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If you don't have Netscape, then the images might not appear.  I am working on this problem presently.
About Me:
                     Hey everyone.  My name is Ray.  I made this site to prove I can to Cal and piss him off.  I made it from scratch, so I feel special.  I hope you enjoy it.  Look at the links and stuff if u want.  I have brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'9, 130lbs, I play Baseball, Street Hockey, and Lacrosse.  I have a girlfriend.  She is the utmost coolest, hottest, sweetest, nicest, funniest, kindest, most beautiful girl I ever knew.  And if u have a problem with that-well that's your opinion and im not going to care because I know how I feel you red neck hippies. 
                I go to Cape Cod Technical High school,  the BEST school ever.  Its awesome, we get to take Shops....I want to take Marine Mechanics or Auto Tech. 

What I like to Do:        
I like to skateboard, even though I really suck at it,  play baseball, play lacrosse, street hockey, pool, and swim.  I like to hang out with my friends, play video games, chill with my girlfriend adele, watch TV, and, oddly enough, hang out with my little brother.  I like to go to the movies, make web sites,  hang out with my older brother Josh, even though we don't get to much, I like to help people with school work.  I really like hanging out with Adele.  There is a whole page on her in this site.

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