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Broken Rose; Random Ramblings of a Teenage Girl

Hey everyone! Any one who actuly took the time to look at my "wonderful" *yea right* site, is a truly cool person. I praise you!

"She walked to the door, put her hand on the knob, and then decided to walk away..."

So, you want to be a star? ...
Sorry, Can't help you.

Sometimes you wonder, if life is even worth living. I often think the same thing. But, who knows. You can't tell if life is worth living till you've lived it. By then, it's too late...

School should be an optional thing by the time you get to highschool... Jobs that require highschool diploma's should die.

"It was so long ago; the little girl got on the bus for the first day ever. She's grown up so much now..."
You've got to wonder if we ever truly grow up, and if we really want to grow up.

"Break away from me along with the rest. The lessons that you taught me came from the best. No more lies, its time to cry; now they're coming for you."

"In the end, it doesn't even matter."

In response to my saying: "The World is a Bitch, the Universe is a Bitch", my awesome friend, Heatherr, replyed, "Really? I think the Universe may be a bastard... but bitch is good." Another one of her sayings is, "No one is a virgin; the world has screwed us all!" Thank you for your wonderful insight Heatherr!
Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Dragons are so kick ass! You should get one... :D

Ю棥ñÑ... crazy. TÚ loco in la cabeza? Heh.

"Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable,"- One of my many conductors. I don't know which one. They all say it.

Maybe this place isn't so bad after all. *Thinks about it for a moment* Scratch what I just said. At the moment the moon would be alot more fun.

I have to thank Kellie alot here for helping me, cause I didn't know crap about websites, and she told me how to make spaces and that stuff lol. THANKS KELLIE!

I credit some of the ideas on the list down there to my friends at the FELIXS CAT BASKET, one of the many rooms on MX. Thanks guys! Great ideas LOL.

Shout outs!
To my guy... I never thought anyone would like me, but you proved me wrong!
To Heatherr! Your a great friend, and we've had problems, but we've gotten through them all, and I hope it will be the same in the future!
To Bri! My best friend! I wouldn't be the person I am today if I weren't friends with you. LOVE YA!
Loraine, We never were great friends in BKS, And we are better friends now, and I think thats great!
If I missed anyone, let me know! I'll add you!

So... There ends my ramblings. For now, at least. Who knows what will come up later.

Websites You Should Check Out

My Friends REALLY COOL Website
Linkin Park lyrics
A place for your thoughts: Diary.Com
See what your name means!
Go read my blog! Original Stories by me!

Best Places your boyfriend can take you for a first date.
