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Welcome to Dragon Highlords offical webpage for Close Combat
First person to join Red Dragon Sun army gets to be my second in comand in my army plus free armor an wepons to that person and the rest after that postion is filled there will de five general positions. Join by messaging tanis1001 in the game or email me at tanis_1001@hotmail.com. Red Dragon Highlords Army HQ is located in the castle in falador next to the stairs to the mines Rules to the Dragon Highlords
If you are caught trying to over throw the Highlords you will be automatily ousted from this armyYou must be a soilder for a month before you get your equipmentPeople below the level 10 will get the following when after joing and must where during asigned battles aginst the rebles.1 set bronze armor(large heml,plate mail,plate legs,kite shield) 2) red cape 3) A iron maces People above lvl 10 to lvl 30 must where this in asigned battles but when fighting on your own you can use anything 1 set Iron armor (large helm,plate mail,plate legs,kite shield) 2) red cape 3) Iron or steel maces depends on you attack

If you die in a battle asigned to you you'll get a replacement set if i have some in stock.
Here is how the army goventment will work.The Dragon Highlords(tanis1001)gets 51% voting power second in comand gets 24% voting power the generals get 4.8% voting power each.
Here is how you get a higher rank
1. You impress the king (tanis1001) with something like and item(look at piont table)./table>

Advantages of higher rank1. You get better equipmentthe ranks areThis is for those who wnat hand to hand combat
2. If your rank is high enough you can come to concil meetings and the concil will listen to you.You'll lead a squad instead of being a soilder in it depends on how many people are left to group.
Squire this is where you start when you join.low ranking Knight after a month of participating this where you are.Sir Knight after you impress someone you'll be here except if you're lv 20 or higher when you strted after a month your hereHonarble knight all must do something impressive(kill alot of rebles,discover a spie,give an item to the king see point tabel page for items in need)and you'll be here you get to sugest things at concil meetings and if a general leaves or is booted for any reason you get a chance to become a general.
If you like Arhery join Maxed999's ranks his army is all Mages and archers
To become a Cleric(thats what i call monks)you must talk to me and then get all prayer abilities and prove it.

To become Cooks, smiths, crafters and miners you must talk to me or max999 (my user name is Tanis1001)