Felicia's Sight

This whole page is dedicated to andy! I love you babey! so many memories... tummie random game... member the water fight!! that was awesome!!! haha then i rolled in the grass!! oppsies. im a tease n a brat. blah :-P BABYS!! cupcake... sweetheart... honey! lmao... kitcen... haha!! ur gr8! Luv ya hun. andy t has a big dick and lasted one hour!! holy doesnt sound right at all. lol gettin scareed shitless on my way to see u. 1,2,3 slut!! whut?!? O:-) 1/2 haha- dirty hoe!! haha tony hawk... justin ruining the moment... dont stick out ur tounge less u plan to use it.... lol.... mom comes out wut are u doing? playing basketball... haha... O:-)(*1/2*)-defanly tickel time... haha u kno that one spot!! LaLaLa kissing! lmao! scared 4 lyf lol. looking at old baby pictures... haha few ones u chouldnt of saw! lol...me and my mom looked exactly alike and we act like exactly alike! freaky deaky! haha thinking all these different people werre the killer in urban ledgens! haha... tricked ya :-P puberty boy haha! 1haha you woulkd never hurt a teddy bear... oh cept u jsut threw that one across the room... lol me and my water... hehe... sims... lol the hulk dissapeered!! oh no! .... which movie are you watching? im not watching ether... .... .... oh well im watching this one... haha o:-) (* 1/2 *) srry babe had to do it lol...
ima tease hehe.    

Love you! moviez, making u carry my purse... haha i love u! i beat u at the shooting game! wait a minute y would i wana play that, violence! ahh, oh well i had fun beating u at yet another video game, hehe. diary, haha .. so wut did u and diary talk about... diary doesnt tell me shit... haha good diary! lmao i love you! muahz

Andy, look at all we have been threw... and were closer then ever.
We may fight and have are disagreements but we always get threw
w-e it is, sometimes it feels like its truly over but its not thank lord.

                                    MUAHZ!! -lalala

- JusT beCauSe tO pPl arE apArt. . .- | | * - _ You never know what you've lost _ - *
- DoEsn'T mEan ThEy dOn'T lOvE - | |                       untill its to late
eaCh OthEr wItH aLL thEiR hEarT..

I L O V E A N D Y                

- * | I *dream* about you every night, - | Life izn*t ab0ut the breathz that y0u take. . .
I wish yu were here holding me tight. - | It*z ab0ut the m0mentz that take ur breath away
- * | I want you to kiss away my tears, - | Every mOment with yOu
and guard me from, my biggest fears. - | Takes my breath away


    I don't think i love you... my mind says no... it seems like im jsut a prize... oh ill go out with someone else and if that doesnt work i always have felicia... idk tho... and you told scott im always asken u out! bull fucking shit... but look at all the memories... those aren't even half... none of those were made by u being a bitch and mean... it was the funny fun sweet lovable andy... idk i love that andy not the one i see now... i think ur to girl obsessed...

no.. I DONT KNO ANYMMORE! i dont know how u feel how i feel anything! i dont love who uve become and im not trying to make u change but dam! i dont know but i changed wut i had to say about all the quotes (not like anyone but jess and em see this but ya) and ur probaly really pissed at me... and aren't happy i dont love u and think u;ve changed for the worst but ya... not like u'll kno it

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*My quotes to you*

My Favorite things about Andy