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A Dragon's Catch






The Dragon Suite is a set of songs formed around parts of the life of a dragon-rider, that I have come up with over the course of a number of years when I was rp’ing over at Moonset Weyr.   The first song was Ganoff’s Song (my character at the time).  The next set was the three ‘Gold’ songs.   That’s when I got the idea for a full suite of songs, suitable for singing at a gather or impression. I hope you enjoy them.  These songs should be sung in the following order:



01.    Calling On

02.   Red Star Rises

03.   Searching

04.   Golden Sunrise

05.   Gold Rise

06.   Golden Ground

07.   Impression

08.   My Riders but a Weyrling Yet

09.   Weyrling Band

10.    You Will Be Tapped

11.     Ganoffs Song

12.    Flying Along

13.    Thread

14.    Injury

15.    Waiting

16.    Morning

17.    Watchrider

18.    Old Rider




Calling On

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (26.01.2005)


Praise, praise all here

Raise up your voice and with me now rejoice and sing

For dragons and their kin

And the tales that we will tell you now.


Come draw near all

And stories of a rider’s life we’ll tell for you to heed

In every thought and deed

And take notice of what we tell you now




Introduction (Tune to ‘London’s Burning’)

Lyrics by Kendal Leask – September 17, 2003



Red Star Rises, Red Star rises

Seek fire, Seek fire

Check the eye stone, check the eye stone

Red stars rises; red stars rises…(fade out)





(Tune to ‘Rising of the Moon’)

Lyrics by Kendal Leask – September 17, 2003


Come and tell me sister dear,

Why your cheeks are all aglow

Now listen brother dearest

At the sounds above the hall.

There are dragon wings a-beating

As they come and call and sing

And they have come a-searching

To find those who’d join their wing


For they’re searching near and far

For they search both near and far

And dragon wings come beating

When they search both near and far


Listen, listen sister dearest,

Now take heed upon your work

With food and drink now take to them

Let not your duties shirk

I will come and change so soon

As I have these runners tied

And then together we will see

If the searching he has tried (Chorus)


Now as brother catches sister

Who’s ta’en the riders eye

The blue upon the Halls broad sill

Lets out a mighty cry

And with a leap of mighty haunch

He rides into the air

And tells his rider he has found

What they have sought of there (Chorus)


And desolate now is the sister

Who had hoped so dear to be,

The one the dragon rider came

To take away - not He!

For instead he took the brother

With no departing word

And left her upon the threshold

Her voiceless grief not heard (Chorus)



Continued on next page…

Now she’ll miss her brother dearly

For upon the sands he’s been

A dragon rider he’s become

Of a brown, no blue or green!

And one day he’ll be a great rider

Of fame and skill well known

A different life he’ll now lead

As thread-fall he has flown


For they’re searched both near and far

For they searched both near and far

And dragon wings went beating

When they searched both near and far



Golden Sunrise

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (16.09.2002)

(Cruel Mother (copyright Park Records PRKCD38 ‘Flesh & Blood’) – inspired by Geldeths Rise -)




Drums, Harp, gitar & and a good soloist.


The music sounds more like a lament.   To be sung before Gold Rise and follows straight into that.  I highly recommend trying to listen to the original track by Maddy.






Gold Sunlight, shines through the Weyr,  Waking her from slumbering sleep

She wakes, restless, heat rising throughout

Her conquests she will reap


Calling life’s mate, she challenges all, and leaps to hunt her prey

‘Drink only the blood, so you may rise high’, her rider makes her obey




From all around, her dragons approach, all males listening to her

Her rivals they flee, as she golden glows, daring with lust and hunger


Far away, they must now go, for these her pride will not share?

To dare them all, to see who would come and make her queen of the air




They come; they crave, wanting her more, their riders beckoning them on

Surrounding her near, they too need to feed, so they can fly her long

A moments rest, here it comes, her body now is replete

Who will now come, who will now dare, who can match one so fleet?




Lead into Gold Rise with trumpet and drums


Gold Rise

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (14.09.2002)

(Boy on a Horse (copyright Park Records PRKCD38 ‘Flesh & Blood’) – inspired by Geldeths Rise)




Drums, gitar & and a good soloist.

