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Password Protect

Have a look at the code for 'login.asp' and then i'll talk you through it.
Points to note are that we will be using 2 subroutines, CheckLoginForm and ShowloginForm, and that once the form details are submitted they are sent to the same page to be checked and processed. You could send the form details to another page to be checked and processed but why use an extra page!

Also a hidden form value we use is very important in letting us track whether the form has been submitted.


Response.Expires = -1000 'Make sure the browser doesnt cache this page
Response.Buffer = True 'enables our response.redirect to work

If Request.Form("valuepassed") ="true" Then
End If

Sub CheckLoginForm

'check if the value of the text field 'username' and 'password' are correct
If Request.Form("username") = "mic" AND Request.Form("password") = "pass" Then
Session("BlnLoggedIn") = True
Response.Redirect "memberspage.asp"
Response.Write("<div align='center'>You are not logged in.</div><br>")
End If
End Sub

<% Sub ShowLoginForm %>
<div align='center'>
<!-- start the html login form -->
<form name="form" action="login.asp" method="post">
User Name : <input type="text" name="username">
Password : <input type="text" name="password">

<input type="hidden" name="valuepassed" value="true">
<input type=submit value="Login">
<!-- end the html login form -->
<% End Sub %>

Now lets break down the code into a series of blocks.

Response.Expires = -1000 'Make sure the browser doesnt cache this page
Response.Buffer = True 'enables our response.redirect to work

If Request.Form("valuepassed") ="true" Then ' check if the value true has been sent
CheckLoginForm ' calls the subroutine checkloginform if value of login is true
ShowLoginForm ' call the subroutine showloginform if the value of login isn't true
End If

This block of code at the top of login.asp page checks to see if the hidden textbox <input type="hidden" name="valuepassed" value="true"> has passed the value true.
If request.form("valuepassed")="true" then the value True has been passed and we know that the visitor has clicked and submitted the form. In this scenario the subroutine CheckLoginForm is called and its code executed.
CheckLoginForm will check to see if the username and password equal the values the visitor has entered. If they are correct then a Session variable 'BlnLoggedIn' will be set to True and the visitor will then be redirected to the 'memberspage.asp'

Sub CheckLoginForm

'check if the value of the text field 'username' and 'password' are correct
If Request.Form("username") = "mic" AND Request.Form("password") = "pass" Then 
Session("BlnLoggedIn") = True
Response.Redirect "memberspage.asp"
Response.Write("<div align='center'>You are not logged in.</div><br>")
ShowLoginForm 'call the subroutine showloginform and display the login form again
End If
End Sub


If the visitor has not clicked the submit button then no value will be passed i.e. request.form("valuepassed") will not equal True and in that case the subroutine ShowLoginFrom will be called.

<% Sub ShowLogin %>
<div align='center'>
<!-- start the html login form -->
<form name="form" action="login.asp" method="post">
User Name : <input type="text" name="username">
Password : <input type="text" name="password">

<input type="hidden" name="valuepassed" value="true">
<input type=submit value="Login">
<!-- end the html login form -->
<% End Sub %>

The subroutine code above simply creates a form. Note that we want the action of the form to be the same page.This just means that we'll use the same page to process and check the username and password rather than sending the details to another page.


If you want to password protect any other pages then you can simply add the following code at the top of the pages. So for all the other pages if the Session variable 'BlnLoggedIn' is not equal to True then they will be redirected to the login page.

If Session("BlnLoggedIn") <> True Then
End If

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