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Fiction Alley

Here's a lullabye to close your eyes (goodbye)
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
Here's a lullabye to close your eyes, goodbye...
--Taken from the Silent Hill 4 trailer

28 Feb 04 - Kaida has died in the process of her embrace, so her journals will no longer update. I will soon post her journal in an easy to get to area for public viewing. Until then, it can be found here. Also, the song on the front page has been changed. You can also now get to the front page by clicking on the main banner.

20 Feb 04 - For those who have looked through the art gallery and seen my image of Snape, I finally realized why he looks so young. I haven't watched the movies for a while and the last thing I saw the actor in was a Western where he looked to be at least 10 years younger. I may want to reattempt the image after watching the movies again.

17 Feb 04 - Finally got the entire site updated, even though you still can't read Rave Dragon from here. Rave Dragon can currently only be found in the Astronomy Tower. The Angelfire site is fully uploaded and ready to go while the Bravenet site is a little behind due to server maintenance. This will be remedied soon. You can also find character sheets to Rave Dragon's Kaida here. Character sheets were made with Grapevine.
Edit: Bravenet is now online.

7 Jan 04 (even later) - New mirror site if you wanna see everything all pretty. Bravenet doesn't use css too well. Go to to see the other site. Or maybe you're there already... ^_^

7 Jan 04 (later) - Never mind. I figured it out. ^_^; But now you all get to deal with scrolling! Yay! I'll get pretty scrollbars done soon. ... I hope.

7 Jan 04 - I cannot get this first page right, no matter what. I'm giving up now. Anyway, both galleries have been updated with Chibi-Kaida, a spoiler, and dance-watching Sev. Only the spoiler turned out okay.

6 Jan 04 - Rave Dragon is up and ready for business. Though the banners these people use bug me, this may be the best server for now.

Rave Dragon is my story. As in, belongs to me. And don't steal pictures off my site. It's not very nice. I've worked a long hard day making this. Yes. Day. One. But it was still long and hard, okay? Everything else, like Harry Potter and all characters thereof do not belong to me, but to other people. HP belongs to JK Rowling, of course.