The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...
The Burning Ember; Lets help it ignite...

Hello all! Welcome to The Burning Ember; the one, and only, all Filia/Xellos Pairing Fic Archive on the web to date! Here, you'll be able to read many different fan fictions, even lemons which doesn't allow. Join us and help ignite the love that is (well... should be) hidden deep within the two immortal enemies... more

11/04/04, 10:20AM-I am very sorry, but this site, like all the others out there, has aslo been somewhat abandoned. For now, anyway. I will try to work on it, but don't get your hopes up. ~sigh~ I just can't seem to motivate myself anymore.

10/04/04, 10:01AM-I fenced with a guy during the Renassiance fair this weekend. It was great. I was also an active member of the slave trade market. Anyway, to the point. I have located a problem with my site. There is no easy access to go to the page you were before, or other pages. I'm gonna make a table to be placed at the bottom of every page that will allow you to go back and go to other places from that button.

9/13/04, 10:01AM-I'm working on my web page at school, so it's slowly growing into a better site. I've also checked and I can now search my site at some search engines! If you want, you can too. Just type in ("The Burning Ember" "Xellos") exactly like that, and you'll get a few pages of mine! It's great, and gets me working on here.

8/07/04, 11:56PM-Fuck. I deleted the damn discription... ~growl~ Now the links will be in their own little box thingy, rather then have to be croweded.

8/07/04, 11:50PM-~sigh~ I remember when I once worked on this site more then anything... Oh well! Anyway, on my new laptop, I've figured out how to correct my spelling, so now the horrible spelling you have been encountering on this site won't be there anymore! Well... except for the author(ess) pages since those are their own pages and such. Same with the fanfics.

8/05/04, 12:45AM-I've made a new section, one that will be called 'Forbidden fics' Because I do not have the author(ess)'s perdition to use them. I could not contact the said author(esse)s, but I loved their story enough to put it on here. BUT, the link to that section will be hidden somewhere on this site! You have to find it to read them. ^.~ let the search begin.

7/15/04, 10:40PM-I've decided that I'll only accept completed fics from now on, since it's near impossible to up-date a fic and the wait for it to release. XP I'm evil, I know.

7/11/04, 9:07PM-Still dead, trying to fix! XP

6/22/04, 10:25AM-Sorry, I've been dead. ^^; At first, I couldn't get on to the internet at all because it was... messed up. I couldn't access anything online at all. Then I got a new game for my game cube, and it kinda sidetracked me. Then I my little bastard muses swarmed and I've been writing my stories like a mad woman. And now, Gaia has laid claim to me again. ^^;; sorry all. I'm gonna go over the site and see if something is wrong, mm-kay?


4/1/04, 7:07PM- April fools day. My brother got in a car wreck... I'm not joking.

3/31/04, 9:43PM- I've been... doing other things lately, and haven't been working on the site; but I've only have one more story to go before I'll up-date the stories!!! And all before I have to go to Alabama for spring break! Did you know my grandpa doesn't even have air conditioning?????? ,>.<, No internet for a week!! But a good thing is, I'm gonna get lots of pictures of the hillbillies! My mom says their are real ones where Grandpa lives. Got to go work on the up-date page since is temporarily dead. ^^;; this is one of the reasons I won't just post links to stories there...

3/28/04, 10:43AM- It's been a while since I've written up-dates on here. So, here's a summary of what I've been doing. I've right-click protected all of my pages and made a mouse over affect for the links and background images. I've added a welcome message ~points to welcome message~ that explains what this site was. @-@ I figured out the other day that if you didn't know what Slayers was, then you'd have no idea what this place was.

I've placed a few fics on for the next up-date and finally figured out how the hell to make an easy way to steal the fics right off of without having to copy/past and then add the <p>, <i></i>, <b></b>, <br>, <hr>, <whatever>. I can now post fics at a much faster rate. ^.~

I've pimped out my page and such. Well, off for the ficz!

3/22/04, 5:31PM- I had a minim day and my glasses broke so I'm blind as a bat right now. x.X But the good thing is that I can't see distances; I have perfect 20/20 up close. I rented a whole heka lot of books on Japanese stuff. n.n I'm happy about that. Oh, and today we reached the hundred person mark!!! n.n Squee! And that's subtracting the two times I looked at it. Well, I'm gonna work on putting up stories now.

3/21/04, 9:01PM-Its finally fixed! ~phew!~ And now, every page is the same, except for the fictions themselves cuz it'd be a bitch to read them on this type of layout. Oh! and I'm almost at 100 visitors! n.n Yay! ~does the happy dance~ and they aren't hits, but views. The counter only counts the same computer once, so that all the times I test the site, it will only count me once! Yay! Oh, and zephyree-san fixed this layout, the site on numerous occasions, and the layout for the other pages. Well, off to add fics now and fix any dead ends/mess ups....

3/20/04, 3:42PM-Its still broken!!! Why doesn't it work??? It was fine for the longest time, now.... WAAAAA!!!!! I'll guess I have to pay zephyree-san more money to fix it! I hope 500 gold will be enough! T-T

3/19/04, 7:28PM-AAAAHHH!! ITS BROKE AGAIN!!!!! T-T NEED.... TOO.... FIX!!!!

3/19/04, 7:23PM- Well, after reading a 643 page story (it took me 20 hours and 43 minutes to read. ^.~) and then working on my own, I haven't had the time to work on the site. But, I've added a few new authors as well as their stories. Maa, it was a bitch to do... anyways, I'm gonna go work some more. bye bye!

3/14/04, 1:54AM-THANK YOU!!! Its fixed again!! I was nearly besides myself! it was horrible seeing my precious, yet not very good, site be like that!! Lets all bow to zephyree-sama! ~bows~

3/14/04, 1:00AM-ARG!! WTF? OMFG! THE SITE IS, LIKE, TOTALLY FUCKED UP! And I don't know what's wrong!!! Waaaa!!! T-T I'll fix it!!! hopefully!!

3/13-er...14/04, 12:50AM-I've fixed the links so now their all aligned and stuff. The wonderful lady who made this layout (Nope, I didn't make this, but it made 6,000 gold dent into my gaia account.) is going to make another layout similar (with a 2,000 dent this time) to this one for the rest of the pages. The Stories won't be on the layout though, I know what a pain it is to read on colors.

3/13/04, 5:18PM-Went to a movie, eat dinner, then went to sleep. I've been on gaia and am finally working on the table again. Its a bitch to do! @-@

3/12/04, 5:35PM- Oh! tables! XD

3/12/04, 4:42PM- I viewed my site from the school's laptop when I was supposed to be working... ^^; anyway, I'm currently in the process of buying another layout for this site so every page looks like it came from the same site rather then it now.... Oh, and Ukchanak-san, sadly, has decided to not help with the site and won't allow her work to be posted here.


Hit Counter
Little obsessed fans have drooled over this site before you.
(Fuck, 600. I never thought it would get that high up!)

This site is bitch-slapped by: Mistress DragonFlame Co.: Scaring one little kid at a time.
All original works here are copyrighted to their owners. We do not lay claim to these wonderful charactors, we merely play with them. The whole Slayers series belongs to the lucky bastards that made them.