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Name: X259
Code Name: Suki
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Hight: 5'3"
Weight: 120lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Bule
Gundam: Kunoichi

The Black Death

AC 175, 20 years before Operation Meteor the Allied Earth Forces created a top secret weapons development base, hidden in the asteroid belt. The base’s labs developed prototype mobile suit as well as biological weapons, but their greatest advancements were made in the creation of human weapons. This operation was headed by two scientists, Dr. Yukio, and his late wife, Suki.

Human DNA was altered to create soldiers of greater strength, speed, mobility, and sharper reflexes. Many of the early experiments were failures and didn’t survive past birth. However, it wasn’t long before the base was training soldiers created from the altered DNA. They grew up learning all forms of combat, and it was beginning to look as though they could create an entire army of these soldiers.

However as many of these human weapons grew older they came harder to control. With no fear of death they could not be threatened in to obeying their creators. Many of the earlier modals were discarded, destroyed, abandoned, or turned up missing. Due to these events the training for the younger modals was altered.

Though the project was a success in the end, it did not come in time to aid in the war. With no name to trace the organization back to it seemed to have all but disappeared.

Now, with the new found peace, and government in place, Dr. Yukio, seeks to reestablish him self through an organization know as "The Black Death" and his latest weapon.

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