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The Endless Headache that is my life

Monday, 24 May 2004

Rebeccies amazing talent
She pisses me off so much............We were almost about to be friends again, then she had to be the ***** that she is again and ruin it.
She thinks her ******* manga is more important than..........."her"

Here is the frustrating converstaion i had with her today(VertGoblientFan is Rebecca and youoddchild is me):

youoddchild: who are you?
youoddchild: and why are you on my buddy list?
VertGoblientFan: Miriam
VertGoblientFan: and i dont know
youoddchild: miriam who?
VertGoblientFan: Miriam Th- I'm not allowed to give out that info
youoddchild: miriam from school?
VertGoblientFan: No.
youoddchild: friend of a friend?
youoddchild: long lost friend?
VertGoblientFan: I don't know you...
youoddchild: do you know anyone I know?
VertGoblientFan: I am unsure, to you know Aya-Chan?
VertGoblientFan: **do
youoddchild: Rebeccie?
youoddchild: yes
VertGoblientFan: Well then perhaps that is it
youoddchild: do you knowjojo
youoddchild: ?
VertGoblientFan: jojo? Why I am unsure if I know Jojo or not.
youoddchild: do you know of jojo?
youoddchild: *having mild a sesiure*
VertGoblientFan: yes i know of gragon
VertGoblientFan: are you tidey widey boy?
youoddchild: no?
youoddchild: who is that?
youoddchild: why do you have rebeccies profile?
VertGoblientFan: Yes. William wears tidey wideys, Aya-Chan calls William Tidey Widey Boy.
youoddchild: oooh
youoddchild: that was like 2 years ago
VertGoblientFan: "It's Vomit Man to you, and don't you forget it." Quote Peter Parker.
youoddchild: your font is too small
youoddchild: i can't read it very well
VertGoblientFan: I am sorry.
VertGoblientFan: "It's Vomit Man to you, and don't you forget it." Quote Peter Prker
VertGoblientFan: **Parker
youoddchild: thank you
youoddchild: Vomit Man?
VertGoblientFan: your welcome Tidey Widey Boy.
youoddchild: grr
youoddchild: i resent being called that
VertGoblientFan: It is a quote from the novel Mary Jane.
youoddchild: ohh
youoddchild: okay then
youoddchild: no sarcasm intended
VertGoblientFan: Do you understand now, Tidey Widey Boy?
youoddchild: yes
youoddchild: now stop calling me that
youoddchild: PLEASE
VertGoblientFan: But it is your Aya-Chan given nickname!
youoddchild: in case you didn't notice
youoddchild: Rebecca doesn't rule everything
VertGoblientFan: Yes But she does give out wonderful nicknames
youoddchild: and I would apreciate it if you would stop please
VertGoblientFan: I am sorry.
youoddchild: Rebecca has a wonderful talent for screwing up friendships
VertGoblientFan: Oh, she does?
youoddchild: correction
youoddchild: not wonderfu;
VertGoblientFan: How so may I ask?
youoddchild: remarkable
youoddchild: anyway
youoddchild: everytime she makes up with someone and becomes friends agian she pisses 1-2 more people off
youoddchild: this time being me and Tildy
VertGoblientFan: Tildy?
VertGoblientFan: Oh yes!
VertGoblientFan: The one who suddenly became unfriends with Aya and called her a bad friend and said that it was Ayas fault Matilda worried about her.
youoddchild: yes
youoddchild: brb
VertGoblientFan: alright
youoddchild: anyway
VertGoblientFan: wb!
youoddchild: what were we talking about?
VertGoblientFan: VertGoblientFan: The one who suddenly became unfriends with Aya and called her a bad friend and said that it was Ayas fault Matilda worried about her.
youoddchild: ahh
youoddchild: yes
youoddchild: the reason tildy and rebecca don't see eye to eye anymore is because tildy claims that rebecca has been harrassing her
VertGoblientFan: oh? How may I ask? If it's not too nosey...
youoddchild: i don't know
youoddchild: she wouldn't tell me
VertGoblientFan: aah.
youoddchild: brb
VertGoblientFan: kk
youoddchild: do you know who cHiLLiNwItCheEz is?
VertGoblientFan: no i do not
youoddchild: okay nm
VertGoblientFan: alright
youoddchild: brb
VertGoblientFan: kk
youoddchild: finding out who this is
VertGoblientFan: I am sorry I cannot help you
youoddchild: god
VertGoblientFan: hmm?
youoddchild: do you have to tell rebecca everything?
VertGoblientFan: oh I am sorry.. I merely wished to know more about the Matilda/Rebecca incident..
youoddchild: well now rebecca is annoying me and i have to blocke ALL of her screennames again
youoddchild: and that is a lot
VertGoblientFan: I am sorry
youoddchild: now multiply that by 4 for all of my screennames
VertGoblientFan: I am truly truly sorry
youoddchild: is okay
youoddchild: i just had to remind you
VertGoblientFan: *nod nod* But would you midn filling me in on the story more if you can?
youoddchild: i can fill you in on my story but thats about it
VertGoblientFan: well alright then