The music is a march.  I highly recommend trying to listen to the original track by Maddy.


Follows on from Golden Sunrise.


Fly, Dragons, fly

Follow me thro’ the sky

Hear my call so bold

Come follow, those who’d mate with Gold!


Hear my call,

And follow me

Bronze and Brown, who my mate would be,

Let you come and dare to try

Each of you, who must fly me so high


I am freed

And from you all do speed

If you would come to my height

Follow and catch this Gold Queen, bright!


Hear my call,

And follow me

Bronze and Brown, who my mate would be.

Let you come and dare to try

Each of you, who must fly me so high


Bodies entwined

Heat does us bind

And now my mate you know

My clutch on the hatching grounds will grow


Hear my call,

And follow me

Bronze and Brown, who my mate would be

Let you come and dare to try

Each of you, who must fly me so high

Hear my call,

And follow me

Bronze and Brown, who my mate would be

Let you come and dare to try

Each of you, who must fly me so high


Golden Ground

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (04.10.2002)

(Tune - Mendholson & Pollington – taken from “Sedgemoor – the Night March and the Battle” by Strawhead 1985)


Instrumental opening (Mendelssohn) Slow paced.


The time has come, the time so clear

And now from sleep the Gold Queen wakes

She stretch’s out to reach her dear

Her life mate, deep from sleep she shakes

And now she goes upon the way

Her Weyr close by the hatching ground

Their warming sands, her eggs to lay

Her joyful cries echo and rebound


Hear now the queen, her time comes near

Hold to the hatching ground!


She has laid, but broody still

The eggs 'gainst rivals she has barred

Nor yet her guard down let she will

As her clutch from this time grow hard

Four, five, fraught sevendays now pass

The Weyr, its candidates now bring

Those who’ll stand alone, each lad and lass

Each heart and mind to egg calling


Guard now the clutch, in time of peril

Stand to the hatching ground!


Soft now, the eggs grow ever hard

Their turn in season comes around

A hum, a beat, are summons discharged

All attend now to the hatching ground

From each tier the folk do view

The white robed candidates who stand

Their life’s to start anew

With those born on these heated sands


But then the hatching starts now…

Upon the hatching ground!


Intro to fast part


Fast pace:



The first egg cracks, all eyes are brought, upon the scene, which now is wrought

Before our eyes the shards are sent, upon the sands where they are spent

A bronze head comes, its eyes aglow, it's wings a glisten and searching, though

The first lads there, which is the one?

The dragon chooses, new life begun

Each dragon rider knows his name!




But now t'is time for the others to come, as through the ground the Dragons hum.

Bugling, greeting each new life, into this world of fun and strife

A blue, a green now who can tell, which dragon comes from out each shell?

The candidates now gather in, the dragonets choose from deep within

Their life mate for each one to claim!




Yet still more, the time it grows, each dragonet it now seeks those

Who still are left upon these grounds who’d make a rider for blue or browns,

Greens or bronze, or e’en a gold, another found, oh joy is found!

Impression, tears of joy and sorrow, think upon new lives tomorrow

As the new day it dawns aflame!




The last dragonet, it casts about, but there is still one girl stout,

Whom it finds, it knows she’s hers and in the girls mind its name stirs

“I love you” the girl, her mind hears, as overcome, eyes fill with tears

All done now, they hug, she cries, this final pairing brings tears to eyes

As a watching queen she knows the same!


Fanfare, back to slow pace & Instrumental – (Mendelssohn)


All done, each egg now fully hatched

The grounds are cleared once again

Weyrling and dragon so well matched

Life’s journey for them to begin


Dawn’s bright new light, shines brightly now

Into the hatching ground






Impression Song

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (January 23-26th 2005)

Melody:  (matchstick cats & dogs)


I bowed my head onto my work

A candidate must never shirk

If he is to aspire to be the one

Who stands out there, under peoples glare

And hopes to be a rider bold

Is it fate or chance that makes my blood run cold?


Now a keening sound I’ve never heard

From dragon’s mouths, it is the word

That I must go and don my new white gown

An hour ago I was dressing meat

And now I stumble on my feet

Is this for me or will they turn me away?


