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Sk8r 4 L1f3

Friday, 25 June 2004

G1fts 4nd Curs3s ...
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 11:14 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2004 10:13 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 June 2004

St3r10gr4m! ...
The show FUCKING ROCKED! ... Man i have not had that much fun in a long time ... Ok so to start off me ... Nate ... And Derek all went ... We first started running from the parking lot to Hard Rock ... I mean people everywhere ... We were dodging left and right ... Jumping over shit and through people ... Man that was great ... I have not done that in so long ... Ok then we get there and get in ... LALALALA ... Yeah so this guy comes out on stage and is like we are MTV taping i need you guys to make noise for the recorded version of Walkie Talkie Man ... SO yeah that was stupid ... But what-the-fuck-ever ... Then they came out and it was mass pandemonium ... I mean screaming and moshing and crowd surfing and jumping it was great ... Just in the first 30 minutes i saw like 15 people escorted out for moshing ... LOL ... That was so great ... Man those security guards are mean mutha fuckas ... Ok then we are like jumping and screaming and moshing ... And i was break dancing ... Yeah and i did a back flip ... LOL ... everyone was like ... HOLY FUCK DUDE YOU ROCK! ... Ok so yeah ... SHIT SO MANY HOT GIRLS ... RUBBING ALL OVER US ... ON ALL SIDES ... Man OMG that was so awsome ... There is another thing that happened ask me about it and i will tell you ... Tyson the lead singer got in the crow and started moshing ... OMFG that was so great ... Yeah I ripped someones hand open with my teeth ... I dont know their hand hit me in the mouth ... And I hear ripping flesh ... YUCK! ... LOL ... Ok so yeah I mean my legs are sore from jumping so much ... But anyone that wants to know ... STERIOGRAM ROCKS! ... I have their CD i cant find it on Kazaa yet or anything but ask me and i can send you the tracks via AIM ... So yeah what else am i missing? ... We come back to my house ... Nate is playing GunBound ... Me and Derek are going through Hot Topics website and talking about bands ... Music ... Starting a band ... Concerts ... And all kinds of other shit ... Then i played GunBound with my baby girl Kenya ... And then i went to bed ... But shit we have decided ... We being Derek Nate and myself are going to be going to concerts a lot in the future ... SWITCHFOOT IS PLAYING HERE! ... They announced it last night ... I am so going to be there ... I have loved them since "A New Way To Be Human" ... So i have to go ... And Derek and Nate are talking about Reel Big Fish and TRAPT too ... Puls we all know we are all going to HOOBASTANK ... And i think Vans Warped Tour 04 too ... So i dont know let me know if you guys want to come ... And i am still looking for musicians ... I need Gituar ... Bass ... And drums ... I would love to have a girl play one if we can do it ... Talk to me ... Im out this was a lot of shit i just wrote ...LOL ... Late ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 9:36 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2004 11:22 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 June 2004

N000! ...
BLAH! ... Yuck night ... Well I mean we still had fun but it was BLAH! ... We ... Me ... Adam ... And Nate ... All went to City Walk to see Yellowcard ... And just to our luck it was sold out ... JUNK! ... Yeah it is my word ... But man we were so pissed ... So we walked around for a little while and then went back and watched from the outside ... Yeah pretty shity ... But I mean we were together so it was not sooooo bad ... Then we all came back to my house and Adam went to bed ... LOSER! ... Me and Nate played pool ... Listened to music ... Played GunBound ... And drank Pina Coladas ... It was good times ... And yes we had 151 in them ... Then I took him home after a few hours and I am now here ... So yeah Yellowcard was a bust ... JUNK! ... But me and Nate are going to go to Steriogram tomorrow ... Because we both think they are pretty good ... Anyone want to join us is more than welcome ... Amy and Sarah have tickets ... And can both go if you guys want to ... Otherwise it may just be me and Nate but hell we will have fun being stupid and not knowing the words to the songs ... LOL ... So all in all not too bad of a night ... Well it is after 2am now so I am tired and going to bed ... Ill be here if you need me ... Late ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 1:54 AM EDT
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Monday, 21 June 2004

N0 T1tl3 ...
I am so fucking bored ... Man life sucks shit when you dont have a job ... I am going to go over to Vans tomorrow ... Maybe Ill skate ... But I am going to apply for a job ... Well later I guess I mean what else is there to say? ...

