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Good Lord!
no no no no
same ol same ol
Todays man
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Mystical Dreams of Mine
Monday, 27 December 2010
New Year, New Beginning
Mood:  a-ok

Okay, yes, its been forever since I did anything on here, I forgot I had this!

So much has changed since the last entries!  Let me see........JD left me, for another woman, and has two kids with her.  Tommy and Abby went their seperate ways.

I live in Shelbina Mo now, its about 3 hours northwest of St Louis/St Charles.

I am a live in aide for a family friend, so again, back to the point of having no money because I dont get paid for this, and have no money coming in.  But I have always been able to deal.


Dont have much else to say now, I have been working on another blog ( so I will be going back and forth between the two.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 1:48 PM CST
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Saturday, 21 January 2006

Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: nothing yet!
Topic: Good Lord!
I cant believe it has been so long since I wrote last, but of course I should not be surprised, espeicially with everything that has gone on in the past year. I have been without internet since Feb of last year, one whole stinkin year! I spent from Jul 1 til Sep 29 in jail, bs, all of it!! Oh well that is over and done with now, I will be writing in here everyday from now on, count on it, just too tired to say much, so when feeling more up to it, will speak out more.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 4:43 PM CST
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Sunday, 26 December 2004
Woe is me
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: watching scooby doo with the kids
Topic: same ol same ol
Okay the day after Christmas, my Christmas sucked, no one came over, oh wait, the kids mom came over and TOOK the presents we had for the girls, and took them home with her, so of course I didnt get to watch the kids open them, and everyone else had bailed on us, we were supposed to have a party Christmas EVE, but everyone bailed, you know that is okay. I really dont mind it, never was much for Christmas anyway, but this was truly the first one I would get to spend with friends, and they all have other things to do, oh well. I was going to spend to day clenaing the house, the cat and dogs and hubby have torn the house to shreds, but before I can get out of bed, the kids mom comes over and says *I am going shopping watch the kids* the house is going to be even MORE trashed. I love the kids, I love Jessie, but sheeeeesh. I want some time to go out myself, I havent been out for like forever, oh well, I am glad I have initiated a once weekly girls day out (every weds) so us girls can go out and do something, even if it is just to wander around the mall. We wont have money to spend, but it is fun none the less. Guess I am in just a jealous mood or something. Need to figure out how I am feeling so I can deal with it. Guess will talk more later.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 11:58 AM CST
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Friday, 24 December 2004
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: watching tv
Topic: no no no no
BAD DAY BAD DAY BAD DAY..........Okay I made plans to have an XMAS party tonight, and what does everyone do? they bail on no no, not fair, I specifically did everything so this could be done tonight, tomorrow is supposed to be my sleep all day and not let anyone bother me day, but nooooooo they want to leave me home alone tonight. OH well, I hope they have fun with THIER plans...guess will have to watch the four movies I rented all by myself, yes FOUR MOVIES......The Bourne Id, The Bourne Supremecy, Fast and Furious, and 2Fast 2Furious, believe it or not, I have not seen any of here I plan to have snacks and movie fest, and they tell me where to stick it, oh well, gguess I will eat my cake and watch my movies, and clean house tomorrow. Works for me, have a good one all, or at least a better one than mine, lmao

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 8:15 PM CST
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Monday, 20 December 2004
life sort of sucks
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: cant hear the radio
Topic: same ol same ol
Just another one of those days, went to a center to try and get my electric paid, because have been out of work so long, they couldnt do anything, but going to another place, but I have to get oodles of paperwork together to proove to them that we dont have enough money to pay our bills. I will be so glad when I get my job up and going, not much money coming in, but it will be something. Better than the nothing coming in now. Went to the thrift store, where we got our free food, at the food pantry, and for a buck fifty, got christmas presents for my two goddaughters, for the 5 month old, two outfits, and for the 3 year old about five my little ponies, nothing big, and nothing nosey, mom will be happy lol. She came over today, her bf has been coming over to my place lately hanging out, now normally I wouldnt have a problem with that, but he has been b*tchin royally about her, and THEN he found out that her five month old MIGHT be my husbands (very long story. And he is jumping all over us about stepping up to the plate going to court blah blah blah, okay dude, the three of us already have everything taken care of, the five of us (my husband and me, her and the two girls) are FAMILY, we take care of eachother, if I am short on cash, she lends me money, or hell even buys me food, and I do the same for her. WE dont need to go to court and get shit all legal, we are taking care of US. And to be honest, we are kind of scared to find out she may not be his, because then we really wont know who the father I said long story. So we are just going on the premise that my husband IS the father, and we all five take care of eachother, if he doesnt like that arrangement, he can shove it. He didnt come into the picture until the baby was like 3 months old anyway. My best friend, Jessie, she is so ready to tell him where to shove it, he has become very domineering, trying to get her to quit school and get a job, instead of getting her GED, so she can get a BETTER job. I mean yes she is young has two little girls, but that is all the more reason to get her GED, to make things easier for her and the girls, then if she does well on her test, the GED board in MO, gives out free scholarships to school! That would be great for her, but NOOOOo he wants her to just up and quit and get a job. Yeah okay fine get a job, but working for minimum wage at McDonald's will not support you and your kids, all your life, you hve to do MORE. But she is as stubborn as I am, so I am sure she will stick to her guns and not quit school, although she and I just happened to get a job at the same place, quite by accident accutally. I will be aphone rep, while she will be going door to door salesperson, all I can say is good luck to her. Now I just need to work on organizing my house. I need about one more bedroom, or something!! I have too much stuff, but when I try to get rid of it, I cant stand the thought of tossing it.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 3:43 PM CST
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Friday, 17 December 2004
Celebrate good times
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Watching tv
Celebrate everyone, I got the job, not much, just sitting at a phone and being a telemarketer, but hey, at least it is money in the house. On the way home got three cheeseburgers for roommate, hubby and me. Man I was just starving, cant wait til we get the money rolling, especially since they cancelled my foodstamps last month, because they claimed I never was willing to get a job, no just harder than the dickens in a town the size of a postage stamp, everyone else gets the jobs. Not sure what I am going to do for supper tonight, I just took pork steaks out of the freezer, so will, shoot I just figured it out, I have some sweet and sour mix in the cabinet, will throw that with the steaks and some rice, that should work. My pups are being goofy today, she couldnt find her way out of plastic bag, lol, which is what she is trying to do. Course the pups and the kitten are chasing eachother thru the house, urgh, my house is too small for this. Well gotta go, have some phone calls to make.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 12:12 PM CST
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Thursday, 16 December 2004
Mood:  not sure
Okay I am new to this, so who the hell knows what I am going to say. Introduce self first, I am 31, oh lord gettin old here, married for three years to one of the best guys out there, complete sweetheart that every once in awhile has a bad habit of leaning to the jerk side. But isnt that all men? We dont have any kids, but we have two roommates, a couple that I have been friends with for quite awhile, they needed a place to stay while they got the money up for a place they were waiting on. Well along with them came two dogs and a kitten, well one of the dogs is mine, and the three of them get along great, my pup, angel, and the kitten Azie, they are always wrestling around, and they are about the same size and even look alike, a few moments ago, they were both in this box I have for Angel, and Azie had climbed in with her, and they were cuddled together, it was soo cute.
I am going job hunting tomorrow, I have been out of work since April, so things have gotten hard around her, but I have an interview tomorrow, so hopefully, wish me luck.
Guess that is about it for now, trust me, I could go on forever, but want to just introduce myself slowly, lol.

Posted by dragon2/mysticalgenie at 10:45 PM CST
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