Rob's travel and photos page


I'm now in Hong Kong. It's been a long time since I did any work on this website and I can't even remember how to create the files. I had a hard enough time trying to remember the http address, nevermind logging in. Anyway, I'm in HK and struggling to get internet access but if I can get the time I might well try to update this website... Veremos dijo el ciego

The following are links to photos from South America...

Note that the pictures have been categorized by country and will probably take ages to load unless I have got around to implementing thumbnails. Since I tend to travel around in circles tracing my route will not be immediately obvious from just looking at the pictures. Maybe I'll add a timeline somewhere...

For pictures from Argentina click here.

For pictures from Bolivia click here.

For pictures from Uruguay click here.

For pictures from Paraguay click here.

For pictures from Chile click here.

For pictures from Brazil click here.

For pictures from Peru click here.

For pictures from Ecuador click here.

Here are some (one) photo from Europe...

Click here for a picture from Spain.

In time there may be photos from Asia, Australasia and even Central America...

For example, here are some pictures from Mexico courtesy of Erin.

After some delay I am about to start writing some random tales from my travels which will be found here atRanT.

For copies of A Traveller's Tale checkout the following... (There will be irregular future editions added from time to time):

ATT1.1 - A Chilean Sojourn

ATT1.2 - A Passage to Bolivia

ATT1.3 - The Parting of Ways

ATT1.4 - Going Down...

ATT1.5 - The Bag's Tale

ATT1.6 - Of Borders and Bribes...

ATT1.7 - From Darkest Peru

ATT1.8 - A Very Brief Interlude

ATT1.9 - More About Caves

I also recommend visiting the following caving websites...

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