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In the world of online chat, anonymity rules. One never really knows who one is speaking too, and therein lies the danger. Most people are precisely who they say they are, but there is certainly a percentage of liars, con artists and real nut cases out there. Be very, very careful what kind of information you impart to your online "friends." People are not always what they seem.

In all chat programs, it is possible to have several aliases or identities. Many people use different nicknames for chatting with co-workers, family and friends. Some people like to use different nicknames just to mess with people...sometimes these people can become so obsessed with another person, they will assume new aliases in order to harass and annoy. Here are a few common sense rules to live by when it comes to online chatting.

1. Use your full name in your alias or email address at your own risk.

2. Never give out your home address or phone number.

3. Never send money or other valuables to an online acquaintance.

4. Do not place your trust easily or blindly.

5. Meet an online acquaintance only in a busy public place, preferably take a real life friend with you (one named Biff if possible).

6. If you are harassed online CALL THE POLICE! Online harassment is against the law, and yes, these people can be traced and found!

7. Do save all emails and correspondence, you just may need it.

8. Much stupidity is committed in the name of love/ not let yourself be taken in!

9. Keep your eyes open for contradictory statements; if you have any suspicions, trust them!

10. We recommend using a disposable email address on Yahoo! or Excite for all correspondence with online friends.

11. Be careful of opening files received from online acquaintances, some people might befriend you in hopes of putting trojans or other malware on your computer.

12. Carefully examine your own motivations and agendas, take responsibility for yourself.