I stand on sands, so hot to touch

The clutching grounds are filled so much

With guests and riders all pricked in their best

I see the eggs ahead right now

And move forward to take my bow

And then all the candidates move in right close


Well the eggs now crack and dragonets

Emerge to crooning dragon breaths?

And I admit that I am very scared.

“Oh come to me says one so fine,

For I am yours and you are mine

Together we will stay for evermore.”


So do you cheer upon the stands

This hatching day is mine so grand

And I am evermore a dragon-man

My life it is forever changed

And now o’er Pern we both can range

I leave you now for a life that’s ever new.


My rider is a Weyrling, yet

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (31/01/2005)


Melody:  My Love she’s but a Lassie, yet



My rider is a Weyrling, yet
My rider is a Weyrling, yet
He'll toss and throw from side to side
'Till he's allowed to ride me yet
I love the day I sought him so
I love the day I sought him so
He and I we did impress
And I will never leave him, Oh!
Do you see him throw another sack
Do you see him throw another sack
My eyes they follow him round the bowl
'Till he can ride on my bare back
I love the day I sought him so
I love the day I sought him so
He and I we did impress
And I will never leave him, Oh!
The sacks he tosses through the sky
The sacks he tosses through the sky
Each one he catches then throws on
And it doesn't matter if it's wet or dry!
I love the day I sought him so
I love the day I sought him so
He and I we did impress
And I will never leave him, Oh!
One day he'll be my rider bold
One day he'll be my rider bold
And we will fly with thread in sky
And go to protect all the holds
I love the day I sought him so
I love the day I sought him so
He and I we did impress
And I will never leave him, Oh!


Weyrling's Band

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (3rd-15th December 2002)

(Tune - McNamara’s Band – Inspired by the loss of Okome Change over of WLM’s – a true drinking song)



Oh I am a weyrlingmaster, I’m the trainer of this band
All Dragonets and Weyrlings, I will take them in hand

From hatching, through your training until your first thread fall

If you stay with me my Weyrlings then you’ll be the best of all!



Oh the Weyrlings hang on my harangue, before they get to play

They’re young yet will they ever get to learn to fly away?

And higgledy-piggledy comes the views of life from the hatching sands

A credit to the Weyr will be my little Weyrling band

Tra la la laaa, la la la laa laaaa, laaaa la la la laaaa
tra la la laaa, la la la laa laaaa, A credit to the Weyr will be my little Weyrling band


These little tiny dragonets, fresh out from the shell they jump

And candidates, are Weyrlings now, new life is such a bump!

I’m guiding, cajoling, threatening, helping, showing them all the way

A weyrlingmaster has a thankless job each and every day! CHORUS


Bagging and sorting, sneezing and oiling these are the things to do

Being a weyrlingmaster is to watch these taskings through

To care for my little Weyrling band, I have to know their needs

To comfort, train and tell them off and teach their dragon to heed CHORUS


Right now they are training to take into the air

Their antics, pranks and ignorance will give me such a scare

When the Weyrlady, she comes and says, now take them all in hand

I reply, My dear lady, it is all as I have planned! CHORUS


Now’s the time for them to learn to go from here to there

Every time they go **between**, I’ll be pulling out my hair!

Tossing sacks to and fro till they never miss a one

Except that bag that clipped my wing and they thought that it was fun! CHORUS


Well. My little band of Weyrlings they are now from out my reach

They’ve gone into the Queens flight now, I gave them all a speech

If you think you’ve had it hard, then there's something yet to show

As Weyrlings you had it easy, As riders you will know! CHORUS


They’ve thought on my words and fully under Queens wing they have come

To help, to train to learn to be riders fully flung

Into the reins of battle and flight against dread thread fall

But they stayed with me and will ever be a Credit to us all! CHORUS



You will be Tapped

Lyrics by Kendal Leask – based on ‘You will burn’ by Peter Knight and performed by Maddy Pryor. Created:  14th September 2003


