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Candie Coated Dragons
Saturday, 25 December 2004
Meri Kurisumasu
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Black Christmas. I LOVE THIS SONG!
Topic: Kurisumasu

Meri Kurisumasu to all you that just happen to read this crazy blog of mine! Wether it's because I told you to or if you just randomly found this site while searching the web because you were bored, or if you clicked the wrong link and got frustrated and found yourself here but just couldn't stop reading my conversations with imaginary friends, I thank you.

Maybe now I will finally be able to rule the WORLD!

If you haven't taken over the world yet then there is a strong likelyhood that it will never happen.


Don't you just Love these guys?

William-chan! It's time for your Christmas present!

Ooooooh... Coming Yamato-san!

*grabs sanzo*Je n'ai rien a vous dire aujourd'hui.*runs away*

She has nothing to say to us? huh?

WOW! Ken is back from Africa? Cool!

Dude. He just had the flu.

Then why did Takeru tell me that he was in africa? I mean its beleivable seeing how famous he is. I'm gonna kill Takeru when he gets back from the store

-As if on cue-

I'm back!

-Daisuike chaises Takeru around the room

*sigh* Another chaotic Christmas with my Imaginary friends.

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 1:20 PM CST
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Saturday, 4 December 2004
Personalty Disorderr test
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Random Stuffs

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 1:56 PM CST
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Warning Labels
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Random Stuffs

Hi everybody! Tabi's B-day Party is Today and I just got a warning Label! Here it is:
William-san is a radioactive squirrel!!



Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 1:17 PM CST
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Friday, 3 December 2004
Happy Belated Birthday Tabi!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Peopople

Hi everybody! I just wanna give a shou-otu to one of my best friends saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABI!!!!!
-Everybody cheers rather loudly-

*faints[In French!]*

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 5:30 PM CST
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Tuesday, 30 November 2004
Miss Biatch
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Horrible People

Haha! She deserved that!

Ooooooh. You mean the evil within the pastel pink sweater?

Yup! Thats the one!

Way to go! I've been telling you that you should get back at her for months now!

Je ne pense pas que cela ait ete le meilleur cours d'action. Bien que je fais beleive que Niambi est une personne horrible. Pour que fait l'approuver.

Aren't you sick?


Aggh! Run away!
-everyone runs away-

*cries silently*

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 8:37 AM CST
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Thursday, 25 November 2004
Its today! *dying slowly*
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: I got the bluuuuuuues
Topic: The Holidays *ugh*

This is gonna suck...

Don't worry about it. It'l be okay.

Matt. This my family we're talking about

Good point.

We're all here for you.

Don't worry. Just look inside your head and your multitudes of imaginary friends will be there for you

Oh my Godess! Takeru and his Punk counter-part aren't at each-other's throats!

Hou la. Nous sommes un groupe vraiment etrange. et cela est venir de quelque chose de moi.

Hey, where'd Ken go?

He's sick today.*sigh* I really wish I knew what you were saying.

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 12:40 PM CST
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Wednesday, 24 November 2004
Dreaded family interaction *scowls*
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: sad, sad music
Topic: The Holidays *ugh*

Why don't you just hide from them the whole time?

Because they're my family. My family that I dread interaction with.

You dread your family?

No i don't dread my family! I just dread interacting with them. Thats all. There is no escape when the relatives come over. All you can do is fall asleep and be woken up by your father for not being polite while your relatives from another state talk about their boring life!*screams* I'm sorry...

Don't worry about it! You know you can talk to us about anything! well maybe not anything, but you know what I mean.


Vous etes si heureux pour avoir tels bons amis.

Beleive me. We aren't that lucky.

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 9:00 PM CST
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Tuesday, 23 November 2004
Interesting logic. Daisuke shares his thoughts with us.
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Mad world
Topic: Internet safety...*scowl*

That was weird! He was like 'WHOA!" and then she was like 'whoa!" and then you were like "whooooa."

Shut up daisuke. *glares*

Its okay. I mean. he is a dumbass after all. isn't he?

Thanks. i love you Yama-san.

Awww. Comment mignon. Vous les gars font un tel mignon coupler.

Hey. Where'd Ken go? He's the only one who can speak french.

I have absolutely no idea.*sighs*

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 12:08 PM CST
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Monday, 22 November 2004
New addition to the chibi conversationalist team
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: all that is so kawaii

Hi everybody! This is my friend Tabi that speaks nothing but french.

Salut! Je m'applle Tabitha. J'aime les penis ! Vous fait ?

That means... er. My name is Tabitha. I like penises! do you?

I do!!!*stares obsessively at man porn!*

You guys are pathetic!

Screw you!

You people are all so verry nice to each other*sighs*

Hey look! It's Punk Takeru!

You never told me about this.

Hehe*runs away while dodging flying pots and pans*

Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 8:40 PM CST
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In zee unintelligable spanish class
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Just Like you
Topic: all that is so kawaii

Hi all! I'm just updating again during this boring spanish class with the speech impedemented professor.

Why do you even take this class?

Because I don't have a choice. At my school spanish isn't an elective class, so you can't choose wether or not you want to do it.

Your classes must SUCK!

How nice of you to show concern*voice drips with sarcasm*

Don't list en to him he's dumb!

Why thank you Takeru*hugs*


Posted by dragon2/creative_wonders at 12:00 PM CST
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