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Hi :) Thanks for visiting my site, it'll probably be really shit for a looooong time cos I don't usually have enough time to do these kind of things quick enough. My name's Sarah in case you hadn't guessed (Hint: look at the title :P) and I have no idea about what to put on here so it'll probably be a whole load of things. I'm sorry if i offend anyone or anything with stuff on here, if you put it in the guestbook or email me I'll try and sort it but if its just swearing and stuff your just gna have to live with it! I've got to acknowledge peeps for helping with stuff on the site so i guess i might as well do it here:

    Julie! She's my mate and she's gna get her own page so I won't put much about her here...

    Duncan - he hunted down links n stuff so if theres any good shit you've got him to thank

That's all the people at the mo cos i jus started but there'll be others later probs. But whatever, take a look around :)

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