Change Log
The Storey
Hey players of Down Town Mafia; I thought you deserved an explanation why DTM has been taken down and why you were not informed. We came across an error were the users information was not gettin inserted into the DB tables when people signed up. This led to peoples accounts not functioning correctlly. We decided to take the game down and fix every single bug we come across.

Car Lot
Number Bug Status
1Move garage out of the 'Steal A Car' script and make it a link on the menu to make it more manageable.
2Only show 15 reply's on the right hand side of every forum to cut down lag and make forums smoother.
3Fix the bug in Airport were you can fly with no timer, Also fix the airport fly time were it says you have 9999999 seconds left to fly.
Not Done
4Fix the kill bug witch allows you to shoot with negative bullets.
Not Done
5When buying bullets from a bullet factory with no owner you do not recive the bullets. We are going to make it so you cannot acsess the bullet factory page if the game has no owner.
Not Done
6Fix the roulette bug were you loose money for taking the game over.
7Fix the Dice bug were you loose money for taking the game over.
8 Fix the slot machine bug were you loose money for taking the game over.
9Change the profile so it shows the amount of messages you have sent, Not the amount you have in your inbox.
Not Done
10Fix fight club so that you dont loose if you are a higher level then you oppenent.
11Add the bullet factory Control Panel for the bullet factory owners so they can change prices, stop production and drop the factory.
12Make the Lost Password feacture on the login page.
Not Done
13Make The FAQ.
14Make buttons work on the login page, this includes Contact and FAQ.
15Earning's on the casino CP's dont go, when we fix this they will.
Not Done
16The offer link for games needs to be added, We have built it we just need to fiddle with the links and it will be up.
Not Done
17The Staff feacture add update isent functioning correctlly. We will fix this when we fix every other bug.
Not Done
18Fix register so it inserts players information into the tables.
Not Done
19 When you ship a car you dont always recive your cash for selling it once it arrives at the designated country.
Not Done

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