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Roleplay Title 88

The Outsiders visit AMW!

W/L/D Record  88

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Acheivments 88
Joining the ACW.

/-/ OOC Message \-\


As the scene fades in, we see Kevin Nash, and he looks to be sitting in a studio of some sort. The camera man focuses in on Kevin Nash, he has an uncanny look on his face, as he just stares straight ahead. The Camera man hears a noise, and is a little startled, as Scott Hall comes into the picture. Kevin gets up from where he is seated, and walks over to Hall, and gives him a handshake. The two men then begin talking.

Scott Hall: Hey Big man. It's good to see you again! What in the hell is going on here though? I don't want to sound like a complete ass, but what in the world do you have planned? The last thing you need for an interview, is my assistance.

Kevin Nash: Scott, it's been quite a long time since we have seen each other. I heard that you sobered up long enough to get a contract for the ACW, right? Are you gonna join me?

Scott Hall: Join you? What exactly is it that you have in store? I see that we are at the studio where they film...

Kevin Nash: Scotty, We don't want all of these people to know what we are up to. Well, not just yet. The ACW has announced its first card. I'll be facing none other than Christian.

Scott Hall: I've heard about that match. Christin has no idea what he is in for.

Kevin Nash: What Christian needs to realize, is the fact that I am going to stop at Nothing, to win this match. I mean, come on. Christian, is still living his wrestling career a "Crybaby". Hell, Christian couldn't even carry my jock strap, let alone contend with me in the ring. I'm going to see to it that Christian knows where his place is in this company, and his place? Being my Personal Bitch!

Scott Hall: Christian would be a "NOBODY", if it wasn't for all of those years of Living in the Shadow of Edge. I've watched several of his matches, since Edge and Christian went their seperate ways, and Christian just couldn't get the job done in singles matches, and that is precisly the reason behind him re-joining Edge.

Kevin Nash: Christian is also the guy that needs psychological help. I often wonder as to whether or not Christian knew what he was getting himself into, when he signed on for this match. Christian, I'm going to make this plain and simple. The ass kicking that you recieve in this match, is going to be no more different than the ones that you got in the old WWF. And you can stake your life on that. I will walk out, as the winner.

The Camera Man turns around, and sees that a new figure has appeared on the studio, as the man walks out of the darkness, he is revealed as The Host of "America's Most Wanted", John Walsh. Walsh shakes hands with Hall and Nash, and leads them to an adjoining room, where there is a big logo in the center of the floor, as well as three chairs set up. There are video cameras just about everywhere. Walsh, Hall, and Nash all take a seat. John Walsh looks into the camera, and begins.

John Walsh: Hello Viewers, and welcome to America's Most Wanted. In all of my career of doing this show, I have never had an opportunity such as this. As you can see, seated to my left, are two Professional wrestlers from the ACW. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. I have asked these two wrestlers to join me on the show tonite, as we have had several problems with two men. The ACW just opened its doors last week. Ladies and Gentlemen, Christian is a Dangerous man. No, not because he is a threat to you. It is your children that I am talking about. We have had several "Accidents", as well as "Court Cases", due to this mans actions. Professional wrestling is supposed to be a sport,where two men get into the ring, and fight it out, in order to see who the better man is. Ladies and Gentlemen, the man that I am talking about tonite, has taken the word "Extreme" way too out of context. Christian is a wrestler that should not even be in a professional wrestling ring. All of the damage that he has caused to our youth is sickening, and he needs to be brought to justice for his actions.

Kevin Nash: John, What people need to understand, is that Christian acts as though he is a man on a mission. The guy thinks that the world is supposed to revolve around him, and only him. If Christian doesn't get what he wants, then he takes it out on people much smaller than him. Don't get me wrong here, he was a good competitor, at a point and time in his life, but things have changed.

John Walsh: It would seem to me, just seeing this guy on television, that he is beyond help. All of the things that he has done over the years, are going to catch up with him.

Kevin Nash: You're right about that. I'm going to be the man that makes sure of that. Christian, the man known to the world as "Crybaby" is going to have to deal with me. Oh, the past is coming back to haunt him already. Christian, you want a fight? You got one.