youoddchild: im going to start off with a question
youoddchild: what is rebeccas FAVORITE manga?
youoddchild: give me your guess and I will continue
VertGoblientFan: umm.. Fushigi Yugi or Ceres: Celestial Legend I think...
youoddchild: Ayashi no Ceres is correct*likes to use the japanese name*
VertGoblientFan: Alright. ^_^ I'm so glad I got it right! But what, may I ask, does this have to do with your story?
youoddchild: im getting to it
VertGoblientFan: alright^^
youoddchild: so
youoddchild: this one day I was at willas house and she had two Ceres mangas which she let me borrow
youoddchild: she just forgot one little detail
VertGoblientFan: yes?
youoddchild: she didn't tell me that they were rebeccas
VertGoblientFan: mmhm
youoddchild: so
youoddchild: one of them got lost
youoddchild: and I bought a new one
youoddchild: and gave it to willa
youoddchild: and i gave the other one back to rebecca
youoddchild: but when
youoddchild: brb
VertGoblientFan: kk
youoddchild: so
youoddchild: when i got back the other one
youoddchild: she wouldn't take it
youoddchild: because she had to have HER's
VertGoblientFan: why did she have to have hers?
youoddchild: i don't knoe
youoddchild: anyway
youoddchild: do you have any idea how much a ceres manga costed at that time?
youoddchild: a lot
VertGoblientFan: oh.. I am sorry.
youoddchild: and she told me that her one was a gift
youoddchild: it was free
youoddchild: for goddess sakw
youoddchild: **sake
youoddchild: so i wasted 20 buckcs because of her and im minus one social link
VertGoblientFan: one social link?
youoddchild: has rebecca told you of the circle?
VertGoblientFan: yes.
youoddchild: i have been excomunicated from the circle
youoddchild: but then again
youoddchild: so hastildy
VertGoblientFan: what about matilda though?
youoddchild: so im not alone
youoddchild: i still don't know
VertGoblientFan: ooh i see
youoddchild: so now do you understand my half anyway?
VertGoblientFan: of course
youoddchild: good
youoddchild: are we on good terms?
VertGoblientFan: yes of course.
youoddchild: and are you going to cease from calling me tidey witey boy from now on?
VertGoblientFan: of course William-San.
VertGoblientFan: but one thing..
VertGoblientFan: I'm Rebecca.
VertGoblientFan: And first of all, Ceres was paid by my own money and it was the very first manga i owned.
youoddchild: aaah
youoddchild: evil has taken over
youoddchild: byebye
VertGoblientFan: and i am sorry you had to loose money
VertGoblientFan: but truly I was the one who was cut off from "the circle"
VertGoblientFan: you still had Tildy, but everyone in the circle hated me.
VertGoblientFan: and what do you mean i harrassed tildy?
youoddchild: thats what she says
VertGoblientFan: I don't understand..
youoddchild: just a sec
youoddchild: you still had Tildy, but everyone in the circle hated me
VertGoblientFan: yes.
youoddchild: gee i wonder why.......
youoddchild: no off
VertGoblientFan: Everyone hated me? Because I was a bitch to Sarah and I was a fucking dip
youoddchild: and now you hate yourself for it correct?
VertGoblientFan: fucking yes. But I still don't understand Mathilde
VertGoblientFan: I'm on talking terms with her and all, but i just dont understnd
VertGoblientFan: **understand
youoddchild: i might be able to get you on better terms with a few people
VertGoblientFan: im on good terms with sarah, klee, meg, nena, tildy, and aidan. but not you. you just hate me because you lost my manga.
youoddchild: let me guess
youoddchild: this is going to go on forever isn't it
VertGoblientFan: William, I am touched you bought a Ceres Volume One for me, but that particular volume one has sentimental value that has no price
youoddchild: yes but
youoddchild: you can't hold on to something forever
VertGoblientFan: but Wiliam, I was not the one who lied about loosing it
youoddchild: this is an extreme comparison but
youoddchild: how do you think i felt when I lost "her"
VertGoblientFan: who?
youoddchild: think about the quotes
VertGoblientFan: I don't get it
youoddchild: "her"
youoddchild: it was a she
VertGoblientFan: yes?
youoddchild: i lost her
youoddchild: she never came back
VertGoblientFan: who?
youoddchild: her ashes are in the ocean
VertGoblientFan: oh..
youoddchild: if I can live with that
youoddchild: you have to be able to live with this
VertGoblientFan: yes, but william. Someone did not loose "here" and you lost my manga, dude.
VertGoblientFan: **her
youoddchild: you are seriously getting on my nerves now
VertGoblientFan: well then good bye
VertGoblientFan signed off at 10:03:45 PM.

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 3:59 PM
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