2 ryans aftr droppin it 4 bout 3 hours me ryan heva n claire just sat wachin tv. went home at bout 7 n started listenin 2 music while on the pc at 8 n bin here listenin 2 the spill canvas since.its now 10:30 n i mite go n watch tv ina bit....

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 10:14 PM BST
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1 am...
n i just finished wachin die hard)like 1 of the best movies ever!)thats basicaly wot i did all day,chill out wachin tv,playin playsation n listenin 2 music.i was invited 2 5aside footie but i cudnt b boverd(thats not like me!) n im skint neway cos i gota buy ma mum a bday present 4 friday.
Elle n ryan came round at bout half 3 cos ryan was at footie n elle was wiv alex hu met up wiv her bf blah blah blah,so they came 2 mine aftrwuds.just wachd more tv n stuff,not much realy. they went n i met up wiv em l8r,but wiv uvr ppl.sum italian chic was ther,she sed my bike devirginised her,is that gud or bad?iuno.

o yeh ma bro txt me last nite (hes in spain on hol wiv m8s,n hes only 9!9,17,same diff!)neway he txt me bragin how hes in BCM (biggest club in europe) wiv all these hot dancers n getin pisd til 6am. yeh,well,i was wachin stand up comedy 4 like 2 hours,he was so jealous!and it turns out that theres a club there called boomerang wich has a massive tank of naked women swimming all for ur pleasure!yeh,well,i wachd DIE HARD!hes gona be so jealous!neway,thats bout it realy,mite put sumit on l8r if i can b boverd...

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 12:40 AM BST
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Sunday, 18 July 2004
well last nite was fun (not in that way u sick perverted person) i playd geet all nite while ma mum n dad wer at sum party next was pretty fun just playin 4 n ryan playd on the webcam 2 loads of ppl 4 bout an hour,just random songs we cud "play"(isnt it gr8 wen they cnt hear u?!) neway,wasnt pinky and the brain a gr8 show?!is it still goin?iuno.their plans wer so kool n wud work but nevr did,poor guys.

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 6:47 PM BST
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Friday, 16 July 2004
Summer at last!
Yes,its that time of the year where you look back on the past skool year,then aftr a min you 4get bout skool 4 6 weeks until the nite b4 when you wish u did more in the time you had off than doin nufin more than hangin out wiv m8s sitin tired starin at the picture box that tels stories.(the tv i fink its called)
I always say at the start of ne holiday thatl il do sumit worth while this time but never do,just regret that i didnt at th end. But this time will be diferent!(i say that everytime) i duno wot il do but i will!

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 6:19 PM BST
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004
2days in a row (can i keep it up?!)
i duno!

neway i was just walking home from ryans n i saw this caravan rite,n es wot the name of the company that makes them was? "Caravans r us"?no!
It was,u ready 4 this?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."WANDAHOME"! i was amazed!its not smart thinking,its not clever,its INGENIOUS!it must of took em ages 2 think that 1 up!i bet the guy hu did got a biiiiiiiig promotion!

so i carry on walking thinking about the amazing thing that had just happend n i saw 1 of them the 1s that r 4 electricity n r green about 2 n a half feet high (u must no the 1s!)
But this box wasnt normal,no,it wasnt dark green like it shud be,but it was BRIGHT BLUE!!!! y bright blue?! realy,it just stands out like a sore thumb.i duno y ppl use that phrase cos sore thumbs dnt realy stand out unless u cut it while grating cheese n u need 2 get it bandaged (*cough*mikeoarton*cough*)but neway as i was sayin the box stood out so much,its like a torch in the middle of a dark field,cos cum on,its the worst colour 2 paint something like that.It would be alrite if they wer all like that but no,just that 1!

Neway,that depresion phase i went thru last nite just turned out 2 be tiredness. also i was listenin 2 emo music so it got me down,i shud listen 2 sumit more happy n less likely 2 make me wana kill myself but its gud 2 chill out 2.

O yeh 2day was day 2 of wek of crap (i fink i cald it the week of crap) wiv sum random WW2 stuff (like i was listenin!) basicaly i cut stuf out n then made chris glover look like an absolute twat!that was quite funny,he lookd like himself on weekends,a tram (debumpchshhhhhh) i used that burn so many times 2day! i shud realy fink up anuvr 1 quick....

p.s.if u have any ideas 4 a catchphrase il make a forum fing 4 it on my mesage forum ina minit.

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 7:41 PM BST
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Tuesday, 13 July 2004
i just enterd a state of depression...
"And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

just how i feel at the mo,how convenient that song has just come on,cosmic.

thats all thats in my head at the mo,blank,nufin, probly just tired but i feel realy down n depresd.

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one
One is the loneliest number, worse than two...

Posted by dragon2/rpzbiz at 9:07 PM BST
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