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The Best Place in the World to Work!

A2Z In Northampton

This is a picture of A2Z in Northampton. It is cefinately the best place to work. Me and my friend work there now, but it is only part time. I hope to one day work full time, but they don't need the help right now. For work all I do is yoyo, and show others how to yoyo. It is the best job because I am doing the thing i love to do and at an awsome store.

I know all the people who work there and even the owner. They are all really cool. One person named Andre Boulay is one of my friends and he also yoyos. He is a great yoyoer and he always shows us new tricks. He came 20th in the Wourld YoYo Contest, and he is the Massachusetts Staet Champion. Soon he wil be going to Nationals in California.

I also went to Wourlds and I placed 29th. I was really happy, and supprised. I learned that for next year I need to practice my tricks more and that I definately need to bring more money. They had some awsome yoyos.

Extreme Physics
