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Alright before you read the long long intro here is a short summary of what is on my website! I, Shakaku, am a crazy, insane, and I have a huge imagination. On this site is information, lots of comedy, moments of insanity, about Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Villians, Anime, Pirates of the Carribean. Also some original stories by me... So enjoy! By the way reading the intro is not nesscary...

(Update 12/17/04 I have decided to start a new site, one much better than this one MUAHAHAHHA

{Update 10/5/0 I lied it is october and i am not done! Ok so i promise to finish by the end of the year... Check out everything else in the mean time... OOO! there is a new story!...

Update 8/??/04 Shakaku: NO one please shoot me, I swear I shall up date this page soon... I beg for your guy's forgiveness, I promise to update it by the end of august... I am just such a lazy person... When i finish updating... There will be more of jack's diary! Another Chapter of the Silver Flame Chronicles and 3 new stories! I shall put up the brochures for the Evil Overlord Convention. I shall put up the book section and Do a whole lot more on the manga section... I promise........ }

Shakaku: Hello! Welcome to my website! Actually the official website of the PPFN!

Dracula: But some of the stuff doesn't even have to do with the PPFN.

Shakaku:*sweatdrop* Yeah well...

Legolas: But who cares because I am the prettiest!!

Voldermort: Why did I agree to be part of the welcoming comittee?

Jack: Because we get free rum mate, how could you turn that down?

Yoh: Huh? I just want to listen to my music!

Anna: You're supposed to be training!


Dracula: Heh

Sirius: *When he was 16* Anyway we are here to tell you what you can do here.

James: *also 16* Theres the Harry Potter Section!

Sirius: Theres the gallery for Prisoner of Azkaban.

James: Soon there will be more stuff.

Shakaku:All about Harry Potter

Legolas: But not me... I am still the prettiest

Gimli: While the elf is nacing let me oresent it properly. There are Links to the Original Very Secret by Cassandra Clarie

Legolas: I see with my great hot elf vision a link to the Very Secret Journals (by Bahalva) squels to the Very Secret Diaries

Aragorn: And the PPFN'S own Very Secret Diaries for Lord of the Rings.

Legolas: Yep

Amindamaru: Then there's the manga section right Lord yoh?

Yoh: *nod*

Shakaku: There's not much yet...

Yoh: But there will be!!!

Barbossa: Apple?

Yoh: Sure. :)

Voldermort: You are thinking of apples at a time like this?

Barbossa: Arr. Come to the Evil Overlord section.

Voldermort: Or else!!

Barbossa: Theres the Evil Overlord Handbook.

Voldermort: And the Evil Overlord Conventions {soon to come} So come!

Barbossa: Or Else?

Voldermort Now you are getting the hang of it!

Captain Jack Sparrow: And come to Tortuga, where there are drinks!

Will: Located there is the Very Secret Diaries of Jack and Elizabeth.

Captain Jack: Captain, Captain Jack!

Elizabeth: *mutter mutter pirates mutter*

Captain Jack: There is also wenching.

Will: ... And a dictionary of pirate terms.

Captain Jack: Aye, so you can become a true pirate.

Elizabeth: A parody script for POTC, its not even that funny...

Shakaku: You are supposed to promote people to come! Anyways i have put up an acess pass to my very own, Rum Island! I shalll put the chronicles of the Silver Flame, and other of my works there.

Dracula: Soon there will be a book section thingy...

Captain Nemo: yep with stuff on LXG,

Dracula: & Various Vampire books!

Yoh: So enjoy...

Jack: Have rum!

Barbossa: And an apple

Dracula: Visit all the sections

Shakaku: And come back real soon!!!

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Welcome to Tortuga - Pirate Stuff
Welcome to The Evil Overlord Convention! - Evil Overlord Stuff
Welcome to Minas Tirith! -Lord of the ring stuff
Welcome to Hogsmead- Harry Potter Stuff
Welcome to Count D's Pet Shop- Manga Stuff
Welcome to Rum Island- Captain Shakaku stuff, stories and etc.
Welcome to Gallows - Disclaimer