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Giant Inmortals

Hey let me frist tell you what your going to see here, What you see will be what i call Giant Inmortals. As you read down see whats your favort Giand Inmortal. Note: Not all Giant Inmortals will have a info.

Hey let me frist tell you what your going to see here, What you see will be what i call monsters. As you read down see whats your favort monster. What is Rogue? Rogue is a giant wolfmorph. By "giant", we mean that the last time anyone was brave enough to measure him, he stood just a few inches shy of 90 feet tall (ears not included). He is quite strong, as anyone that size is bound to be, but not necessarily all that bright. What Rogue does: He eats people. That is, he eats people when he's finished smashing their towns, which is one of his main hobbies. But he's a wolf, and wolves are carnivores. We must therefore be understanding of nature's sometimes cruel ways. After all, that's what insurance is for. Rogue also writes. Well, he doesn't actually write the stories himself -- he can't read or write, having never gone to school, and being after all a wolf of very little brain. He has been known to dictate stories that little people like you have written down (often in exchange for their lives, but not always). Talos Bennie Bennie is... Tiger. Big. Titanic. Stripey. Bad. Strong. Beefy. Muscular. Bulging. Stud. Packed. Dominating. Tiger. Bennie is an anthropomorphic on Furry Muck. He is a big tiger. At his smallest size, he's over 9 feet tall. It's hard to find clothing at even his "small" size. He squeezes into it to try and relax the other tiny furs, but somehow it doesn't help as well as you'd think. Bennie can get bigger. Much, much bigger. Both in overall size, and in form. He works out, regularly weigh lifting. When asked how big he wants to be, the simple answer is "bigger." Bennie's Origin (What the hell is IRC?) Bennie got his start in IRC. originally in some antics that were played out in EffNet #Disney. The character was assumed for the purpose of role play with close friends and was non-morphic. Too match his character, Bennie started a channel called #Furry. Bennie had a number of these channels of which he believed he was the only person in. Most of them were for humor and some private chat away from the crowds of EffNet. What a surprise then when after a few months of automatically logging into this channel, other folks started to show up. This is where Bennie first heard of furry muck. Amongst the early folks were people like Foxeris, Tehrash, Al Mackey, and Blackmane. Bennie created the first bot that ran in the channel. It was a short lived opBot. Eventually Real-life pressures drug Bennie away from the channel. Some folks have trouble when occasionally Bennie voices that he founded the channel #Furry, that later became YiffNet. Bennie offers a small bit of proof. Gideon Howdy folks, Name's Gideon, welcome aboard! I've been doodling furry art before I even knew it had a name let alone a community. I started posting my work publicly to VCL in early 2000, which you'll find a complete index of here, as well as some work that'll be exclusive to this site. First, I gotta thank my good friend Bennie for providing me space here on macrophile and helping design this page, thanks ya Big Tig! And as you've probably noticed...I likes em big! I enjoy drawing characters that exude power and confidence. Even though some of my work may have exotic and out of this world physiques, I try to give them a sense of weight, personality, and sex appeal. As far as species go, equines definitely take the cake for me, but I also love wolves, dragons, jackals, big kitties, and more recently, bats and bunnies. Well, I've rattled on long enough, I hope you enjoy your stay. Check back from time to time for updates when I can get to them. Take care and be well! Puma Paw Spectrewolf He is a very special fur, kind and generous and always up for a good conversation.