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Faerie Fantasy

Why you should visit this site:

This site tells you about all the different types of faeries from Air faeries to Wind faeries! We are also building a chat room and a quiz. The quiz is going to be called: Which Kind of Faerie Are You? It is complete with what mood the faerie has, a picture, and more!


WATER FAERIE: Also known as the water nymph, water faeries are beautiful water dwellers. They usually have blonde hair and have the occasional appearence of a mermaid. I have to say that the most famous water faeries are the Sirens. The Sirens have the most beautiful voice you will ever hear. They use their voice to their advantage. You see, they might have been beautiful but they are devishly tricky. When a shipfull of sailors came along, the Sirens would sing their melody (which was a spell) and would entrance them and send their ships into the rocks.

FIRE FAERIE: Fire faeries are little imps that love to cause mischief. They lurk deep in volcanos. Their appearence is usually red hair and red, orange, or yellow clothes.They like to play tricks on people and love to cause a little disaster and chaos. But, they can be very nice and helpful. For example: A fire faerie will warm people up if they are homeless and out in the cold weather.

EARTH FAERIE: Also known as tree nymphs, flower nymphs, and other earth related nymphs. Earth faeries live in trees and create and protect nature. They are very kind souls and will help you in any way. They, of course, usually are burnettes and wear earthy tones.

AIR FAERIE: Air faeries are blissful creatures that sit upon clouds and can go high in the skies were no human can breathe. They love to be the center of attention and love parties. They always have a grin on their face and try to spread their joy. But, some people try to avoid them to get away from their ever present perkiness.They wear blues, whites, and are blondes.

DARKNESS FAERIE: They are a bit old fashioned and are goth-like, but they are not evil despite their name. They are just faeries of the night and are very gentle. They wear blacks, purples, dark blues, and any other color that is dark. They have black hair.

WIND FAERIE: Goddesses of the wind and are proud of it. They are kind, gentle, and prefer to be alone but don't mind a few people to hang out with. They are quiet, but when they are angry, they create massive winds that howl. They wear silver, light purple and blue, and their hair color can be any color.

Well, that pretty much sums it up. Oh and don't forget to check back again.

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