John Walsh: I'd like to talk a little more about the man that calls himself "Christian". I used to watch wrestling often. One of the best tag teams, other than "The Outsiders", was the team of "Edge and Christian". You'd never believe the funny things that those two used to do. As it has been said though, It's a different time, and a different place, and people change. Christian, for some unknown reason believes that he is the ideal role model for kids these days. Please. Christian has done nothing more, than to let all of this stardom go to his head. Christian could never make it on his own, and he knows it. He will always need Edge. Ladies and Gentlemen at home, we have the pictures on the screen right now, please make sure that your kids do not come in contact with this man, let alone allow them to watch any of his matches on television.

BIRTHDATE: 11-30-1973
HEIGHT: 6'0.
WEIGHT: 225.

John Walsh: If you have any information on where this man may be, please feel free to call us at 1-800-CRIME-TV. Christian needs to be brought to justice.

Scott Hall: Mr. Walsh, the most important thing that is on the mind of Christian, is Kevin Nash. Just look at the size of this man. I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Kevin Nash is gonna walk into that ring, and tear a rampage through Christian. There isn't going to be stopping Nash from achieving a win. Christian looks like little tiny toothpick, compared to Nash.

Kevin Nash: I came into the ACW, expecting to dominate any wrestler that sets foot in my path. The last thing that I expected, was to be in a match against Christian. It couldn't have happend at a better time. I'm going to prove to everyone in the locker room that I deserve to be recognized around here. The Front Office can put their heads together, and throw together whatever types of matches they see fit, because Kevin Nash will steamroll through the roster. Big, tall, short or small, I've fought them all, and will do it again.

John Walsh: Christian may try to cheat most of the match, what are you going to do then? You'll be stuck in a two on one dilema. If he were to use a foreign object.

Kevin Nash: John, have you seen the size of me? Do I look like I'm scared of a little whiny ass baby? Christian is going to try to take me out early in this match, simply because he knows how much of a threat I am to the ACW. The one thing that he should be leery of, is the fact that Scott will be sitting right at ringside. If he wants to feel a little froggy, then all he has to do, is jump. As soon as that happens, Scott will be on him so fast, that he'll have no idea what hit him.

Scott Hall: Kevin, I would just love to see Christian, try to tamper with me. We have got a wrestler, who is way in over his head in this match.

Kevin Nash: My intentions are plain and simple, to go into the ring, defeat one of the ACW's toughest, and lay claim my first victory. I look at this match, as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. All in due time.

John Walsh: There has been talk around the locker room, after the ACW first opened. There have been several wrestlers, forming stables. Do you foresee that taking place?

Kevin Nash: The only thing that needs to be known, is that anything is possible. I will never rule out an alliance, or a stable. As of right now, you never know. I've been in the locker room, as well as on the airplane, and I've had people come up to me and ask me. If Big Sexy were to join a stable, then it would be on my terms.

John Walsh: What are your thoughts on some of the other matches on this card?

Kevin Nash: I could really care less about them, John. All that matters to me right now, is the match that I have. All of the other matches on this card are second rate to mine.

John Walsh: What does your future hold, if per say, you do not defeat Christian?

Kevin Nash: There's not a doubt in my mind as to who is walking out of that ring as the winner, as there should be no doubt in your mind. Walsh, do you honestly think that Christian stands a chance? Kevin Nash is coming after Christian, and he is going to see that you do not piss off a seven foot tall giant.

Scott Hall: Actions speak louder than words. Christian is going to come out, and say what he has to say, but it's not going to make a damn bit of difference when he cannot back it up, now is it?

Kevin Nash: Scott, you've got a valid point. The world is going to see it in just eleven days. Christian is nothing but talk. The man can say as much as he wants to, but when it comes down to winning this match, he doesn't have a chance.

Scott Hall: The ACW is where the big boys play. If Christian cannot run with the big dogs, then he may as well stay on the porch.

Kevin Nash: September the 18th, of 2003, what a night it's going to be.

Scott Hall: What better way to start off a wrestling career?

John Walsh: Ladies and Gentlemen, thats all the time we have for tonite. Please remember to catch the ACW when it comes to a city NEAR YOU!!!

The camera fades off, as the three men continue to talk about the ACW.

Kevin Nash is back, and Christian had better be prepared!