One night as you talk, and you eat and discuss

We will be sitting at the side

We’re ready for your place to be taken next to us

It is the time for tapping; It’s time to decide


Then one night when we’ve talked and decided what to do

We will be standing at your side

Your training it is over and its time to start anew

It is the time for tapping and it’s you we will guide


Then we’ll take you to your wing mates

Amidst the hue and cry

As you’re cheered throughout the dining room

And its then that we will teach you

How each of us does fly

When we dance in skies against the falling doom


And you will fly, you will fly

Save your wing mates from the fall,

From the fall, from the fall

And we’ll rise and live together

We will rise, we will rise

From the Weyrs across the world

And through the skies, through the skies

We’ll protect our folk together


Praise the Weyr

Another pairs been tapped

Praise the Weyr. Praise the Weyr



Ganoffs Life

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (created 11th January 2001)


Melody “The leaving of Liverpool



‘Twas in a lonely and dismal cot

Amongst the cliffs in the far north

That to my mother a baby boy

Was brought forth from her to his birth



So fly me well, my own true friend

For when I impressed a wonder I did see

For there’s none here who can describe to me

My grief if I were to lose thee


A herder’s lad was I brought up

And I rarely had a Harper’s company

By which to learn my songs and duty Ballard’s

‘Twas was my lord owned my every day


To the south one day I found that I was sent

A flock of woollies for their holds to breed

From whence to the Weyrs own herds and stock I came

Where I was searched and from my Lord was freed


Alone have I been for many a turn

And dragons before hunting I have seen

Destroying my flock at my holders whim

An end to them I thought it was my dream


But I have now stood on Moonset’s hatching ground

An experience akin I’ve never known

And brave blue Bekarth is my dragon’s name

A true friendship for life we have sown


As my bonny new friend he does full grow

A new life with him I will learn to lead

Fighting thread in the skies on dragonwings

Of my thoughts before I will take no heed


Despise not what I had thought before

For in the past I know that I have been wrong

But instead ask of yourself what might be so

Amongst those never seen at a gather throng



Flying Along

Lyrics by Kendal Leask (4th February 2003)

(Melody – Kentish Sir Byng, one of the Cavalier Ballads, music provided by Strawhead – Book of England)


Introductory music – fast paced, woodwinds and trumpet fanfare


Let you all know, what I will now show,

Threadfall comes hungrily, a-silver, a-glow.

The Red Star full shines, bringing dread to our minds,

Do not yet fear for here is Dragon Kind!


As they’re Flying along, twenty-score strong

All of the weyr-folk, singing this song


Alarm now sounds! Through each holds wide bounds

Ground crew come searing threadfall that grounds

Look to the sky and thank those that fly,

Braving all dangers, that we may not die


Because they’re Flying along, twenty-score strong

All of the weyr-folk, singing this song


Now give good cheer!  The Weyr is all here!

Flaming and flying to keep skies thread clear

Come stand by your Lord, and your labour afford

To tithe to those folk who will die or be scored


They come Flying along, twenty-score strong

All of the weyr-folk, singing this song


Gold, Bronze and Brown, They all do dive down,

Spears of flame clearing air all around!

Now blue and green, supporting their Queen,

Make sure that skies are thread cleared and clean!


They come flying along, twenty-score strong

All of the weyr-folk, singing this song


A dragon shall call, and listen then all!

To the search to find folk from each hold and each hall

Come now and abide As we search and you hied

To the Weyr where we’ll teach you a dragon to ride!


And then you’re Flying along, twenty-score strong

All of the weyr-folk, singing this song


Lyrics by Kendal Leask27/01/2005

Melody:  Now Monmouth’s come to Lyme by Strawhead.


Sound the bugle, sound it loud!

For thread fall’s over head boys!

And we all come to sear with flame

And drive this dread fall from us!