I know what else I want to say ... I wish I was Norwegian ... Yes Norwegian ... Why you may ask ... Well I LOVE KENYA!!! ... Yeah I love you baby ... I wish I could be with her some days ... I really do ... Like today ... I got to talk to her for like I think 30 minutes ... I was so pissed when I had to leave ... I wanted to talk to her forever ... Man I wish I could just spend a day with her ... She is so cool ... And OH MY GOD she is so silly ... LOL ... Today she says she is a pretty stupid blond ... Well I mean I would agree she is damn pretty ... And yeah she is blond right now ... Not naturally but she is now ... But I dont think she is stupid ... She is just a cutie ... And a sweet-heart ... I wish I could spend a day with her ... It is really hard to have a best friend who lives all the way in Norway when you live in th US ... Well one day we will meet up and have a lot of fun ... Hehe ... Well I got nothing else to say ... LOVE YOU KENYA BABY ...

Oh yeah tomorrow is the Yellowcard Concert ... W00T! ... It is going to be so fun ... I am excited I hope it is fun ... Well I dont know what else to write ... So if I think of something Ill add it ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 8:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 21 June 2004 8:50 PM EDT
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Qu1ck Upd4t3 ...
Just an update for all of you ... I have now entered an archive of all of the songs I have written and will write on my hompe page ... The link is located on the mid-right-hand-side of this page ... Ok just wanted to let you know ... Late ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 3:11 AM EDT
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1m S0rry ...
Im sorry for the things I did ... Im sorry that I was not your friend ... I didnt know what I was doing ... But I push you without knowing ... Things I didnt want to do ... Exactly the things I did to you ... Can I ever make things right ... Or will we go on with this fight ...

Im sorry for what I said ... I think about it laying on my bed ... How I treated you was wrong ... I am trying to apoligize with this song ...

Those days we both remember past ... Were good day I wish that theyd have last ... Days when wed walk in the sun ... Days when we would laugh and run ... But thouse days are over now ... Just wish we would be allowed ... To see eachother face to face ... And maybe wed re-start this race ...

Im sorry for what I said ... I think about it laying on my bed ... How I treated you was wrong ... I am trying to apoligize with this song ...

What is that you want from me?
(what do you want from me)
That I leave you can not be!
(Leave you no)
I forever love you so!
(Forever love you)
I just wish you could now know ...
(Just wish you could know)

Im sorry for what I said ... I think about it laying on my bed ... How I treated you was wrong ... I am trying to apoligize here with this song ...

Now the years have gone by ... Have we given up this fight? ... Are we once again friends? ... Can I now hold your hand? ... Like the days we walked in the sun ... When we both would laugh and run ... Are we back to what we were? ... Or was back there the end? ...

Truth is I wrote this song ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 2:29 AM EDT
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Sunday, 20 June 2004

Y3ll0wc4rd ...
First off two days till the concert ... But I will go find anyone to go or not ... I think they are my favorite band now ... Man their old stuff is way different than their new stuff ... Oh yeah ... Anthony IMs me out of no where today ... Man that kid is sooooooo funny ... Yeah and me and Tyler figured out we are both gay ... I mean Gheeeeeey ... LOL ... He is marrying Jason ... And I am marrying Bong ... HAHAHAHA ... Or not! ... But yeah man Father's Day was ok ... But I almost got so mad at my mom this morning ... Ok I was wearing black jeans ... A black Trans Am shirt from Hot Topic ... Black Boots ... And a black KoRn wristband ... And she goes ... "Ummm ... NO WAY! ... Go change ... You are not going to church like that!" ... So I put on a dark-blue camo shirt and wraped my necklace around my wrist instead ... Lot of good she did right ... LOL ... Yeah and Aimster and I have been discussing stuff ... And me and Natty got into a Im and ASSHOLE fight ... LOL ... FUN FUN ... And I have been downloading music and talking on AIM all day ... Job hunting tomorrow ... W00T ... Well I guess I am out ... Late ...

