
Well, this is where all of the "new news" goes, not like there ever is any "good news," but news is news...

(note: this was the first entry written in the "Home" page)

Well, I just released the website on Angelfire, so that's uber-awesome. It's been my third week of high school and it's been going well. The classes just require a lot of responsibility and orderliness, which is what I lack. I guess I have "friends," though I am not sure...I don't miss anyone and am glad I am rid of the hellhole called St. Marks. I am not one to complain, but that school was straight out terrible. I never really enjoyed the company of everyone only a select few, and even they got on my nerves. My older brother is going off to USSC and my sister is at USC. After writing all of this I didn't even realize that people who don't know who I am know nothing about me, but had probably figured out that I am lonely (I.E. not many friends and definitely no girlfriend...)I feel good today though I don't know why...well that's all I got....seriously...I am boring...the only thing good about this website is the television and movie list...that's about it...