Sound the bugle, sound it loud

For thread falls started now boys

We must prepare to stand the fall

Who now must disbelieve us

We will secure our holdings dear

And make sure of no verdure

Let all make sure we are green free

And drive this dread fall from us!! - Chorus


Sound the bugle, sound it loud

For thread fall’s coming near boys

That silvery rain that eats all up

Do not dare to go out boys

Prepare your throwers well and true

And we will flame what might get through

Put your trust in good ground crews

And drive this dread fall from us! - Chorus


Sound the bugle, sound it loud

For thread fall’s over head boys

Flood the court and seal the gate

Let none be locked without then

Know your people and know them well

Keep close your stock and children so

When it passes you will know

And drive this dread fall from us! - chorus


Sound the bugle, sound it loud;

For thread fall now has passed boys

Out with you to check the land

Make sure that none has burrowed.

Make your bow to bronze and gold

Who from the air now we behold

Who have cleared the air for us to breathe

And drive this dread fall from us!! –


Chorus (repeat twice)






Lyrics by Kendal Leask (5th November 2003)

(tune by Steeleye span – Dragon Suite)


It was somewhere in the clouds above us

We were flaming very well and clear

When a warning o’er my shoulder came

As a dragon, belching flames, breathed near

So my dear blue, he did dive right down

To escape such a deadly fate

And dived into a clump of silvery thread

He was scored and the pain was too great.


Better get out,

Back to the Weyr.

Get out of danger,

Feel the pain, get to the Weyr

Get to the Weyr


As my blue dragons pain did reach me

I concentrated, blinking back tears.

“We have to reach the Weyr, my love.

Or we’ll never, ever fly again!”

And I had to know where we could go

Or we would be lost forever between

I said, “See where I show you now, my love”

And took him to the place where we’d been.. (chorus)


Between in the Weyr bowl, we came

As my blue bellowed his fear again.

And as he crashed into the ground,

He collapsed from the shock and the pain

I fell from his back, I never felt for myself,

As I pleaded for the healer to come.

“Please take good care, of him, sir, please

I could not bear life, without him…” (Chorus)


Bedded now down in the infirmary,

My loved one is beginning to heal.

They repaired his wing and it begins to grow,

And his pain I can hardly now feel!

I’ll never forget that stabbing jolt

As he felt the thread sear right through

And I’ll always know, where I must go

Whenever in danger we fly… (Chorus)






Lyrics by Kendal Leask (31 January 2005)

Melody Johnny Cope



Hi there rider do you dare not bide
Come to thy dragon and fling thee wide
To take on the fall with a wild ride
So early in the morning
Hey there all, let you come and sing
Our dragon-wings are all come in
And we have conquered all the fall
That fell through the sky at the dawning
With gold and bronze and speedy green
Now dragons come from cold between
Do you skip and dance in the deadly scene
And sweep the air for your calling (chorus)
Over mountain’s top and hilly range
Each dragon wing they can exchange
Firestone sacks for each to change
In the middle of the morning (chorus)
From islands, seas and ocean wave
Come meet and follow those so brave
Who dare the skies and fall to save
Even those who belittle and are scorning (chorus)
From South to North and East to West
And still so strongly I can attest
That dragon-folk are at their best
Near the ending of the morning (chorus)
Come you down lower to the ground and sweep
Make sure that thread it does not seep
And hides away down in burrows deep
To destroy the land by it’s boring (chorus)
Raise you up higher where we can’t see
Your shining wings in air so free
And we cheer ye all so merrily
When we see you safe home in the morning (chorus)



Lyrics by Kendal Leask (February 1, 2005)

Melody:  tonight (West Side Story)

With thanks to Anna for helping me find the tune for this.


The Weyr is flying fall
At Height
I hope they will flame all
In sight
But it’s a risky business, my heart
Is in my mouth when they go
From the rim to depart
From his dragons mouth flames
But will it keep him safe from maims
And fright?
I want him to be careful
No risks!
But he's a dragon rider
And loves heroics
In flight
We're hoping they are all right,
We're just hoping and awaiting their call
That its now safe and delight
Will stop our worries and pall
Well here they come now!
Well here they come now!
As wings of dragons enter the bowl
In flight!
I cannot see him yet
Can you?
My love don’t let me fret
For you!
Just come and gather me up
So tight
And thee and me we will sup
Early tonight…
(continue on next page)
He's here, in sight!
My love is safe, all right
And in his arms I'll shed all my tears!
Tonight, tonight, to be with my love tonight.
In his Weyr where I’ll shed all my fears
The morning seemed forever
The candle marks burnt so slowly,
And noonday was so bright
But gone is fright
Now make this endless day endless night!
He's tired and he aches
It was so hard a time for him
That ride
Now scrub and oil his dragon
Get wet
Then rest and raise a flagon
No rest for him yet…
Tonight, tonight,
My love I'll keep tonight
For in his arms I'll shed no more tears!
Tonight, tonight, I'm with my love tonight.
In his Weyr where he'll see no more fears.
That morning stretched forever
The time it went so slowly,
And the noonday was too bright
But now no fright
Can stop this wonderful endless night!




