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A dojo teaching the classical martial and self-defense arts of the Samurai. Ninpo-Taijutsu is a classical martial tradition that utilized methods from nine different samurai, and ninja jujutsu(taijutsu)schools or "ryu-ha". These methods employ a direct, effective means of self-defense using evasion, striking, kicking, joint-jocks, and throws. In addition to Ninpo-Taijutsu (Ninjutsu) methods of aikijutsu are also studied. Aikijutsu is a dynamic, flowing samurai jujutsu that relies on blending with the opponents momentum and inertia. Techniques use a minimum amount of force by using the attacker's force against him, producing very dramatic results. The Ronin Bujutsu Dojo emphasizes the principles of Goshinjutsu or "self-defense". While studying these ancient samurai arts, students are learning methods of practical "real-world" defensive tactics that are just as effective now as they were 500 years ago on the battlefields, and streets of ancient Japan.

Study Aikijutsu and the nine Ryu-Ha of Ninpo-Taijutsu

Contact RONIN BUJUTSU DOJO of Albuquerque - (505) 379-4615

Ronin Bujutsu Dojo : click here
