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You are in a dark cave, and you can't see a thing. Suddenly, at the end of the tunnel, you see two figures and you are bathed in grey light. A dyed-auburn haired girl with grey eyes. She's holding a torch with a grey flame on it. Next to her is a huge dragon, about ten feet tall. In the girl's arms is a tiny green dragon, by her left is a tiny red one, and at her right is a sleeping blue one. "Hi!" she says. "I'm Hawk, master of time, and this is my dragon, Prism. I got him from Downloadable Dragons." "Can those things breathe fire?" You ask. "Only Prism. These three are way too young.  




Name: Prism

Age: No idea

Hobbies: Admiring his extensive collections of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and topazes.

Fave food: Macaroni and cheese

Ability: Can create a rainbow as he flies if he wants to 


Name: Pause

Age: ?

Hobbies: Sleeping

Fave food: Ice cubes (What kind of fave food is that?) 

Ability: Can pause things


Name: Fast Forward

Age: ??

Hobbies: Endless! He's hyperactive.

Fave food: Green vegetables

Ability: Can fast forward things to better times



Name: Rewind

Age: ???

Hobbies: He's a pyromaniac......

Fave food: Charcoal. (Yuck!)

Ability: Can rewind things to undo naughty things he's done