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Shiver me timbers, it's...
Scythe Island!
(A Windows adventure game by Simon Préfontaine)

Now go away, ye scurvy dog!

(Click on mopman Dan to enter...)

Disclaimer: For legal purposes, you cannot enter this site unless:

1. You are over 85 years of age.
2. Your name begins with the letter S.
3. You have a pegleg, a patcheye, or some kind of missing limb.
4. You cheer for the Ottawa Senators (yay sens!)
5. You agree to bear my children.
6. You swear to play this game first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and every time you go to the bathroom.

If you match all of the above criteria (God help ye...) then click on mopman Dan, and get ready enter a world of intrigue, tomfoolery, skullduggery, and buckle-swashing adventure! Scythe Island awaits!