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The Smokehouse

06 Nov 2003 Let there be a website!!Yea! It worked! Hello everybody welcome to my new website. It has just been put up and it still empty and echoey in here.

Bear with me until I get a few things up ok. Enjoy!

25 Nov 2003 Hey everybody! Welcome to my new and improved anti smoking website. It slices and dices and cuts tobacco rumors to ribbons. All of you smokers out there, please read what I have to say and then decide if you wish to be a smoker or not. For all of the non smokers out there, RIGHT ON!!!0_o

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"isn't he cute! Go ahead! You know you want to!^-^ See what happens"

My loverly links

No Tobacco
Humorous Anti smoking pics
Solutions and Consequeces for tobacco
End of the World