Oh yeah does anyone I know play and instrument and listen to like ... Linkin Park ... KoRn ... Yellow Card ... Story of the Year ... Limp Bizkit ... Hoobastank ... Get the idea? ... Well that sort of music ... Let me know I want to talk to you ... Ok late ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 10:04 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2004

B4d D4y ...
Well here is another day to add to my list of bad days ... Yeah I mean SHIT ... Can shit get any worse? ... Well to start off all of my friends are gone ... They all left me as I thought they all would ... But HELL I dont blame them ... I have been a real ASS since I have been home ... But yeah I lost them and only one I got left is gone for a month ... Hokay so that is the first half of it ... Yeah then this morning I didnt want to get out of bed at the time my mom wanted me to ... and she took my pillow ... And I ... AS ALWYAS ... Being and ASS ... I threw my blanket at her ... Yeah it really did a lot ... But that is not all ... NO NO NO ... I am and ASS remember ... Yeah so I go and ... Yelling at my dad say ... WOULD YOU PLEASE CONTROLL YOUR FUCKING WHORE! ... WOAH! ... So not a good idea ... Yeah so he got really fucking pissed ... And now I dont know if I am going to get kicked out or not ... My dad is off thinking about it ... But I am in deep shit ... I had no right and I mean FUCK ... I FUCKED UP! ... Plain and simple ... And if my girl friends see this ... Yeah I would not suggest dating me till I figure this shit all out ... Because that is the last thing I need is to be calling my baby girl is a fucking whore ... But anyway yeah I have decided someone was very wise and called me a SHIT-HEAD ... I will not say who ... But yes thank you it opened my eyes to how I have been acting ... And to that person I am sorry ... But I think I have been hit as hard as I can be hit ... So I only pray it is all uphill from here ... Who knows maybe my life will start to be like rays of sunshine now ... I can only hope ... Well in parting I want to say ... If you dont see another entry in the next few days ... I am no longer at home and I have been relocated ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 10:05 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 June 2004

Th3m3 S0ng ...
Vampire - James Chong ...

What is wrong with the world today? ... Girls don't want love ... Guy don't love ... Why the hell are people like this? ... It is like we are de-evolving ... Even though that is just a myth ... I don't get the human race ... I wish they ... All that no longer love ... Would just die ... And only left with the respectable ones ... The ones that really love ...

What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... So I will feel what I feel no more ... Sleep by day ... Walk by night ... Bite me on the neck ... So I can have fangs and give up this fight ...

What is wrong with the world today? ... All we do is fuck and fight ... What is love ... It exists no more ... Those you love are the ones who ... SHUT THE DOOR ... Why do humans live like this ... Making shit and being shit ... Why do we desire this ... A horrible life of pain an sorrow ... Let me see my last sunrise ... Then do what you must tonight ...

What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... So I will feel what I feel no more ... Sleep by day ... Walk by night ... Bite me on the neck ... So I can have fangs and give up this fight ...

So we can live with no more love ...
So we can live in darkness ...
No more fear to live with today ...
No more feelings just hate ...

What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... What is wrong with the human race? ... Bite me on the neck ... So I will feel what I feel no more ... Sleep by day ... Walk by night ... Bite me on the neck ... So I can have fangs and give up this fight ...

Make me a Vampire tonight ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 11:27 PM EDT
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Th3 J0b S34rch C0nt1nu3s ...
FUCK YEAH! ... LOL ... I went into Hot Topic today ... To buy some shit and apply for a job ... OMFG ... These three chicks come in ... And they ask me where do we have the ... I think Extacy ... First off I am like ... Um I dont think you should say that out loud ... I mean I know this is Hot Topic ... But you dont know who could be in here ... Then I tell them I dont work here ... LOL ... You should have seen the look on their faces ... And yeah it was fun ... But this no job is just RI-GOD-DAMN-DICULOUS ... Late ...

Posted by dragon2/dr4g0nm4st3r at 6:43 PM EDT
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