Lyrics by Kendal Leask (5th November 2003)

(melody - Ballard of the Alamo(from the film version)


On a lonesome, cleared hilltop

Over-looking a good hold

Sits a dragon mounted rider

Watching o'er the land he's told.

And he sees whatever’s needed

As he goes throughout this land

Giving help where'er he’s greeted

Or a lords grave reprimand.

But the people see him gravely

As about his work he goes

And they know he is the warden

Of all that lives and grows


Come now listen one and all

I’ll tell you what a riders for

The ones who watch across the land

Help they’ll give forever more.


I was just a lonesome child

When I first did spy one.

Flying hither round the hold

Flaming well till he was done.

For I knew then I would join them

And be like they, so bold

Protecting those I know well

From death’s most dire hold.


What a shock it was to me

When I learnt the truth then

Come now listen one and all

I’ll tell you what a riders for


For the ones that you see a watching

Are the ones that do not fight

Instead they serve their purpose

By ensuring there’s no blight.


Search out the folk who’d riders be,

Come help the lord of this land

Be at one to till his soil

And deal with his demand

Let you be all a-dancing

At his beck and call

Tell now to the Weyr

What you’ve heard from one and all


Search again and fly the bounds

Let not fall your guard down

Movement, seasons, peril, fear

Tell the lord what else is near

You must ever be the bearer

Of tidings that bring you grief

As an interloping stranger

Or a tithing thankless thief


Be you old or be you young

There are tasks to do here

Serves you well to know the ground

Helping holders over fears

Teach the ones who will follow

To know as much as you

And let not any burrows

Get left to the holds ground crew….


Musical Interlude


On a lonesome, chilly hilltop

Over-looking a good hold

Sits a dragon mounted rider

Watching o'er the land so cold.

And he knows in winter’s snowfall

Though all the holds a-bed

That his duties never finished

That he’s still got air to tread.


And I look at him still daily

As a man’s shoes I now fill

And I’m glad I guess that ever

Under his eyes the soil I till


That a dutiful watch-rider

Still guards this hold from ill.






Old Rider

Lyrics by Kendal Leask ()

(Melody – A Scottish Soldier)


There was a rider, a dragon rider

Who wandered far from home

And o’er all Pern did roam

There were none bolder

Though now he’s older

He came and fought the fall

To save this land


He’s seen such glories

Of harpers stories

And knows the truth to tell

Of pain and death to tell

But now he’s older

And death seems colder

He will still fight the foe he’s fought so long


For he is a dragon rider; so

He will not let go

He will fight the foe

Until the time comes when he meets his end

And between his dragon goes


There was a rider, a dragon rider

Who rode and saved the land

For folk with tools to hand

To live their lives now

In peaceful time now

That thread no longer comes to threaten them


He was a second, a good wing second

With wings at his command

And flame at his demand

To sear the threadfall

At dragons bugle call

He seared and fought to keep this land thread-free


For he is a dragon rider; so

He will not let go

He will fight the foe

Until the time comes when he meets his end

And between his dragon goes


There was a rider, a dragon rider

Full old and withered now

Who will not disavow

That younger riders,

With good strong leaders

Now have to lead the Weyr in these new times


He mounts his dragon, his grey brown dragon

And once more in the fray

With full Weyrs bright array

Of dragons flaming

Their ranks proclaiming

That he has led a life so well


For he is a dragon rider; so

He will not let go

He will fight the foe

Until the time comes when he meets his end

And between his dragon goes





The End of Dragon Suite