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Irish things and places in America

If there is anything you'd like to see on my site, contact me at

  • Stanley Union Church
  • Meet the crazy staff that works @ Ireland meets America!
  • "The Crimson Skies" game portion of this site.

    This website is dedicated to telling YOU about Irish history and folklore, and how my family, the O'Loughlins, fit into Irish history. enjoy. As you can see below, Irish mages and dragons often saw alot of eachother

    Hey, you didn't think we'd only make fun of the presisdential election by putting presidential knockout on the site, did you? We at Ireland meets America (though we all are rooting for Bush) feel that without jokes, the presidential election is only for adults who can manage to stay awake through that sort of thing. So!... We decided to adorn the website with funny pictures and headlines of the presidents. Enjoy, people!

    THE GAME ROOM'S NEW LOOK! Okay, some of the game's aren't showing up in the game room, and this time it's not your fault (aw heck, I'll blame you anyway!) anywhoo, So we here decided to organize the site by putting links to the games instead of letting them all go at once. The only two games that will not be changed are Presidential knockout and Stress Relief Paintball.

    links to my favorite sites

  • Jib jab
  • stupid stuff
  • coolgames

    O'Loughlins in Irish history.... One of the most famous O'Loughlin stories is the one that involves potatoes. In Ireland potatoes were a main crop for Irish farmers. After a while the potatoes ran out, causing the potato famine. Sean O'Loughlin knew that potatos were scarce, so he kept all his potatos by a lake that was supposedly protected by ghosts. Well one day, there were absolutely NO MORE potatos left in the vilage. Soon people heard that Sean had alot of potatos by the lake. When confronted with this, Sean promised to share with the townsfolk. sean gave out what the people needed for each week, but one greedy family wanted more than what they needed. So at midnight they snuck out to the lake, not knowing it was guarded by angry spirits. The next week, Sean went out to the lake to gather more potatos. He found the greedy families skeletons, formed to spell the word "BAD" Nobody knows what really happened, but in the village they all knew it was the tormented spirits who murdered the greedy family.

    O'Loughlins in Irish folklore.... A very funny story in the O'loughlin folklore is that of an O'Loughlin farmer and a leprechaun. One day, the farmer went out to do his crops. About midday he got very tired and hot, so he went into the woods to cool off. On the trail he found a bush with berries on it. He pulled at one of the berries, and a leprechaun jumped out in terror. The farmer had been in the army, so quickly snatched up the leprechaun with no trouble at all. The leprechaun pleaded with the farmer to let him go, and the farmer said he would let it go if it led him to it's gold. The leprechaun led him to a stump. The farmer tied a ribbon on the stump. He made the leprechaun give his word that he would neither move the ribbon or move the gold. The leprechaun gave his word, and he couldn't break the promise or else he'd dissapear. The farmer came out the next day to dig up the gold and found a big surprise. The leprechaun said he wouldn't move the ribbon... but he DIDN'T say he wouldn't put an identical ribbon on every stump.

    Old Mac thumb.... an old Irish hero is Old Mac thumb. He was a chef at an Irish school. One day he was supposed to cook a salmon that would give the first person that ate or tasted it all knowledge. When Old mac thumb was cooking the salmon, he burnt his thumb on the salmon, he put his thumb in his mouth to cool the thumb, with some of the salmon still on it. Thus all the knowledge went to Old mac thumb instead of the principle. From that day forward, he was known as "Old mac thumb"

    The Irish and Halloween.... Did you know that the Irish were the makers of the pumpkin jackolantern? Before the pumpkin jackolantern, they'd use squaches and other vegetables. But the Irish found an even bigger vegetable that could hold the flame without catching fire... the pumpkin. Soon America and other countries caught on. And hence we have the jackolantern of today, thanks to ireland.

    William Francis O'Loughlin IV: copyright 2004- All Rights Reserved