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  ...About the Dragon...



Learn a little more about me!

     My name is Keely and I live in the United States of America! I'm proud to wear the red, white, and blue, but we need America back on its feet. Our country is slipping, and I'm not just going to stand around and watch it crumble beneath us. No, I'm in no way referring to the 2004 elections. I'm talking about the morals in this nation! They're slim to zilch and I'm tired of it! I'm out to make a difference in this world and I'm going to start on my home turf.

Okay, that may as well be part of my personal mission statement. Anyway, I'm part of a family of six. I have two sisters (one is older, the other is younger) and a little brother (who is the youngest). My mom is a great role model for me in my walk with God and she works on staff at Mount Oak UMC. My dad... Well, I don't see him very often. He works obscenely long hours even for a man in his position. Take any other normal worker's weekly hours and multiply them by three and you'll have the time my dad works in a week. I'm sick of it, he's sick of it, and we're all pretty much sick of it. Hopefully things will start to change soon. I have two dogs. One is a four-year-old Golden Retriever- Black Labrador mix, and she's the friendliest and loving dog on the face of the planet. The other dog (who really belongs more to my younger sister) is a one-year-old purebred Wire Fox Terrier. She's a pain in the butt and very high maintenance but she's really cute sometimes.

I love to do many things and I love God even more, so read more about me    here .

This site was last updated 09/25/04