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My New Website

My favorite things about My Fiancee'

Sites to link to

Home of the world of darkness
Poems and more poems
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Well hello everybody. This is Blair Stonehouse, I have just started this website. I hope to bring the enjoyment of Gaming, and my personal life together. First of new business, has anyone seen the new RPG from White Wolf,the ones called Orpheus and Abberrant? Orpheus is fairly new and is set in the world of darkness. Abberrant is of a completely different series all together, Being superheroes although is a compelling want, but not a very good gaming combination. you get to many twinks in games like that. So now this is where I update my life and talk insanely about it. HA! I am currently engaged to the Woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with. I guess
